10 tips to save with your pet

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10 tips to save with your pet
10 tips to save with your pet
10 tips to save with your pet
10 tips to save with your pet

The care and maintenance of our pet can sometimes be a true black hole in our economy. It is evident that before adopting an animal we must weigh this factor, however, if you follow our 10 tips to save with your pet you will discover some very simple options that will allow you save effectively.

If you are going through a difficult economic time, don't worry, our site helps you with some ideas and basic tips that will make your living with your best friend is much more bearable.

Keep reading and discover our proposals!

1. Vet visit

Ensuring the he alth of our pet is very important. You should know that detecting a disease as soon as possible helps to promote a better diagnosis and, therefore, a more effective and economical treatment.

The time of the veterinary visit will vary depending on the age and the species but we can place it in a general way (in a he althy and adult animal), every 6 monthsYounger and older pets are susceptible to disease. Do not forget.

10 tips to save with your pet - 1. Visit the vet
10 tips to save with your pet - 1. Visit the vet

two. Take advantage of sterilization campaigns

If you are thinking about the advantages offered by pet sterilization, do not hesitate to find out about the sterilization campaigns that are carried out in your country. You will discover associations, veterinary hospitals and various entities that offer you savings of more than 50% of the intervention.

3. Make the snacks yourself

Although it may not seem excessive at first glance, the truth is that the treats and snacks that we use to reward our pet can involve a considerable expense at the end of the month. Making your own snacks and even making homemade food for your pet can help you save some money. Any ideas:

  • Natural snacks for dogs
  • Dog Biscuits
  • Fish recipe for cats
  • Fruits and vegetables for hamsters
  • Make breeding paste for canaries
  • Feeding the rabbit
10 tips to save with your pet - 3. Prepare the snacks yourself
10 tips to save with your pet - 3. Prepare the snacks yourself

4. Find out how you should buy food

The feed or balanced food for pets usually brings real headaches to their owners. Knowing how to choose the product well, the trade and find an offer that suits what you are looking for seems complicated, but it is not. Discover some tips for choosing well:

  • Choosing a good food for your pet is very important, its he alth and daily energy depend on it. Research the network to find the most appropriate food and visit forums to compare opinions. Generally, local products tend to be cheaper, look at them and assess their quality.
  • Once you identify the ideal product, you should look for an appropriate store that does not go overboard with extras. Although this is not always the case, the Internet offers the prices that are closest to the factory price and you have the possibility to compare them in a few seconds.
  • Once you know the unit price of the product, start looking for offers. The Internet is full of very cheap packs. We recommend looking for offers in which the sacks or bags of food are as small as possible so that it does not harden over the days.

Buying prices and doing a good search online will help you identify the offers on the market. Take advantage of the discounts!

5. Make the toys for your pet yourself

Although we currently have a wide variety of prices for toys and accessories for our pets, the truth is that many of them we can manufacture ourselves Try to be creative or get inspired by a tutorial to make your best friend's toy. For example, making a cat scratcher is very simple. Of course, do not forget that even something as basic as a cord can be magical for your pet.

10 tips to save with your pet - 5. Make your pet's toys yourself
10 tips to save with your pet - 5. Make your pet's toys yourself

6. Choose durable products

If you have a cat, a bird or a rodent you will probably spend money monthly on their Cage Fund. Choosing ecological materials that do not produce a bad smell and mainly that are long-lasting will be very beneficial for saving.

7. Bathe your pet at home

If you have a small rodent or rabbit you probably won't spend much time bathing your pet. However, the dog or cat needs a much more regular bath to avoid bad smells. Discover on our site what the dog's bathroom (and the cat's bathroom) should be like and start saving on hairdressing

Remember that there are also foam-type dry cleaning products that can also save water consumption.

10 tips to save with your pet - 7. Bathe your pet at home
10 tips to save with your pet - 7. Bathe your pet at home

8. Take out insurance for your animals

Just like visiting the vet, sometimes prevention is better than cure If you have a potentially dangerous dog, PPP law, or a horse for example, taking out insurance may be the most appropriate option to avoid a possible unforeseen event

9. Provide excellent love and care

Your pet's longevity and quality of life depend largely on the care they receive. A lot of love and affection reduces stress while good care prevents the appearance of certain diseases. Do not underestimate this advice, it is more useful than you think!

10 tips to save with your pet - 9. Provide excellent love and care
10 tips to save with your pet - 9. Provide excellent love and care

10. Adopt, don't buy

Indeed, adopting not only costs very low compared to buying animals, but also offersa new opportunity to an abandoned or mistreated animal. Join the adoption of animals and do not encourage people to get rich from their breeding and sale.
