Lemur habitat - Distribution, types of lemurs and curiosities

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Lemur habitat - Distribution, types of lemurs and curiosities
Lemur habitat - Distribution, types of lemurs and curiosities
Lemur Habitat
Lemur Habitat

Lemurs are very friendly and curious animals that hang from branches and jump with great agility. There are several species, which differ mainly in the color of the coat, size and habits. They all live or lived on the island of Madagascar.

In this AnimalWised article we will talk about the habitat of the lemur. A species that lives naturally in a single region and for this reason they have adapted specifically to that environment.

Deforestation and human cultivation have destroyed most of its habitat. The conservation of tropical forests, which are home to this small animal, is important. Although it is currently a species present in many zoos, it is in danger of extinction

Lemur Characteristics

Lemurs are small arboreal primates that inhabit the island of Madagascar and the Comoros islandsThere are numerous subspecies with minor differences between them. Some have diurnal habits and others nocturnal. They have excellent vision both day and night.

The colors, forms and habits of life and food vary slightly depending on the region they inhabit on the island. They are omnivores, eating fruits, leaves, insects, flowers and small vertebrates. The richness of their food is completely dependent on the existence of rich and wild forests. Its weight ranges from 30 grams for Microcebus to 9 kg for other species.

His hands have 5 fingers and an opposable thumb. In addition, instead of claws, they have nails. They are animals very sociable and communicative with each other. They have a highly developed sense of smell. They use marking for dominance displays, warning, and territory marking. They have scent glands located on the wrists, neck or genitals.

According to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) lemurs are considered in danger of extinction.

Lemur Habitat - Lemur Characteristics
Lemur Habitat - Lemur Characteristics

The lemur in Madagascar, its main habitat

Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and is located off the east coast of Africa, in the Indian Ocean. More than 150 million years ago it separated from the African continent due to the movement of the continental plates.

Due to this separation, the species of plants and animals that inhabited the island evolved independently. 75% of the species on the island are endemic, this means that they are only present on this island.

The climate of the island is highly variable. There are 2 main stations:

  • November-April: Hottest and rainiest season.
  • May-October: Mild temperatures and little precipitation.

The island of Madagascar has diverse landscapes and ecosystems. The eastern part of the island is the wettest part and is where the tropical forests are present. The center of the island contains mainly rice crops and is a cooler and drier area.

Lemurs have adapted to cover different niches on the island, this caused a diversification that gave rise to subspecies of lemurs. On the island they also hardly have any competitors or threats, which allowed them to evolve without being harassed by predators.

Since their arrival on the island, humans have modified the environment, felling forests to create pastures and crops mainly. It can be said that the human being is its greatest threat.

Lemur curiosities

Lemurs are arboreal mammals They are adapted to life in trees, are very agile and climb and jump easily. This does not mean that they are not agile on the ground. They combine the soil with tree protection. They are active both during the day and at night, although there are genera that are more nocturnal than others. The color of their fur allows them to go unnoticed on many occasions.

The vocalizations are very important to your social life. They usually live together in groups of about fifteen individuals and use these sounds to alert and protect the community. Visual communication is also very important in your community. They can use in addition to sounds, facial expressions and body movements.

They are very intelligent animals and in captivity they have been able to use tools.

Lemur habitat - Curiosities of the lemur
Lemur habitat - Curiosities of the lemur

Types of lemurs

The taxonomic classification of the lemur family is not easy. The color, shape and size will allow us to know how to differentiate them. Some of the most characteristic lemurs are the following:

  • Ruffed or collared lemur: In the image we can see an individual of this type. The face and limbs of this genus are black and the fur is usually reddish or white.
  • Brown or true lemur: Its coloration is more uniform, brown. They are smaller.
  • Ring-Tailed Lemur: It is the most characteristic lemur. The tail is ringed gray and black.
  • Large Bamboo Lemur: It is the largest of all. It feeds mainly on bamboo. It is in serious danger of extinction. Brown coloration and small ears.

Current situation of the lemur

Currently the situation of the lemur is worrying. The human being since his arrival on the island has modified and exploited the existing resources. This implies the destruction of the forests in which the lemurs live. deforestation is the worst enemy these animals face.

The hunting or trafficking of exotic animals is also a problem for them. You should not forget that lemurs are not domestic pets. They need to live in community and with adequate care. Today the ring-tailed lemur has spread to zoos around the world.

On the other hand, many subspecies have disappeared and will disappear over the years if their habitat is not preserved. It is believed that 17 subspecies existed, of which 8 currently remain. There are several national parks on the island dedicated to the conservation of native flora and fauna. Ranomafana National Park or Marojejy National Park are some examples.
