Gabapentin for Dogs - Dosage, Uses, Side Effects and Contraindications

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Gabapentin for Dogs - Dosage, Uses, Side Effects and Contraindications
Gabapentin for Dogs - Dosage, Uses, Side Effects and Contraindications
Gabapentin for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects
Gabapentin for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects

The drug or active ingredient called gabapentin has an anticonvulsant and analgesic mechanism of action. In addition, precisely due to its action on components of the nervous system, it can help control anxiety. It is usually used as an antiepileptic in dogs when conventional treatment does not offer the expected results, as well as to reinforce treatment for cancer, neuropathic or post-surgical pain, sometimes associated with other drugs. It is usually well tolerated in dogs with the specific dose set by the veterinarian after knowing your dog's case and showing good efficacy.

What is gabapentin for dogs?

Gabapentin is a drug whose mechanism of action is not fully defined, but it is assumed that it is capable of modulating pain and seizuresdue to the alteration it produces in the traffic of the alpha2 (δ) subunits present in the calcium channels due to the suppression of substance P and glutamate, as well as its capacity to modulate the GABA receptors found in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. In addition, by activating the descending inhibitory pathway inducing the release of norepinephrine, produces analgesia because it stimulates spinal alpha2 adrenergic receptors.

It is an active ingredient that has good bioavailability orally, around 80%, and is mainly eliminated through the urine.

Gabapentin Uses for Dogs

Gabapentin is a drug that acts on the nervous system of dogs, but what exactly is gabapentin for dogs? It is an active ingredient prescribed for the treatment of partial, generalized and refractory seizures in the canine species, as well as for the treatment ofchronic pain and even for the treatment of anxiety

For seizures, it is a drug that is usually prescribed when other first-line treatments such as phenobarbital do not have the expected result. Regarding the treatment of pain, it is the first choice in dogs to treat cancer and neuropathic pain as a single treatment or in combination with others. It is also used for postoperative pain and pain associated with degenerative joint diseases, so the use of gabapentin for dogs with osteoarthritis and even disc herniation is equally common.

Gabapentin Dosage for Dogs

The dose of gabapentin will depend a lot on the dog and its individual circumstances, disease or problem to be treated and its severity, although it is usually between 5 and 30 mg per kilogram of body weight, every 8 to 12 hours. You should never administer gabapentin to your dog without first consulting your veterinarian, as only this professional, after studying the case, will be able to tell you the best dose to treat the problem in question. Whether you want to offer gabapentin to your dog with anxiety or to treat some ailment, it is essential to consult a professional first because you could worsen the clinical picture.

Gabapentin is marketed in 100, 300, 400, 600 or 800 mg tablets, so your veterinarian will tell you, depending on the medicine, the exact division form for your dog. There is also another formulation in oral format that contains 250 mg of gabapentin per 5 ml of the drug, but it usually contains a sweetener called xylitol that is toxic to dogs, so it is best to try to avoid this form of marketing.

Gabapentin Side Effects in Dogs

Gabapentin, like any drug, can have side effects after use. Specifically, it can cause drowsiness, ataxia, vomiting, diarrhea and sedation in our dogs, which are usually more evident at the beginning of treatment. To reduce this, you can start treatment with the lowest dose and gradually increase it. The drug should not be withdrawn abruptly, as it can cause more seizures and worsen the condition that is intended to be treated.

As serious side effects there could be cases of systemic hypersensitivity such as skin rashes, fever, lymphadenopathy and anaphylaxis with swelling of the mouth, tongue and throat and hypotension.

Contraindications of gabapentin in dogs

Gabapentin is a contraindicated active ingredient in dogs with hypersensitivity or allergy to the drug or to any of its excipients. It is also not a drug that should be used in dogs with liver or kidney failure or disease It is important that gabapentin is not withdrawn abruptly, since, as we have discussed in the previous section, an abrupt interruption of this active ingredient can cause seizures due to drug withdrawal.

Like all active ingredients, can interact with other drugs, so you must take into account not to use or use with caution the gabapentin if your dog is being treated with any of these drugs due to an increased risk of sedation and altered he alth status:

  • Tramadol for pain control. So if you're wondering if you can use tramadol and gabapentin in dogs, the answer is no.
  • Cannabidiol to treat pain and inflammation in dogs.

However, it can be combined perfectly with trazone, which belongs to the group of serotonin reuptake antidepressants to treat acute anxiety and post-surgery relaxation.

It is also not a good idea to use it together with antacids until at least two hours have passed because they can reduce their bioavailability by up to 20%. Likewise, its use is not recommended during pregnancy or lactation of bitches, unless the benefit far outweighs the risks.
