25 Curiosities of the snow leopard that will surprise you

25 Curiosities of the snow leopard that will surprise you
25 Curiosities of the snow leopard that will surprise you
Snow Leopard Trivia
Snow Leopard Trivia

The Panthera genus groups together the most powerful and impressive felines that exist, such as lions and tigers. However, they are not the only ones in the group, since others such as the leopard, the jaguar and the snow leopard are also included here. These are predatory animals that generally occupy the apex of the food webs of the ecosystems they inhabit, since they are not only fierce and very strong, but also extremely agile and have very well-developed senses.

Focusing on the snow leopard, what do you know about it? In this article on our site we will tell you snow leopard curiosities that you probably didn't know about. To begin with, the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is also known as the snow panther and has several unique characteristics within the group. Read on for the rest!

Your taxonomy has changed

Initially, the snow leopard was placed in the genus called Uncia, so the species was Uncia uncia. However, with the advance of genetic studies, very useful for knowing the relationships between species, it was determined that it had close links with the genus Panthera, therefore which was transferred to it and identified as Panthera uncia.

It is closely related to the tiger

Another aspect revealed by genetic studies is that the snow leopard is a sister taxon, that is, it is closely related to the tiger (Panthera tigris), from which it must have diverged not long ago. more than 4 million years.

On the other hand, their mitochondrial genes are similar to those of the lion (Panthera leo) and leopard (Panthera pardus), suggesting hybridization in their ancestors.

It has an extremely long tail

One of the most obvious curiosities of the snow leopard is, without a doubt, its long tail, which can reach a 75-90% of the size total body, so that it can reach a meter in length. This limb is used to help balance on the complicated and rocky terrain where it usually lives, but also to regulate itself when temperatures are very cold.

Snow leopard facts - It has an extremely long tail
Snow leopard facts - It has an extremely long tail

His head is distinctive

It has unique head features that set it apart from other felines. Among them we can mention that its skull is generally shorter, it has a higher frontal area, the orbits are more rounded and the bones known as zygomatics are longer.

Snow Leopard Facts - Its Head is Distinctive
Snow Leopard Facts - Its Head is Distinctive

Can't roar

One of the characteristic features of the species of the genus Panthera is the ability to roar, however, although the snow leopard has, like the rest, a partially ossified hyoid bone and has vocal cords, these The last ones aren't long enough, so it can't make this sound, instead makes a kind of high-pitched howl and snorts. Therefore, another of the curious facts about the snow leopard is that it is the only member of the Panthera genus that cannot roar.

His legs are well developed

The front legs are quite developed, in fact, a little more than the hind legs, with lower pads measuring about 10 cm long and 80 wide. The hind legs are long in relation to the body and all these characteristics allow it to move with agility over cliffs and rocky terrain and inaccessible to other animals and even humans, but also by snowy areas

Avoid habitats with dense vegetation

This species is native to Asia and thrives in steep, rocky and even arid ecosystems. Preferably, it chooses to be on the edge of areas with vegetation, but open ecosystems, such as coniferous forests, since it generally stays away from habitats with dense vegetation, unlike other feline species.

It can live at more than 5,000 meters high

Although in some areas the snow leopard lives at about 500 meters, in others it can reach 3,000 and 5,800 meters Such is the case of areas such as the Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau, these being, without a doubt, spaces with very particular conditions that not just any species can withstand.

Curiosities of the snow leopard - It can live at more than 5,000 meters high
Curiosities of the snow leopard - It can live at more than 5,000 meters high

Shedding its coat twice a year

This feline needs a good coat to be able to withstand the harsh winters in which it can be found. In this sense, its coat is denser and longer than other species of the group and in particular it sheds twice a year, which helps it to renew it and keep it he althy.

Females mate every two years

Females of the species spend at least a year rearing and caring for their cubs, since, in fact, these They need that time to fend for themselves. In this sense, the females only mate every two years to have enough time to recover and leave viable offspring.

Snow leopard curiosities - Females mate every two years
Snow leopard curiosities - Females mate every two years

Your population is declining

Sadly, the snow leopard is another species classified as "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Nature (IUCN). However, its status is likely to change to "endangered" very soon if its population fails to recover. Currently, it is estimated that there are less than 4,000 individuals in the wild

In addition to the reproductive conditions of the species, human activity, the destruction of its habitat and climate change are the main threats to the snow leopard. Therefore, different conservation plans are being developed. We talk more about it in this other article: "Why is the snow leopard in danger of extinction?".

Other curiosities of the snow leopard

The snow leopard is a truly amazing animal, so we cannot fail to mention other interesting facts. So, in addition to the above, we mention other curiosities of the snow leopard:

  • It's extremely lonely. In fact, it is one of the 10 loneliest animals in the world.
  • It is very hard to see in nature.
  • Its teeth are thinner than those of other felines.
  • It has an excellent camouflage ability by simulating rocks with its fur.
  • It is not known precisely how many years it can live in the wild, but it is estimated that between 8 and 20 years.
  • Weighs between 30 and 60 kg, although specimens have been found that have exceeded 70 kg.
  • It moves with agility through rocky areas, cliffs and snowy spaces, despite its large size.
  • He has well-developed chemical communication through feces and urine.
  • It can hunt prey up to three times its size, due to its strength and agility.
  • It has its own International Snow Leopard Day and it's October 23rd.
  • It is one of the animals that jumps the most thanks to its developed legs and long tail, since it can exceed 10 meters.
  • The gestation period of this feline lasts approximately 100 days.
  • The favorite prey of the snow leopard is the Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica) and the blue sheep (Pseudosis nayaur) due to their availability in the environment in which they live.
  • The largest population of snow leopards is found on the Tibetan Plateau.
