The 18 rarest fish in the world - Characteristics and photos

The 18 rarest fish in the world - Characteristics and photos
The 18 rarest fish in the world - Characteristics and photos
The rarest fish in the world
The rarest fish in the world

A large number of animals, such as fish, inhabit the seas, oceans and freshwater environments. There are different specimens of very common fish, such as sardines, trout, sturgeon or white shark. However, many others have more striking and unknown features that allow us to classify these animals as "rare". These curious fish can be found anywhere in the world, at shallow or great depths, feeding on different prey and adopting totally different lifestyles.

If you want to know some of the characteristics of the rarest fish in the world, as well as their diet and habitats, don't hesitate to read this interesting article on our site.

1. Dropfish (Psychrolutes marcidus)

In addition to being one of the rarest fish in the world, it is also known for being "the ugliest fish in the world", because out of the water it has a gelatinous appearance and is pink in color, in which there is a very large face and a sad expression with large eyes and a structure similar to a huge nose. It is characterized by its low body density, allowing it to float in the water without having a swim bladder like most fish.

The blobfish is found in the deep sea waters of countries like Tanzania and Australia. In them it feeds on numerous molluscs, crustaceans and the occasional sea urchin. However, it does not carry out an active search for food, since its movements are slow and it ingests everything that is in its path.

The rarest fish in the world - 1. Drop fish (Psychrolutes marcidus)
The rarest fish in the world - 1. Drop fish (Psychrolutes marcidus)

two. Sunfish (Mola mola)

This species is known for its large size, being able to measure more than 3 meters and weigh more than 2,000 kilograms. Its body is laterally flattened, without scales, normally grayish in color and oval-shaped In In it there are small body fins, small eyes in the anterior region and a narrow mouth with small teeth. Like the previous specimen, it lacks a swim bladder as a buoyancy organ.

Regarding its distribution, the sunfish is common in practically all the seas and oceans of the world. In fact, many divers have been able to observe it up close in the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean. It feeds mainly on salps and jellyfish, as these are among its favorite foods.

The rarest fish in the world - 2. Sunfish (Mola mola)
The rarest fish in the world - 2. Sunfish (Mola mola)

3. Stonefish (Synanceia horrida)

Due to their bumps on their bodies and their greyish, brown and/or mixed colors, these large fish have the ability to camouflage themselves on the seabed by appearing to be a stone, hence the common name of the species. However, what most characterizes the stonefish is its danger, as it has barbs or spines that produce a neurotoxic poison on its fins, capable of causing death to other animals that come into contact with it.

This rare fish inhabits the Pacific and Indian Oceans, usually found at shallow depths. Its diet is varied, as it can feed on molluscs as well as crustaceans and other fish. Its hunting technique consists of opening its mouth so that, when the prey is close, it can quickly swim towards it and finally gobble it up.

Do you want to know more about the types of fish feed? Then don't miss this other article: "What do fish eat?".

The rarest fish in the world - 3. Stonefish (Synanceia horrida)
The rarest fish in the world - 3. Stonefish (Synanceia horrida)

4. Common Sawfish (Pristis pristis)

The name of this long fish refers to the great resemblance its snout to that of a saw or handsaw, as it is large and has dermal scales in the form of teeth with which it can hunt and protect itself from predators. In addition, it has sensory receptors that allow it to perceive waves and sounds produced by other nearby animals, thus offering information to the sawfish about the location of possible dangers or prey.

Inhabits shallow depths in fresh and s alt waters of African, Australian and American regions. In them it feeds on other animals such as shrimp, crabs or salmon. Among its hunting techniques is the attack on its prey with its serrated snout and its subsequent ingestion when they are already injured. Without a doubt, it is one of the rarest fish that exist, do not you think? However, it is not the only one with these characteristics, since within the different types of sharks we find the famous saw shark.

The rarest fish in the world - 4. Common Sawfish (Pristis pristis)
The rarest fish in the world - 4. Common Sawfish (Pristis pristis)

5. Dragon fish (Stomias boa)

Another rare fish that has been recorded is the dragon fish. It is characterized by presenting a large cephalic region in proportion to its body. It contains two large eyes and a large jaw with teeth so long that they prevent it from keeping its mouth closedThis amazing fish with such a terrifying appearance has dark body colors such as gray, brown or black. However, there have also been cases of bioluminescence, another characteristic of these animals that live in the great ocean depths.

They are mainly found in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 2,000 meters deep, where they can feed on small invertebrates and numerous algae, since they are omnivorous animals.

The rarest fish in the world - 5. Dragon fish (Stomias boa)
The rarest fish in the world - 5. Dragon fish (Stomias boa)

6. Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)

This fish, which can live more than 15 years, has a morphology similar to that of an eel, often reaching a meter in length. However, what best characterizes the lamprey is the lack of scales and jaws, because its mouth is shaped like a sucker and it houses a large row of small horny teeth.

Inhabits the marine environment, mainly in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. However, like anadromous fish, it moves to rivers to breed. As for their diet, they are hematophagous or predatory ectoparasites, since they stick to the skin of other fish and scrape it to suck the blood resulting from the wound.

Discover more rare sea lamprey-like fish in this other article: "Jawless Fish".

The rarest fish in the world - 6. Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
The rarest fish in the world - 6. Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)

7. Alligator gar (Lepisosteus spp.)

This fish with head similar to that of a lizard is considered a prehistoric animal, since it has been on Earth for more than 100 million years. It is characterized by its elongated and cylindrical body in which there is a snout of large dimensions and with strong jaws In addition, it has shiny and thick scales that offer protection against other large predators. They are very feared since, in addition to being very voracious, they can exceed 100 kilograms in weight and 2 meters in length.

The alligator gar is freshwater, found in American waters. However, the fossil record has revealed the existence of this fish in other places such as the African and European continents. It is a great predator of other fish, as its hunting technique consists of remaining still and reaching high speeds to unexpectedly catch the prey when it is closer. Another of the most spectacular rare fish that exist.

The rarest fish in the world - 7. Alligator gar (Lepisosteus spp.)
The rarest fish in the world - 7. Alligator gar (Lepisosteus spp.)

8. Parrotfish (Family Scaridae)

There are numerous species of parrotfish, however, these animals are characterized by the presence of some teeth that giveparrot beak shape Also, among its amazing features, the ability to change the coloration of its body and even the sex of the animal stands out. It is precisely its coloration that has also allowed the parrotfish to be included among the most beautiful fish in the world. Unlike the many other rare fish mentioned, the parrotfish is not large, as its length varies between approximately 30 and 120 centimeters.

It lives in practically all the world's oceans and feeds mainly on algae that it obtains from the corals that come off the reefs. With its teeth located in the throat it manages to gnaw the coral and, after ingesting the algae, it deposits the feces on the sand.

The rarest fish in the world - 8. Parrotfish (Family Scaridae)
The rarest fish in the world - 8. Parrotfish (Family Scaridae)

9. Frogfish (Halobatrachus didactylus)

As its name indicates, reminds the morphology of a toad, since this brownish fish has a flattened body dorsoventrally and a large mouth. It is also striking for the presence of spines on its fins, capable of producing poison and causing damage to those who come into contact with it.

The frogfish is found mainly in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, although some species can also live in freshwater. In them it feeds on numerous crustaceans, molluscs and other smaller fish, which it can catch at great speeds.

The rarest fish in the world - 9. Frogfish (Halobatrachus didactylus)
The rarest fish in the world - 9. Frogfish (Halobatrachus didactylus)

10. Pink handfish (Brachiopsilus dianthus)

Although the sizes may vary from one specimen to another, practically all of these fish are usually around 10 centimeters long, so it is not a large animal. As its name suggests, the pink fish with hands is characterized by presenting pink-reddish colorations and peculiar pectoral fins reminiscent of akind of hands His mouth is also striking, because although it is very narrow compared to his body, he has large, very fleshy lips.

Thanks to the fossil record we know that the pink fish with hands inhabited different seas and oceans around the world, but it is true that today its presence is only known in Oceania, mainly on the island of Tasmania. It feeds on the small invertebrates found on the ocean floor, as they are practically benthic and with their pectoral fins as hands they can move along the substrate in search of prey. Have you ever seen a fish as rare as this?

The rarest fish in the world - 10. Pink fish with hands (Brachiopsilus dianthus)
The rarest fish in the world - 10. Pink fish with hands (Brachiopsilus dianthus)

Other rare fish in the world

The great diversity of fish found in the world's seas, oceans and freshwater environments allows us to see numerous rare species. Likewise, we still do not know all the species that inhabit the aquatic environment, so it is impossible to know which are the rarest fish in the world. The above are part of the rare fish known so far, and then we show other of the rarest fish in the world:

  • Black Gobbler (Chiasmodon niger)
  • Lanternfish (Centrophryne spinulosa)
  • Hatfish (Carnegiella strigata)
  • Lionfish (Pterois antennata)
  • River pipefish (Potamorrhaphis eigenmanni)
  • Devilfish (Hypostomus plecostomus)
  • Large tusk (Cobitis vettonica)
  • Red-lipped batfish (Ogcocephalus darwini)
  • Guitarfish (Rhinobatos rhinobatos)
