Neapolitan Mastiff or Neapolitan Mastiff Dog: characteristics, photos and videos

Neapolitan Mastiff or Neapolitan Mastiff Dog: characteristics, photos and videos
Neapolitan Mastiff or Neapolitan Mastiff Dog: characteristics, photos and videos
Neapolitan Mastiff or Neapolitan Mastiff
Neapolitan Mastiff or Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff or Neapolitan Mastiff is a large, robust and muscular dog, with many folds in the skin and longer than it is tall. Formerly, these dogs were used for wars and as guard dogs due to their great loy alty, their powerful temperament and their physical strength. But today they are great pets, especially for those people who have a lot of space in their homes and a lot of time to dedicate to these pets.

In addition, they also need to be socialized from when they are puppies and educate them with positive training, so it is recommended that they be the pets of people who are already experienced in caring for dogs. If you are thinking of adopting a pet and you are very interested in the Neapolitan Mastiff, take a look at this breed file of the Neapolitan Mastiff and make sure of its history, its characteristics and their care, among other things.

Origin of the Neapolitan Mastiff

When the Romans invaded the British Isles, they brought with them their enormous Molossians that were used as war dogs, mercilessly attacking the hosts enemies. However, they encountered even fiercer dogs defending the islands. The Romans were so impressed with these ancestors of the English Mastiff that they crossed them with their Molossians and thus the predecessors of the modern Neapolitan Mastiff appeared. Those dogs were fierce, bloodthirsty and ideal for war.

Over time, these mastiffs were relegated almost exclusively to the Naples region and were mainly used as guard dogs. In 1946 a dog show was held in Naples and a cynologist named Piere Scanziani recognized the Neapolitan mastiff in that city, which had been hidden from the world until then. He then devoted himself, along with other fans, to promoting the breed and increasing its population.

Today the Neapolitan Mastiff is a well-known dog throughout the world and has lost much of the aggressive and violent temperament of its ancestors.

Physical Characteristics of the Neapolitan Mastiff

This heavy, stocky, stocky dog has a curious appearance due to its abundant loose fur and jowls. His head is short and has many wrinkles and foldsThe skull is wide and flat, while the naso-frontal depression (stop) is well marked. The color of the nose corresponds to the coat, being black in black specimens, brown in brown dogs and dark brown in dogs of another color. The eyes are round, well separated from each other and slightly sunken. The ears are triangular, small and set high. In the past they were trimmed, but fortunately this practice has fallen into disuse and is even illegal in many countries.

The body of this mastiff is longer than it is tall, thus presenting a rectangular profile. It is very robust and strong. The chest is wide and open. The tail is very thick at the base and gradually tapers towards its end. The cruel custom of amputating it to about 2/3 of its natural length still persists, but that custom is also falling into disuse and is increasingly rejected.

The coat of the Neapolitan Mastiff is short, rough, hard and dense It can be gray, leaden gray, black, brown, reddish and raised reddish. Any of those colors can also appear brindle. In addition, they may have small white spots on the chest and the tips of the fingers.

Neapolitan Mastiff Character

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a very homely dog with a temperament steadfast, determined, independent, cautious and loyal It tends to be reserved and distrustful of strangers but can become a very sociable dog if we encourage him from puppyhood through good socialization. He is a calm dog, who enjoys a home life next to his family and who enjoys all kinds of outdoor activities as he needs a good dose of daily physical activity

The Neapolitan Mastiff does not usually bark for no reason and is not very active for its size, but it can be very destructive if it does not have the company and affection it requires. As with all breeds, this is a very sociable dog that needs to have a family nucleus to be a part of to be happy. He is loyal to the point of excess, a very faithful dog who cares for him and loves him as much as he cares.

We must remember that, despite being a sociable dog and faithful to its family, the Neapolitan Mastiff may not be fully aware of its large size, so games with children and strangers must always be supervised, understanding it as part of the safety of the dog itself and of those who are unaware of its great physical strength.

It is a dog that should be adopted by a person who is experiencedand knowledgeable about dog behavior, positive education and training as well as of the care he requires. It is not a recommended breed for those who do not know anything about the care of dogs.

Neapolitan mastiff care

Caring for the coat of the Neapolitan Mastiff does not require much effort, since it is enough with the occasional brushing to remove the dead hair. However, it is necessary to clean skin folds often (especially those near the mouth and may retain food debris) to prevent the growth of fungi and other skin problems. These dogs drool a lot, so they are not ideal for people obsessed with cleanliness.

Although they are not the most active dogs, Neapolitan Mastiffs need long walks every day and do not adapt well to apartment life reduced. They need a medium or large space to feel comfortable. It is highly recommended that they can enjoy a large garden. They do not tolerate high temperatures well, so they must have a good shelter with shade. Review the symptoms of heat stroke to learn how to detect and prevent it.

Neapolitan Mastiff Education

It is very important to socialize the Neapolitan Mastiff from an early age with all kinds of people, animals and environments to avoid future fears or reactive reactions. It is essential to understand that socialization is the key to enjoying a stable and he althy adult dog. On the other hand, we must also bear in mind that it is very important to avoid situations that the dog may associate as bad A bad experience with a dog or a car, for For example, they could cause your character to change and become reactive.

We will always use positive reinforcement and Avoid punishment, choke collars or physical harm. A dog with these characteristics should never be violently subjected or forced. Before any suspicion of the appearance of behavioral problems, you should go to a canine educator or ethologist and let yourself be guided by the experience of a professional.

We will continue with her education to teach her the basic orders of obedience, essential for a good relationship with ourselves, with the environment and with other people. It is highly recommended to spend between 5 and 10 minutes a day to review commands already learned and learn new ones. Promoting intelligence games, new experiences and stimulating the dog's physical and mental development will help us make him happy and have a good attitude.

Neapolitan Mastiff He alth

This breed is prone to the following diseases:

  • hip dysplasia,
  • cardiomyopathies
  • demodicosis
  • heatstroke
  • elbow dysplasia

In addition, the reproduction of these dogs often needs assistance due to their heavy weight. It is common for fertilization to be carried out by artificial insemination and for births to require a cesarean section. To prevent and quickly detect any he alth problem, it is best to visit the veterinarian every 6 months and strictly follow the vaccination schedule.

Photos of Neapolitan Mastiff or Neapolitan Mastiff
