Mites are external parasites that cause scabies. In the specific case of dogs, the most common mite parasites are sarcopic mange, otodectic mange and cheyletiellosis. All of them are characterized by producing intense itching in the animals and require the establishment of a specific antiparasitic treatment to eliminate the mites. However, there are a number of home remedies that, although they are not curative, can relieve the clinical signs and act as adjuvants to the main antiparasitic treatment. So, if you are wondering how to eliminate mites in dogs with home remedies, you should know that this is practically impossible, since you need to apply the specific antiparasitic.
If you are interested in knowing what these home remedies for mites in dogs are, don't miss the following article on our site.
Weekly baths
To combat mites in dogs, the ideal is to use soaps that contain antiseptics such as benzoyl peroxide, since in this way we will maintain the skin free of pathogenic microorganisms and we will prevent the appearance of bacterial skin infections (pyodermas) that complicate the primary process. However, if you cannot get hold of any of these veterinary-specific soaps, you can opt for use a neutral soap Although it will not provide such an effective antiseptic effect, yes, it will help keep the skin clean and free of flakes and dandruff.
The recommendations you should take into account at bath time are the following:
- It is important that you protect your hands with gloves, since some mites such as Sarcoptes scabiei can be transmitted to people.
- Once the shampoo is applied, Leave it on for as long as the manufacturer recommends on the packaging.
- After that time, rinse off the soap with lukewarm water and dry the hair using a towel in light touches (never rubbing).
- It is recommended to perform these baths weekly.
Ear cleaning with apple cider vinegar
Dogs with otocariasis (otitis caused by the mite Otodectes cynotis) usually have abundant dark, blackish earwax in the ear canal, which is important to remove for the acaricide drops to take effect. Apple cider vinegar can be used to clean ears, which acts as an antiseptic as it is bactericidal and fungicidal By using it as a complement to antiparasitic treatment we will be able to disinfect the ear external, keep it clean of wax and cellular debris generated by the infection, and thereby increase the effectiveness of the antiparasitic drug.
You just have to make a solution of water and apple cider vinegar in equal parts, impregnate a cotton ball with the mixture and carefully clean the ear external. In this video we show how to clean the ear, you just have to follow the instructions but with the home remedy for mites in dogs that we have just described:
Phytotherapy (medicinal plants)
Treatment with medicinal plants (phytotherapy) can be used as part of the therapeutic management of mite parasites in dogs, since there are some medicinal herbs with acaricidal effect, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory that can help the healing process.
Below, we collect some of the medicinal plants that can be used as part of the home treatment for mites in dogs, specifically for mange products:
- Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia): Applied topically at a concentration of 1 %, tea tree oil has a good acaricidal effect. In this way, it must be diluted in water to be able to apply it with a clean gauze on the affected areas. It is important to point out that in no case should tea tree oil be administered orally because it is toxic by this route.
- Neem oil (Azadirachta indica): is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the neem tree (also known as neem tree). India) that has an acaricidal effect, as well as being anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. The best option is to apply it during bathsTo do this, you can get a specific shampoo that contains this oil or you can mix 200 ml of the dog shampoo that you usually use with 10 ml of neem oil.
- Lavender oil (Lavandula ssp.): its soothing properties help relieve itching caused by scabies mites. In addition, it has antiseptic properties. To use it, you can add a few drops to your regular dog shampoo or mix a drop in a tablespoon of coconut oil and apply to affected skin areas.
- Aloe vera gel or pulp (Aloe vera): its moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help soothe the skin and thus reduce the itching and irritation caused by mites. It can be extracted directly from the plant or purchased as a pure aloe vera gel. This natural remedy against mites in dogs can be applied on the affected skin 2 to 3 times a day
- Rosemary water (Rosmarinus officinalis): This aromatic herb contains camphor, a substance with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and astringent properties, which helps to treat mite parasites in dogs. To prepare the rosemary water, heat 1 liter of water and turn off the heat when it comes to a boil. After that, add a good bunch of rosemary branches and let it rest. When it is warm, you can put it in a spray bottle and apply it on the affected skin areas.
At this point, it is important to point out that “natural” is not necessarily synonymous with “safe” Medicinal plants contain substances active substances that are responsible for its therapeutic effect, but that can also cause unwanted effects when administered incorrectly. Therefore, before applying any of these natural remedies against mites to your dog, it is important that you consult your trusted veterinarian to avoid any negative effects on your dog's he alth.