Diarrhea in baby kittens - CAUSES and treatments (complete guide)

Diarrhea in baby kittens - CAUSES and treatments (complete guide)
Diarrhea in baby kittens - CAUSES and treatments (complete guide)
Diarrhea in Baby Kittens - Causes and Treatments
Diarrhea in Baby Kittens - Causes and Treatments

Diarrhea is one of the most common conditions in young kittens. It can be mild, but it is also advisable to remedy it as soon as possible, as it can cause dehydration or be due to serious pathologies.

In the following article on our site, in collaboration with VETFORMACIÓN, we talk about the causes of diarrhea in baby kittens, both in newborn kittens and cats 2 months or older, and their treatment.

Causes of Diarrhea in Nursing Kittens

Before mentioning the causes that are most commonly responsible for diarrhea in newborn kittens, we must know what we mean by diarrhea. Thus, diarrhea is the elimination of liquid feces more times a day than would be usual for that animal. A single soft or liquid stool without further symptoms does not have to worry us. It should also be borne in mind, in the case of kittens that are days or weeks old that still feed exclusively on breast milk, thatNormal feces are usually quite liquid and grainy, without this indicating any pathology.

The diarrhea picture in these very small kittens goes through more frequent stools, anorexia, weak suction, hypothermia and dehydration, which we can verify if we carefully lift the skin of the area with two fingers By the neck. If it takes time to return to its position, there is dehydration. If you want to know more about this and other conditions in kittens, you can do so by taking a Veterinary Assistant course as complete as the one in VETFORMACIÓN Taught by veterinarians, it offers internships, training adapted to the BOE and, if you are interested in becoming a professional, a job bank. In addition, you have two modalities: face-to-face or semi-face-to-face. Do not hesitate and make your passion your profession to be able to help not only your little feline, but many other animals.

But Why does your newborn kitten have diarrhea? Basically:

  • Overfeeding: If we bottle-feed kittens, one of the common problems is giving them more food than they need, which can trigger diarrhea. The same can happen if we opt for a milk not suitable for felines.
  • Internal parasites: the cat can transmit different parasites to her kittens. We usually think of worms, but there are also other very common pathogens at this age. A very common example is coccidia.
  • Deworming: the little ones can begin to be dewormed around two weeks of age and this internal deworming must be repeated, approximately every 15 days, until vaccination is complete. Sometimes, it is this treatment that alters digestive function, causing diarrhea. Other drugs also have diarrhea among their adverse effects.
  • Changes in feeding: It is recommended that kittens be fed exclusively on their mother's milk until they are two months old. But, around a month, many begin to try solid foods, which can trigger diarrhea, if their introduction is not done little by little.
  • Diseases: Any circumstance that alters the digestive balance can cause diarrhoea. Viruses, bacteria, but also changes in temperature, routine, diet, etc., that cause stress, can be behind diarrhea in these kittens.

Causes of diarrhea in kittens 2 months and older

In general, the causes of diarrhea in kittens that are already over two months old and, therefore, already ingest something other than breast milk, are quite similar to those that we have already mentioned as triggers of diarrhea in children. Worms, coccidia, giardia and diseases are factors to consider, but we must also take into account the following:

  • Weaning: if the smallest kittens could have diarrhea due to the consumption of food other than milk, from two months it is common for a much more radical change in diet to occur. The kitten arrives at its new home and leaves the milk to feed exclusively on solids. A sudden change or an inappropriate menu can trigger diarrhea.
  • Stress: Cats are creatures of routine that often find it difficult to adapt to change. If the little ones can already have diarrhea for this reason, around two or three months, with the separation of the family and the arrival in a new home where everything will be new, this stress can translate into diarrhea.
  • Poisoning: in his eagerness to explore, the kitten could ingest some substance that is dangerous to his he alth. Normally we would see vomiting and diarrhea in kittens, hypersalivation, seizures, etc.
  • Diseases: Diarrhea can be due to minor causes, such as mild digestive inflammation, but it can also be caused by serious pathogens, such as viruses, responsible for a disease with high mortality, such as the dreaded panleucopenia, more frequent at these ages. In older kittens, diarrhea can be a symptom of different pathologies that, in general, produce other symptoms and will have to be diagnosed by the veterinarian.

Treatment for diarrhea in kittens

As we have seen, there is more than one possible cause behind diarrhea in kittens. Therefore, the treatment is to identify it, since it will not be the same if the diarrhea is due to parasites or an infectious disease. Thus, if you are wondering how to cure diarrhea in kittens, the recommendation is go to the vet so that he can proceed to the differential diagnosis and find the cause.

The treatment, in any case, will involve controlling the diarrhea and treating the trigger, for example, administering aantiparasitic, antibiotic , etc. On the other hand, it is essential to ensure that the kitten is kept hydrated at all times, which may require admission to receive fluid therapy in the most serious cases. A kitten with diarrhea can die for this reason. A specific diet for this digestive disorder will complete the treatment.

How to stop diarrhea in baby kittens?

It is possible that when faced with a kitten with diarrhea our first intention is to want to cut it, but, in reality, where we must focus is on the causethat triggered it. Diarrhea is a symptom. There are some products on the market to stop diarrhea, but we should never give them to a kitten if they have not been prescribed by the veterinarian. On the other hand, there is a tendency to fast the animal that has diarrhea, with the intention that its digestive system rests. It is not a measure that we can take in small kittens, who still need to eat every few hours. In conclusion, you have to contact the vet.

What can you give a kitten with diarrhea?

Once the vet has diagnosed and treated our kitten, we will have to follow his instructions at home, including those related to feeding. The nursing kittens are going to have to continue to consume their mother's milk, but, if have already weaned, it is likely that the professional will recommend, at least for a few days, a food specifically designed for animals with digestive problemsThis can be wet, normally better accepted, or dry. The ration should be given in small amounts throughout the day.

Home remedies for diarrhea in kittens

There are no home remedies to cure diarrhea in kittens. Especially if they are still lactating, they must be attended to by the veterinarian immediately and, even if they are older, it is still this professional who must determine the cause of the diarrhea and prescribe the treatment. At home we will be able to offer the kitten the care and handling that guarantees its peace of mind and minimal stress and, with the consent of the veterinarian, we could prepare a homemade soft diet, for example, based on cooked chicken.

If your kitten has diarrhoea, it is very important to go to the veterinary center, since, as we have seen, many of the causes that cause it require medical treatment and even hospital admission.
