China has an important animal biodiversity, which gives it a privileged position in the world for this reason. There are several aspects related to this fact. On the one hand, there are various endemic animals. On the other, there are several sacred animals of China, according to their tradition.
In this article on our site, we present you with information about the animals of China, so we invite you to continue reading so that learn more about the fauna of this Asian country.
Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
Without a doubt, the giant panda is one of China's most emblematic endemic animals. It belongs to the ursid family and, although it is included among the carnivores, its diet is fundamentally based on bamboo, which it spends eating about 14 hours a day to meet your nutritional requirements.
The giant panda generally inhabits temperate montane forests at elevations between 1,300 and 3,000 meters. It is one of the typical animals of China that is classified as vulnerable due to the fragmentation and loss of its habitat, which generates important consequences for the species.

Chinese black bear (Ursus thibetanus)
Although it is also distributed in other Asian regions, China is where more than half of the distribution area of this species of bear is found considered vulnerable This classification is due to the population impact suffered by the species due to the loss of its habitat, but also due to hunting to market parts of its body, such as the skin, legs and gallbladder. The Chinese black bear inhabits various types of forests, from moist to coniferous, as well as at different altitude levels, ranging from sea level to 4,300 meters.

Yangtze crocodile (Alligator sinensis)
It is another of the endemic animals of China's fauna that is in critical danger of extinction due to its restricted distribution and the low number of existing adults, mainly affected by human actions.
The Chinese crocodile is not large compared to others. Measures at most about 2 metersIt lives in wetlands in valleys with the presence of rice crops, river courses and ponds located in crops, places where it spends long periods of aestivation.
If you like these animals, be sure to learn about them by consulting this other article where we talk about the Types of crocodiles.

Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer)
Also known as the Chinese river dolphin, it is a species of cetacean that inhabits freshwater aquatic ecosystems in China, being endemic to the Yangtze River, although there have been sightings in other rivers and even in lakes. The baiji was considered for a time as probably extinct, then its presence was confirmed, but with a population greatly decimated by human actions, which have affected it terribly. It is currently under the category critically endangered

Black Snub-nosed Langur (Rhinopithecus bieti)
This monkey is another of the typical animals of China, since it is native to this country. It is a species that inhabits evergreen forests, with rivers and altitudes of 3,000 to 4,700 meters, which are the highest ranges known for a primate.
Is considered endangered due primarily to hunting and the additional deaths that occur when caught in traps used for musk deer. Logging and drastic changes in habitat are also causes that put the black snub-nosed monkey at risk.

Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)
It is a bird from the gallinaceous group, which feeds on the ground. In this case, the Chinese pheasant, as it is also called, is native to this country. Inhabits forests and thickets with a wide distribution within China and has now been introduced to many other regions as well. There is sexual dimorphism. The male, which measures just over 100 cm, has a striking and beautiful coloration, while the female is smaller and less colorful.

Ili pika (Ochotona iliensis)
It is a mammal from the group of lagomorphs, a curious type of pika endemic to China. This herbivore lives in rocky areas, formed by cliffs, where it is mainly active during the day and, less frequently, at night.
This animal belonging to the Chinese fauna is EndangeredLow reproductive rates, low population levels and limitations to disperse make it very vulnerable to changes in habitat and the effects of climate change in the area where it lives.

Crown Crane (Grus japonensis)
Also called the red-crowned crane, it is a beautiful and graceful bird that belongs to the Gruidae family. Although it is native to China, it is also native to Japan and is distributed in other Asian regions. It is another species native to China considered in danger of extinction due to the loss of its habitat.
In the case of China, this crane is found in grasslands, reedy areas and also in marshes, so it is associated with water bodies. In addition, it is present in certain cultivation areas and has a migratory behavior.

Chinese cobra (Naja atra)
It is a snake that lives mainly in the southwest of China, but also in certain nearby regions. It is included in true cobras, so it is poisonous and has caused several fatal accidents due to its neuro and cardiotoxic effect.
It is considered vulnerable, due to the damage to its habitat and the agrochemical contamination to which it is susceptible. It develops mainly in plains, hills and also in lowlands. In addition, it is present in cultivated areas, near roads and ponds.
Discover in this other article the most poisonous snakes in the world.

Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus)
The giant salamander is one of the most unusual animals living in China, as it is considered one of the largest amphibians in the world On average, they can measure a little over a meter and weigh about 30 kg, but there are records of larger individuals.
This species endemic to China is suffering serious impacts, to the point that it has been considered critically endangered due to its overexploitation for human consumption and transformations in the habitat, which are streams present in hills of forested areas.

Other Animals of China
The above are the most representative typical animals of China, however, in this country we find a whole variety of endemic species. Here are a few more:
- Brown long-eared pheasantor hoki pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum).
- Red panda (Ailurus fulgens).
- Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla).
- Golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana).
- Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus).
- Chinese crocodile lizard (Shinisaurus crocodiluru s).
- Eastern Black-crested Gibbon (Nomascus nasutus).
- Padre David's deer or milú (Elaphurus davidianus).
- White-nosed deer or Thorold's deer (Przewalskium albirostris).
- Yellow-headed Box Turtle (Cuora aurocapitata).