Although there is a popular saying of "getting along like a dog and a cat" to refer to a bad relationship, the truth is that these two animals can get along and live in harmony if they follow the proper guidelines. However, it is not unusual that in some homes the coexistence between these two species is rather unfriendly, with fights and even aggression.
Surely if you've noticed that your cat attacks your dog you are worried and don't know what you should do to avoid this situation. For this reason, on our site we want to help you understand why this feud exists and how you can end it.
Why is my cat aggressive towards my dog?
The presence of a dog in the home does not have to create discomfort or aggressive behavior in your cat. Now, it would not be strange for that to happen, since felines by nature are animals that can easily be altered if there is any change in their environment, and depending on their character, they may have more or less difficulties in adapting to said change. The main contexts in which this happens and, therefore, constitute the causes that explain why your cat attacks your dog are the following:
- Lack of socialization with dogs. If your feline as a puppy did not know any dog, it is totally normal for him to feel insecure in the presence of him because he is unknown to him, a fact that causes an aggressive response to danger.
- You have had a negative experience with dogs. This triggers a highly stressful situation for your cat to live with one and, therefore, adopts a defensive aggressiveness towards the newcomer.
- Your dog does not respect the limits of the cat, as it may be a very playful puppy or adult who does not understand the warnings of the feline and, consequently, does not stop bothering him. In this situation, it is normal that the cat has taken a dislike to him and makes it clear to the dog that he does not want to know anything about him through scratches or bites.
- Protect a valuable resource for him, which can be his territory, his food and even you. This situation is usual when the dog is the newcomer to the home and, before his arrival, the cat was the “king of the house”. Therefore, the cat does not have to agree to share his space, your attention, etc., with the new member of the family and shows this rejection by attacking the dog. This can also happen even if the newcomer is another cat, so it is common to see the cat attack the other cat that has just arrived. If you are the resource, do not miss this other article on Why your cat is very possessive of you.
- Finally, cats generally begin to show intolerance and aggression when they experience stressful situations, which can trigger aggressive behavior towards others, like in this case, your dog. In this case, it is common to notice that the cat has suddenly become aggressive or hisses at your dog when he had never done so before. This can also happen if the cat is sick or in pain, so it should be taken to the vet.

What can I do if my cat attacks my dog?
The fact that your cat attacks your dog can be quite alarming, since it could cause a conflict in which one of the two does not come out well. In very serious cases, it is best to go to a veterinarian specialized in ethology to solve the situation.
If you have not yet tried to solve this situation by yourself, we advise you to attend to the following points to know what to do if your cat attacks your dog:
Keep them apart and use pheromones
Initially, you will have to separate both animals, that is, you will have to provide them both with their own space with all their needs covered, but that, in turn, can maintain the eye contact For example, putting up separation rails or any obstacle that is stable and allows them to see each other. Now, depending on who the newcomer is, you will have to prepare this separation in one way or another:
- If your cat initially lived in the home and you just adopted a dog, it's not a good idea to suddenly limit his access to all zones. As far as possible, you will have to try to get him to follow his usual routines, since a very sudden change will only generate stress, which will not be beneficial for his well-being or for the adaptation process.
- Otherwise, that is, it is the cat that has just arrived at the home, it will not need to be able to access all the home, but having a known space where you feel comfortable and safe will suffice for now.
On the other hand, and in both situations, the use of scent and pheromones will be of great help, because cats They are animals with a highly developed sense of smell and they will help them to better adapt to the circumstances. For this reason, place a pheromone diffuser in your space or the place in the home where you spend more time to promote that tranquility and calm that you so much need. In turn, leave in his space objects that have the smell of the dog, such as his sleeping blanket or toys.
Finally, in this process it will be of vital importance that your dog obeys a basic education to facilitate the situation and that, in case that the problem is that the dog likes to annoy the feline, you teach him to ignore it. Therefore, reward him when, for example, he sees you through the railings but does not go to him or appear upset (wanting to play, barking…).
Bring them closer little by little
After having spent a season in which you see that, despite visual contact through the railing, your cat is calm in the presence of the dog (it may take days or weeks, depending on each feline), you can gradually approach them. This process will be delicate and will require a lot of patience, since forcing the situation will be counterproductive In this step, what you will do is make short sessions in which you will approach your dog (obviously, on a leash) at a reasonable distance and where you see that the cat remains calm. You will have to reward your cat at the moment so that through positive reinforcement I associate the dog with something good.
To facilitate the process, it is advisable to ask someone you trust for help, since it will require a person who is attentive to the dog, keeps it distracted, approaches it, moves it away and rewards it in the process. Another person, in turn, will have to reward the cat with food and games, so that you get it to ignore the dog.
In these sessions, the objective will be to desensitize the cat, that is, to make it appear indifferent to the dog's presence. To carry it out, you will progressively approach them during these daily sessions in different rooms, outside of them you will have to keep the railing or the obstacle that separates them, since it will still not be safe for them to approach.
If your cat is only aggressive when the dog approaches a particular item and therefore protects a valuable resource, you should do the same exercise in the presence of this item so that the cat sees that the dog does not want to take it off.
And if it is the case that your dog is a puppy or a very nervous dog that does not leave the feline alone, during these sessions you will also be teaching him to ignore you.
Coexist carefully
Finally, if you know for sure that your cat remains calm and indifferent and your dog obeys you and won't bother him, you can start removing the railings and let that they get together in the same area However, you should always be with them to make sure nothing happens. Therefore, you never leave them alone in the same room.
In turn, the feline must have access to places where he feels isolated and protected from all danger. For example, it is positive that he has a shelter in a high place where the dog cannot reach. This way he can leave if he's not comfortable and won't feel cornered. Finally, it also prevents the dog from having access to its food, water and litter box to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

My cat keeps attacking my dog
If after applying the above advice your cat continues to attack your dog and you have not observed any improvement, then we recommend you go to a veterinarian specialized in ethologyto personally evaluate the case, determine why your cat is attacking your dog and establish a plan of action. As we have already mentioned, the most serious cases must be treated personally by professionals in order to avoid further damage.