Can cats eat apples? - Benefits and contraindications

Can cats eat apples? - Benefits and contraindications
Can cats eat apples? - Benefits and contraindications
Can cats eat apple?
Can cats eat apple?

Apples are, of all fruits, perhaps the most recommended for cats, without ever being advisable in their food routine due to their high sugar content. Of course, we must have a clear consideration when offering apples to our little cats, and that is to remove all the seeds, since these could cause serious poisoning in cats related to cyanide.

Do you want to know if cats can eat apples and how? Continue reading this article on our site to find out if they can eat apples, the benefits it can have for these animals and if there are any contraindications to take into account.

Is apple good for cats?

Apples are very digestive and astringent fruits, which are grown all over the world. They originated in Central Asia and for thousands of years have been cultivated in Europe and Asia, being brought to the Americas by European settlers. Apples, in addition to being fruits that provide a lot of moisture and vitamins, have a mythological and religious significance in Greek, Nordic and Christian cultures.

However, despite having various benefits, it is not a completely suitable food for cats due to the large amount of sugar they contain. Despite this, we cannot say that it is a prohibited food in this species, since in small amounts from time to time it does not have to cause harmIn addition to the fact that an excess of sugar is bad for any organism, cats are strict carnivores, so they are designed to obtain their energy and the necessary glucose from fats and protein catabolization, so they need meat for their correct and complete nutrition. In this sense, they do not require sources of carbohydrates such as cereals, fruits or tubers.

Benefits of apples for cats

Apples can be very beneficial when given to cats with intestinal transit problems such as constipation or megacolon, because they contain large amounts of fiber soluble and insoluble in its composition, which facilitates intestinal peristalsis and, therefore, deposition. However, while they have this laxative effect, they are also an astringent fruit, helping in times of loose stools and diarrhea due to their ability to reduce intestinal inflammation and excess water, which facilitates the formation of stools with a good consistency..

In addition to these benefits, apples provide numerous nutrients for our cats, such as:

  • Vitamin C
  • B-group vitamins (B1, B2, B6)
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Match
  • Antioxidants
  • Flavonoids
  • Polyphenols

Similarly, the apple contains quercetin, a phytochemical that helps prevent cardiovascular disease, asthma, arthritis and muscle problems, as well as malic and tartaric acid, which facilitate the digestion of fats.

How to give an apple to a cat?

You should know that the introduction of a new food to cats should be done progressively, that is, very little by little, to prevent damage to your body. Therefore, if you want to give your cat an apple, it is best to offer a small piece and see if he wants it. Of course, you should always remove the skin, since it is more difficult for the cat to chew and may contain chemical residues used in apple tree agriculture that can be toxic to the cat. It is also essential to remove the stalk, the seeds and the core of the apple.

Especially if your cat is very gluttonous or tends to eat without chewing much food, it is advisable to cut the apple into small pieces before offering it to prevent choking or choking. Likewise, you can crush it to make it even easier to ingest.

On the other hand, you can mix apple pieces with other foods that are also suitable for cats, such as meat or fish, if you want to prepare a homemade diet. To do this, you can cook the food or follow the BARF diet, as we explain in this video:

Contraindications of apple in cats

Apples should not be offered to diabetic cats, since these cats have problems with glucose, and this fruit contains large amounts of this substance. For this reason, this or other fruits should never be offered to diabetic cats, even if they are safe for the feline species.

Another aspect to keep in mind when giving an apple to a cat is to completely remove the small seeds from inside, since which, as occurs with the pits or seeds of other fruits such as pears, peaches, nectarines or plums, can cause poisoning because they contain cyanide Cyanide binds to the ferric ion of an enzyme that is in the mitochondria of the cells, responsible for cellular respiration, so when it binds, the cellular respiration reaction (oxidative phosphorylation) is blocked, preventing the cells from using the oxygen, so that the tissues are left without oxygen and a process of tissue anoxia occurs that causes symptoms in cats such as:

  • Falls
  • Instability
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased salivation
  • Gums and mucous membranes red and shiny
  • Dyspnoea
  • Seizures
  • Sphincter relaxation
  • Muscle tremors
  • Shock and Death

Due to this potential danger, you must be very careful when giving an apple to a cat and prevent them from ingesting these seeds by accident, as they can be extremely fatal despite the fact that it is a nutritious and he althy food.

Don't hesitate to continue learning and discovering on our site the Fruits that cats can't eat, as well as the Vegetables that cats can eat if you want to offer your feline natural treats or a diet homemade.
