10 curiosities of the border collie that will surprise you

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10 curiosities of the border collie that will surprise you
10 curiosities of the border collie that will surprise you
10 curiosities of the border collie
10 curiosities of the border collie

The border collie is probably one of the most popular dogs today. Their multiple qualities make them extremely versatile dogs, which stand out for their character, intelligence, loy alty and willingness to train, among others. They are also considered excellent herding dogs. In fact, the popularity of border collie dogs began when the Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom adopted several border collie dogs, thus associating this breed with roy alty.

In this article on our site we will show you 10 curious facts about the border collie that will surely surprise you. Whether you are an experienced owner, a lover of the breed or simply curious, in this article you will find 10 curious facts about border collie dogs that you will love to discover.

1. The border collie is the smartest dog in the world

Surely you have heard this statement before, however, why do they say that the border collie is the most intelligent dog? It's all thanks to the famous psychologist Stanley Coren, author of The intelligence of Dogs from 1994, which lists the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. This book is a worldwide reference for millions of people who want to adopt a dog.

The world ranking of canine intelligence is based on three points:

  • Instinctive Intelligence
  • Adaptive Intelligence
  • Working intelligence and obedience

The most intelligent races can associate and develop a command with less than 5 repetitions and, generally, always obey the first request, something simply amazing. After various studies, Stanley Coren found that the border collie was the most intelligent dog in the world. If you want to know more about the ranking, do not hesitate to consult our list of the most intelligent dogs according to Stanley Coren.

Chaser is probably the most amazing case, this border collie is able to identify and interact with 1,022 different toys. Here's a video about it:

two. Border Collies need a lot of exercise

The border collie is a particularly active dog. Not providing him with enough walks and/or physical exercise can cause the appearance of various behavioral problems, such as destructiveness, hyperactivity, anxiety and even excessive vocalization.

The ideal is to offer him around four daily walks in which we will combine walk, exercise, socialization and encourage sniffing behavior. All this will directly influence the welfare of the animal. Likewise, we must not forget the mental stimulation through obedience, canine skills and games.

10 curiosities of the border collie - 2. Border collies need a lot of exercise
10 curiosities of the border collie - 2. Border collies need a lot of exercise

3. The history of the border collie is very old

Although we don't know the true origins of the Border Collie, we do know that it is a very old breed In fact, it was developed in the British Isles between the 5th and 1st centuries BC Thus, it gets its name from the native tribes of that time.

The word "collie" means "useful" in Gaelic, suggesting that the border collie was used to perform certain functions, most likely herding. On the other hand, the term "border" comes from "Borders", that is, "border", specifically from the border between England and Scotland dating from the 17th century.

However, the border collie breed was not internationally recognized by The Kennel Club and the Fédération Cynologique Internationale until 1976.

10 curiosities of the border collie - 3. The history of the border collie is very old
10 curiosities of the border collie - 3. The history of the border collie is very old

4. The border collie is an excellent herding dog

As we have already told you in the introduction, the border collie dog has many qualities, among them the herding ability, in the which stands out as the number 1 breed. Working as a sheepdog was one of the first functions that dogs received, thanks to which animal was no longer attacking the herd, but that guided him, watched him and controlled him as much as the human.

Although it has a natural instinct to guide, shepherding is a technique that must be worked through education and training, therefore You should never let a Border Collie graze if they are inexperienced, as they could inadvertently harm the animals in the herd.

10 curiosities of the border collie - 4. The border collie is an excellent herding dog
10 curiosities of the border collie - 4. The border collie is an excellent herding dog

5. The border collie as a guard dog

On our site we are not in favor of using animals as tools or objects, however, it was worth noting the active and alert natureof border collies, which makes them great watchdogs. But do not get confused, we are not talking about attack and defense, but about the will they have when it comes to patrolling and warning their guardians in the presence of strangers

10 curiosities of the border collie - 5. The border collie as a guard dog
10 curiosities of the border collie - 5. The border collie as a guard dog

6. The border collie is commonly confused with the Australian shepherd

Since the Border Collie and the Australian Shepherd are herding dogs with a strong physical resemblance, it is not surprising that a are often confused. We must know that the border collie is a direct ancestor of the Australian shepherd, however, we can differentiate them by their ears, which are usually erect or semi-erect in the case of the border collie. Likewise, the Australian Shepherd does not have as much variety of colors.

Discover more fully the differences between a Border Collie and an Australian Shepherd.

10 curiosities of the border collie - 6. The border collie is commonly confused with the Australian shepherd
10 curiosities of the border collie - 6. The border collie is commonly confused with the Australian shepherd

7. The border collie can have one eye of each color

The hetereochromia is a genetic difference that dogs, cats and even people can experience. This causes the color of the eyes to be different and it is a hereditary phenomenon. The border collie dog can show complete heterochromia, that is, one blue eye and one brown eye, although they can also experience albinism, in the form of white spots around the eyes.

10 curiosities of the border collie - 7. The border collie can have an eye of each color
10 curiosities of the border collie - 7. The border collie can have an eye of each color

8. Border collie coat colors are unique

The border collie can have bicolor, tricolor, merle, white, black, gray… But not only that, this breed can develop short hair or long hair. long, plus multiple colors. Likewise, it shows a very dense inner fleece layer that allows it to maintain its temperature in the coldest climates. But for both types of border collie the variety of colors is immense. Although the most desired are the blue merle and the tricolor border collie, all of them stand out for their great beauty.

10 curiosities of the border collie - 8. The colors of the coat of the border collie are unique
10 curiosities of the border collie - 8. The colors of the coat of the border collie are unique

9. The border collie is a very faithful dog

This may seem obvious as all dogs are loyal, however, the Border Collie breed of dog has the distinction of being Extremely loyal to their handlersIt is faithful to its guardians because it empathetically understands what they may feel, so it will quickly return the love that its owners can give it. However, can be reserved and shy around strangers.

10 curiosities of the border collie - 9. The border collie is a very faithful dog
10 curiosities of the border collie - 9. The border collie is a very faithful dog

10. The border collie is the perfect dog for children

This characteristic is derived from the previous one: the border collie is very faithful and very intelligent, so it is ideal for children. In addition, he is an obedient, organized and tireless dog. Attention, it is perfect for energetic and non-sedentary children who do not move much. The border collie is ideal for children who have time.

Next we leave you with the video of the race, published on our YouTube channel:
