Adopting a mestizo or criollo dog is a unique experience, something that any animal lover should do, whenever possible. If you are considering adopting a shelter dog or a dog that lives on the street, be sure to read this post on our site, in which we will show you 10 reasons to adopt a mongrel dog
Yes, remember that many of these animals suffer from trauma or lack of education, which may suggest that they need time to adjust, a lot of affection and even the visit of a specialist. Keep that in mind!
1. You will have a unique dog
Mestizo dogs have not been selected to show specific physical characteristics, as occurs with the breeding of purebred dogs, which follow a rigorous standard. Therefore, if you adopt a mestizo dog, you will have a singular and unrepeatable dog

two. You can avoid a sacrifice
Although some kennels are starting to implement zero culling, the truth is that the overpopulation of dogs on the streets or in shelters causes those responsible to end up euthanizing elderly dogs, dogs that are not adopted or those that they are sick. Your adoption can save a life

3. You leave a place so another dog can be adopted
By adopting a dog in a shelter or kennel you allow the center to accept the entry of a new homeless animal, which could mean an extra adoption. When you adopt, instead of one life you save two!

4. You change the world of a living being
"Saving an animal will not change the world, but it will change the world for it. " This sentence could perfectly summarize this section, since By adopting a dog, you offer him the chance to live in a dignified way, to feel loved and to be able to enjoy life like never before.

5. You receive a grateful companion
Most homeless dogs previously belonged to a family, so they feel abandoned, both physically and mentally The emotional bond that we are going to create with him will become so strong that the dog will respond with the kindness of one who is eternally grateful.
Of course, remember that it is not an easy task to restore a sense of trust to a dog that has been abandoned. Always being with him, having patience or treating him with dignity will be essential to be worthy of his trust

6. Your dog will probably be he althier and live longer
The vast majority of purebred dogs are prone to various genetic diseasesThat is due to selective breeding or inbreeding between various factors. The life expectancy of a mongrel dog is, by far, superior to that of dogs of thebreed or possessors of pedigree. They also tend to enjoy better he alth.

7. You will not promote the sale of animals
Although it is true that there are legal breeders who work professionally and appropriately, the truth is that the market for living beings also includes people who do not feel any kind of affection for animals.
It is not uncommon to find people who work illegally, in poor hygienic-sanitary conditions or who sell puppies prematurely, causing future behavior problems in the little ones.
By adopting a dog we completely avoid promoting this market to support associations, shelters and entities that fight for animal welfare of all dogs, including those that are not breed.

8. You can choose according to the level of activity or character
In this case we are talking about adopting an adult dog, not a puppy. This profile of dogs for adoption allows us to select a companion with a similar rhythm of life or personality to the one we have. This is very important to keep in mind, since it is a way to ensure that the adoption will be a success.

9. He will never abandon you
A grateful dog, rescued from a lonely existence, will never leave your side. For that reason, if you take care of him as he deserves, your future dog will never leave you. There aren't many people or animals that act the same way, do you think?

10. You will be much happier
That the dog is man's best friend nobody can deny it. Therefore, by adopting a dog, you will discover a new world full of fidelity, love, companionship and affection What do you think of this list? Are you ready to adopt a mongrel dog? Tell us!