In these weeks of quarantine, due to the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, in which millions of people are confined inside their homes, there are many doubts about clinical care that the animals with which they live may or may not receive.
It is not always clear if you can call the vet, if it is feasible to go to the clinic, in what cases, who can go to the consultation, etc. In this article on our site, we are going to answer all these questions about the veterinarian and state of alarm
The state of alarm and pets
First of all, it must be made clear that there is no scientific evidence to date that the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 affects any animal other than humans. The pets that we live with in our homes are not going to get sick with COVID-19 nor, therefore, are they capable of transmitting the disease to us. But, of course, the rest of the pathologies that do affect them are not going to stop in the face of the pandemic.
And it is at this point that doubts about the vet and the state of alarm arise. Veterinarians are sanitary. Therefore, their services have been deemed essential, so they can continue to work, although many of them have closed their clinics as an act of responsibility to limit the maximum risk of contagion. But they continue to answer the phone and take care of cases that they think can't wait.
In this other article we explain everything that is known so far about The coronavirus and cats. Where we also clarify that cats have no relevance in COVID-19.
Can I go to the vet during the state of alarm?
No and yes In other words, during the state of alarm we cannot appear directly at the veterinary clinic with our pet as we could do before confinement. Not only because it is likely that we will find it closed, but because, even if the staff is inside, they will not assist us without an appointment It is one of the measures that have adopted to limit the risk of SARS-CoV-2 contagion and to be able to combine veterinary work and a state of alarm. This reduces the number of people in the consultation and, also, the staff.
But on the other hand, of course we can go to the vet in certain circumstances. When the ailment of our animal is an emergency or, at least, cannot wait for the lack of confidence, of course we can resort to professional assistance. Of course, we will always have to call by phone first Under no circumstances should you come to the clinic without prior notice.
If you just need to clarify doubts or you think that your pet is not going through an emergency situation, you may also be interested in this other article on Online Veterinarians - Services for pets.

When should I go to the veterinary clinic during quarantine?
The veterinary relationship and state of alarm have been resolved mostly based on the urgency or not of the consultationThus, a good part of the professionals in the sector have postponed non-urgent surgeries, such as, in some cases, sterilization, revaccination or, in general, treatments or revisions that can wait a couple of months. Of course, the goal is to minimize the number of interactions between people to stop, or at least slow down, the transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
But there are warning signs that can't wait for the end of the lockdown. In these cases, we must phone the vet immediately and he will give us all the precise instructions to assist uswith all security guarantees. They are situations like the following:
- Open and deep wounds that foreseeably need stitches.
- Vomiting that does not go away in a few hours, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms or it is a puppy or an animal with a previous illness.
- Diarrhea.
- Dehydration.
- Bleeding, including bleeding that can be detected in urine or stool.
- Loss of consciousness or fainting.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Cough that won't stop.
- Loss of appetite lasting two days or less in younger or already debilitated animals.
- Changes in the color of mucous membranes or skin.
- Worseness in animals that already had a pathology diagnosed.
- Itching so intense that skin lesions occur.
- Apathy or depression, that is, the animal barely moves and does not perform any of its usual activities.
- Fever.
- Fractures.
- Any eye disorder.
Even if your pet's symptoms do not coincide with those mentioned, call the veterinarian, as they can also advise you on what to do in case of milder conditionswho do not need a ride to the clinic. Under no circumstances leave your animal without veterinary care during the pandemic.

How to go to the vet during the state of alarm?
If you have called the clinic and the vet has given you an appointment to attend, he will also explain the measures you must observe so that the attention is safe to combine without veterinary risk and state of alarm. In general, it is recommended that, if it is a dog, the same person who takes it for a walk comes. It is advisable to go with a mask on and not take it off at any time. Uses the type I surgical mask or the FFP2
You can also wear latex or, even better, nitrile gloves. Of course, we must remember that hand hygiene, social distance and the prohibition of touching eyes, nose, mouth or, in this case, a mask, continue to apply.
It is important that we go to the clinic exactly at the scheduled time to avoid meeting other clients. If this is the case, we will wait where the veterinarian tells us and, of course, we will not interact with people or their animals. Nor can we touch any object or magazine that may be in the clinic. Already in the consultation we will keep the distances to the fullest. We will leave between 1-2 meters of separation with any other person. If we must approach the professional to hold our animal, we will follow his instructions to the letter. Pay the consultation with a card or any other method that the veterinarian has enabled to replace the exchange of money.
Can I take my pet to the vet if I have coronavirus?
In principle, a person sick with COVID-19 should leave their pets in the care of a he althy person, even within the same household, limit interactions with them and follow general safety measures. The assigned person would be the one to take the animal to the vet once the appointment is made.
But, if there is absolutely no one to take care of the animal, the sick person has to phone the veterinarian and inform him of his clinical situationIn this way, the professional will be able to evaluate the alternatives and decide the best way to treat you.
Bearing in mind all these recommendations, it is possible to maintain both veterinary work and a state of alarm so that no sick animal is left without receiving the assistance it needs, but with maximum safety for all.
On the other hand, if you have dogs at home, you may also be interested in this other article on How to clean my dog's paws when I get home during confinement?