ALBENDAZOLE for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Contraindications

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ALBENDAZOLE for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Contraindications
ALBENDAZOLE for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Contraindications
Albendazole for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Contraindications
Albendazole for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Contraindications

Albendazole for cats is a well-known product recognized for its antiparasitic effect Specifically, it acts against various types of internal parasites. However, it is currently a dewormer used more commonly in cattle, so in cats it is more common for other active ingredients to be chosen for regular or occasional deworming.

In this article on our site we will explain how albendazole works in cats and how it is administered. In addition, although it is a drug with a high level of safety, we will see in which cases its use is contraindicated.

What is albendazole?

Albendazole for cats is a product with an antiparasitic effect. It belongs to the chemical class of benzimidazoles, like other better-known dewormers, such as febantel or fenbendazole, also used against internal parasites. These are products that have been used since the 1960s, although albendazole, specifically, began to be administered in the 70s.

The first benzimidazoles had an effect against adults and larvae of gastrointestinal worms. The second broadened the spectrum and some, like the albendazole that concerns us, manage to pass from the intestine to the blood, with which they can also eliminate worms outside the digestive system, such as those that lodge in the lungs.

Albendazole acts on nematodes, cestodes or tapeworms, trematodes and giardia, all of them internal parasites that lodge in the digestive system. Species such as Toxocara spp., Ancylostoma spp. or Trichuris spp. Specifically, what albendazole does is prevent the digestive enzymes of this type of parasite from working. With this they do not get the glucose necessary for their metabolism and this is what ends up killing them.

Albendazole for cats - Dosage, uses and contraindications - What is albendazole?
Albendazole for cats - Dosage, uses and contraindications - What is albendazole?

Use of albendazole to deworm cats

The use of albendazole is the internal deworming of cats Internal deworming should be routinely included in responsible ownership. Cats, even if they live in a home without access to the outside, must be dewormed from both internal and external parasites. Now, how often to deworm a cat? External deworming is recommended monthly, while internal deworming should be given at least once or twice a year, ideally every 3-4 months, starting as soon as the kittens are fifteen days old. In this sense, albendazole for kittens is one of the dewormers that can be chosen.

On the other hand, in addition to these regular deworming, if the cat shows symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting, it may be parasitized, especially if it is still a kitten. In these cases, the veterinarian, by taking a stool sample, can identify the parasite that is causing the infestation. If it's a nematode, tapeworm, or giardia, he may prescribe albendazole. That is why it is not good for us to give a cat a dewormer on our own, without knowing what parasites it has contracted.

It is also important that we are clear that albendazole has no residual effect. This means that is not a preventive product It kills the parasites that the cat has in its body at that moment. It does not protect you from getting more. Also, no product is 100% effective. In any case, if you need a preventive product, we recommend consulting the following article: "Pipettes for cats - Internal and external deworming".

Dosage of albendazole for cats

Albendazole can be found in liquid form, which in some cases makes it easier to administer, especially to kittens. It is also available in tablets In any case, it is administered orally and it is recommended that it be taken with food. This allows for better absorption and the product to be more effective. For more recommendations, don't miss this article: "How to give a cat a pill?"

The dose will depend on the format of the drug and the parasite to be eliminated. Some presentations come in a syringe predosed by weight Therefore, it is very important to weigh the cat so that the dose of albendazole is adequate and, consequently, effective. Others are dropper bottles, making it easy to dose and add to food or water.

Depending on each case, the dose can be single or repeated for several days in a row, approximately five. It may also be necessary to do more than one deworming. Our veterinarian will indicate the guideline to follow.

Albendazole for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Contraindications - Albendazole Dosage for Cats
Albendazole for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Contraindications - Albendazole Dosage for Cats

Albendazole contraindications for cats

If you are wondering about the side effects of albendazole in cats, we can say that it is a fairly safe drug, so there are few incidents that occur after its use. Yes, a loss of appetite and, less frequently, anemia may be noted. As contraindications, should not be administered to kittens before two weeks of life. It is also not recommended for pregnant cats because it could cause malformations in kittens and abortions. In addition, special care must be taken with cats suffering from liver problems.
