SPIRULINA for DOGS - Benefits and Dosage

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SPIRULINA for DOGS - Benefits and Dosage
SPIRULINA for DOGS - Benefits and Dosage
Spirulina for Dogs - Benefits and Dosage
Spirulina for Dogs - Benefits and Dosage

Spirulina is an algae that has become fashionable in recent times as it is considered a superfood for humans thanks to its its composition and the benefits attributed to it. In this article on our site, specifically, we review the information available on spirulina for dogs. It is not a medicine, but it is a perfect nutritional supplement or complement for many cases. For this reason, it is convenient, before offering it to our dog, that we consult the veterinarian.

What is spirulina?

Spirulina is the name given to a microalgae and is due to its spiral shape. Specifically, it is a cyanobacteria, therefore blue-green in color. It comes from the genus Arthrospira and there are two types, Arthrospira maxima, from Mexico, and Arthrospira platensis, from Chad. As we can see, it is typical of tropical and subtropical climates.

Spirulina stands out for its composition, rich in quality proteins and other nutrients such as essential amino acids, vitamins, especially those of group B, or minerals, among which calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper and iodine. It also contains omega fatty acids. In addition, it has the added advantage that its nutrients are highly digestible, which means that the body can easily take advantage of them.

Its use has been known since ancient times in certain locations. To supply its growing market, it began to be cultivated in the 1970s. In animal feed it has been used in livestock or aquaculture, as well as for poultry. Spirulina for dogs has spread more recently and is used dehydrated as a food supplement. However, it should be noted that comes in different formats

Spirulina for dogs - Benefits and dosage - What is spirulina?
Spirulina for dogs - Benefits and dosage - What is spirulina?

Benefits and uses of spirulina in dogs

Although numerous benefits are attributed to it, the truth is that the spirulina supplements for dogs that are marketed are limited to ensuring an improvement in the appearance of the coat, which becomes brighter and more resistant, in pigmentation and in the strengthening of the immune system , thanks to nutrients such as those mentioned in its composition.

Therefore, spirulina would be recommended for dogs with low defenses, in recovery, weakened or for those with problems or poor appearance of both skin and hair. As spirulina contains a good amount of iodine, some keepers have started giving spirulina to dogs with hypothyroidism. But the truth is that this disease cannot be treated with food supplements. On the contrary, adding spirulina to the diet of hypothyroid dogs without any control can be counterproductive. For more details, see the article on Hypothyroidism in Dogs.

Finally, it is attributed a certain satiating effect, so that it can be used in dogs that need to lose weight. The rest of the benefits attributed to spirulina for dogs have not been proven by veterinary experts, so we cannot guarantee that they actually occur.

Spirulina dosage for dogs

The dose will depend on the size of the dog and the selected format, since we can find spirulina in tablets, capsules or powder to add to food or drink. Although it is a food supplement and not a medicine, it is equally important to respect the dosage indicated by the professional. It is not, far from it, offering more quantity in order to achieve better or faster benefits. As an example, the tablets are usually administered one for every 10 kg of the dog's weight, which usually corresponds to one gram or one and a half grams of spirulina per 10 kg, but it will depend on the manufacturer and the concentration of spirulina in each compressed. For this reason it is practically mandatory to consult with the veterinarian.

How to give spirulina to a dog?

As we have mentioned, the appropriate dose of spirulina for the dog should be administered directly in the food or in the drink, depending on the format. Thus, the animal will take it more easily and will be able to take advantage of its benefits.

And if you want to discover more good food supplements for dogs, which you can even combine with spirulina, don't miss these articles:

  • Can dogs eat turmeric?
  • Can dogs eat honey?
Spirulina for Dogs - Benefits and Dosage - Spirulina Dosage for Dogs
Spirulina for Dogs - Benefits and Dosage - Spirulina Dosage for Dogs

Spirulina side effects in dogs

Once the veterinarian gives us the go-ahead for the administration of spirulina for dogs, if we use the appropriate dose, we should not notice any adverse side effectsIf these occur, the veterinarian must be notified immediately, but this is not usual. It is more advisable to start with a low dosage and gradually increase it if we notice benefits for our dog, always following the instructions of the veterinarian. It is not recommended to offer puppies under six months
