Why does my cat meow a lot?

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Why does my cat meow a lot?
Why does my cat meow a lot?
Why does my cat meow a lot?
Why does my cat meow a lot?

The meowis our cat's way of communicating with us, of capturing our attention and trying to tell us that he needs something, but what? In this article on our site we want to answer this question and help you identify the cause that causes your furry companion to not stop meowing.

In most cases, listening to our pet and trying to understand it can be the key to identifying an ailment, pathology or inadequate care on our part. Keep reading and discover why your cat meows a lot to start finding a solution and obtain a happy and balanced animal.

The puppy and the meows

When we separate a kitten from its mother and siblings from him, it is likely that he will meow frequently during the first days in our home. He does not do it because he is not being well cared for, the reason that responds to this behavior is much simpler. Since his birth the kitten is used to meowing when he moves away from her mother so that she can find him quickly

When adopting him, he experiences the same sense of separation and therefore resorts to the meow to call his parent. In order for this separation to be as hard as possible and for the little one to develop correctly, it is always recommended that the kittens remain with their mother until they are two months old.

As you can see, it is completely normal for a puppy to meow the first few days it is with us. In this sense, what you should do is try to make your little companion adapt to his new life as soon as possible, providing him with the basic care he needs and offering him all your love. Of course, always without pampering or pampering him excessively, because to obtain a happy, he althy and balanced feline it is not necessary to provide him with all the whims that he asks for. We must educate him.

Why does my cat meow a lot? - The puppy and the meows
Why does my cat meow a lot? - The puppy and the meows

Meows from pain

It is completely normal for a puppy to meow at various times of the day when we have just adopted him, but when an adult feline does it is when we should stop to listen, observe and find out why he meows.

If we notice that our feline has suddenly started to meow a lot, the first thing we should do is check if he is doing it because he feels some kind of painTo do this, we will have to gently feel all the areas of his body and observe his reaction. If he complains when we touch a certain part, we will have found the answer and we will have to go to the vet immediately. On the other hand, whenever we witness a blow or fall, even if physical damage is not visible at first glance, it is possible that there will be internal consequences that can be serious or minor. For this reason, it is so important to take our pet to the vet as soon as the blow occurs. In most cases, internal damage usually manifests days after the blow.

If your cat does not react after palpating but continues to meow, you should observe all its movements and behaviors to analyze if it shows other symptoms, such as lack of appetite, listlessness, vomiting, diarrhoea, hair loss, etc.. In case of showing any other symptoms, it is possible that your feline is suffering from some disease that only a specialist can diagnose and treat.

Why does my cat meow a lot? - meowing in pain
Why does my cat meow a lot? - meowing in pain

Because of stress

In the same way that dogs emit different types of barks depending on what they want to say with them, cats also have different meows depending on the cause that provokes them. Have you tried taking your cat to the vet and she started relaying a low, loud, long meow? This is the typical reaction of a cat that is suffering from stress.

Whenever you identify this type of meow, it means that your feline is stressed for some reason and, therefore, you should treat it immediate. To do this, the first thing you should do is identify the cause that is causing that stress. Once identified, you must proceed to solve it. You must bear in mind that cats are animals that require their own space or corner where they can go to feel protected and safe when they feel threatened, are afraid or simply want to disconnect and relax. If your furry companion does not have one, it will be essential that you start looking for one or observe the place in the home that he likes the most to establish his space there.

Why does my cat meow a lot? - Due to stress
Why does my cat meow a lot? - Due to stress

Does the cat spend a lot of time alone?

One of the main symptoms of anxiety in cats is meowing. If your cat spends long hours alone at home, boredom and, in general, loneliness can develop a state of anxiety that must be treated immediately. Excessive meowing is often accompanied by other behavior problems, such as scratching furniture or hyperactivity.

We tend to believe that cats, because they are more independent than dogs, do not require as much of our attention and care. It is not like this. In addition to water, food and a clean sandbox, they need us to provide them with fun and exercise. More than due to lack of affection, the feline suffers from anxiety when it spends a lot of time alone because it is bored and requires entertainment. Hence he starts to misbehave or meow a lot.

My cat meows because of anxiety, what do I do?

To solve this situation, we must make sure that we leave him enough space in the home so that he can move freely when we are not at home. We will have to acquire a scratching post and toys so that he can have fun without our presence, let him have access to a window to look outside and reduce his feeling of being confined and, of course, spend a little more of our time playing with him.. We advise you to go to a specialist so that they can examine your cat personally and decide on the best guidelines to follow to treat his anxiety.

Why does my cat meow a lot? - Does the cat spend a lot of time alone?
Why does my cat meow a lot? - Does the cat spend a lot of time alone?

He meows because he wants food

It may seem like a simple question, but does your cat eat everything he needs? It is possible that your feline will get hungry with the daily food doses that you provide and meow a lot to ask for more food. Depending on his weight and size, you should provide him with one amount of feed or another that you should check on the food package or ask the vet.

If you have already given him the amount he needs and you still notice that your cat meows a lot, what you should check is the type of foodwhat do you give The cat's diet should be based on a combination of dry and wet feed and, as far as possible, homemade diets.

If your pet doesn't like the food you give it, or is bored of always receiving the same food, it will most likely stop eating and demand another type of food through meowing. In these cases, the felines tend to meow near the food bowl, refrigerator or place where we keep the treats and treats we give them.

Why does my cat meow a lot? -Meows because he wants food
Why does my cat meow a lot? -Meows because he wants food

he Glad to see us

The way cats have to greet us when they see us is through meows, caresses and, in some cases, licks. Although it is hard to believe, cats can also become very affectionate, show us that they are happy with us and are happy with our presence. For this reason, they may meow both when we come home after being away, and when they wake up from a long nap or we pass them in the hallway at home.

What do we do? Return the greeting with a show of affection, which can be a light caress or a loving touch. We don't want him to understand that meowing a lot is okay and he can do it for no reason, we just want him to feel that we're glad to see him too. Therefore, an exaggerated attitude on our part will not be necessary.

Wants to get our attention

As you can see, not all the reasons that answer the question why a cat meows a lot are negative. When we observe that our feline does not suffer from any ailment, we provide him with the most suitable diet for him, he does not suffer from anxiety and does not meow only when he sees us, but does so on other types of occasions, it is most likely that he simply wants to capture our attention. because we don't spend the time it requires

As we discussed in previous sections, cats also need us to pay attention to them and spend time playing with them so that they burn off the energy accumulated during the day. In addition to reducing meowing, we will get a happy, he althy, balanced pet and we will strengthen our bond with it.

Have you adopted a stray cat?

If you have just adopted a stray cat and you have noticed that it meows a lot every time you get close, visitors come, hears some strange noise, etc., it is most likely that it does so because it feels threatened and is constantly on the defensive. Keep in mind that for a long time it has been exposed to all kinds of dangers, it has been able to have a fight with other cats or even someone has been able to harm it. In these cases, the meows emitted by felines that think they are in danger are usually more similar to a loud, high, sharp and longscream. So that you know how to act, we recommend that you consult our article on tips for adopting stray cats.

Why does my cat meow a lot? - Have you adopted a stray cat?
Why does my cat meow a lot? - Have you adopted a stray cat?

Cat in zeal?

When female cats are in heat, they emit very long, high-pitched, high-pitched meows so that male cats come to their call and can reproduce. In general, when they are in this stage, they tend to have a more affectionate attitude than normal, rubbing themselves on the floor to relieve their instinct and even crying.

To calm her down during this time, you should pay her more attention, show her more affection than usual, and play with her a lot. If you don't want him to mate, we recommend that you take precautions and close all the windows of the home to prevent him from escaping or stray cats from entering your house.

Your cat is getting older

When cats reach old age they tend to meow for no reason, emitting a deep and long sound. They can do it in any space of the home and time of day. However, to ensure that your feline is in perfect condition, from our site we recommend that you increase regular visits to the veterinarian.

On the other hand, keep in mind that an elderly cat does not require the same care as a young one. If you are not providing them, it is likely that the meows will increase and their he alth will be affected. To offer you the best quality of life, check out our article on caring for elderly cats.

If your cat meows a lot, don't ignore him

As you can see, there are many causes that can determine why a cat meows a lot Some of them refer to serious he alth reasons They require the help of a veterinarian so that they can diagnose the ailment and start the best treatment. In either case, ignorance should never be the solution. Paying attention to what our feline wants to tell us can be the key to early identification of a disease, treating a mental disorder that can only get worse, realizing that we are not giving him the right food or realizing that we are not offering him all the care you need.

Furthermore, we should never resort to violence to correct behavior. With this act, the only thing we will achieve is that our cat is afraid of us and increases the intensity of the meows. As we discussed throughout the article, it is best to find the cause that causes them and treat it.
