Caring for a rottweiler dog

Table of contents:

Caring for a rottweiler dog
Caring for a rottweiler dog
Rottweiler dog care
Rottweiler dog care

Many people want to have a Rottweiler: it is a calm and quiet dog, a faithful companion and a powerful deterrent to thieves in the home. The truth is that the Rottweiler, despite his great physical strength, is not very dangerous: he is a very affectionate and sweet dog if he is educated correctly.

However, before adopting this breed of dog, one must be very clear about what steps to follow and how to train a Rottweiler dog. Otherwise we risk our dog having an inappropriate character: aggressive or fearful. Education is very important in this race.

In this case our site gives you the keys to offer the best rottweiler dog care, keep reading:


The rottweiler will surprise you for being a clean dog that does not need excessive care. Among your usual routine we highlight that you should brush him twice a week with a brush with short and soft bristles. In this way we eliminate the dust and dirt that it has on it.

We must not abuse the bath since an excess of soap removes the natural protection layer of your skin. Depending on how dirty he is, we bathe him more or less regularly, but in general bathing him once a monthwill be enough to keep him clean and with a shiny coat. Puppies should not be bathed until their shots are given.

In principle, if our rottweiler dog walks as regularly as he should, we won't have to worry about cutting his nails, but it doesn't hurt to check them from time to time to make sure he doesn't have discomfort when walking.

To finish with the hygiene section, we remind you of the importance of he althy and clean teeth. Cleaning your dog's teeth with either a dog toothbrush and toothpaste or natural products is always a good idea. We can help good oral hygiene by offering our dog apple or dentastix.

Caring for a rottweiler dog - Hygiene
Caring for a rottweiler dog - Hygiene


Rottweiler dog food must be high quality This factor not only affects a shiny and beautiful coat, it also helps a good he alth, an adequate intestinal transit and to achieve an adequate musculature. Being a large dog, it will also need large doses of food. our site advises you to look for food packs in shops or web pages so that the cost of the products is not excessively high.

If you have doubts about the amount or he althy weight of your dog rottweiler don't hesitate to go to the vet to have him observed and give you some guidelines. The truth is that this breed presents marked sexual dimorphism: the males are much larger than the females.

Finally we remind you of the importance of giving food according to its stage:

Junior: Contains vitamins, calcium, iron and more fat than feed of other ages. These components will make your puppy grow he althy and without bone or muscle problems. It is very important that it is of high quality

Adult: Adult feeds are designed for a suitable day-to-day according to their way of life. They usually have a high percentage of proteins and oils, perfect for keeping the dog he althy. Among the different types of adult food we find a lot of variety: for dogs that exercise actively, for normal maintenance dogs, a slimming effect for those that are too thick or based on fish and rice for those with allergies

Senior: Unlike the previous ones, the senior feed has a lower amount of protein and contains foods that are beneficial for dogs over 7 years of age, such as brewer's yeast. Consult your veterinarian for the most appropriate one for your case

Also discover on our site some tricks to make your dog's coat shine, so it will always look beautiful and he althy, no matter how old it is.

Caring for a rottweiler dog - Feeding
Caring for a rottweiler dog - Feeding

Walks and exercise

The rottweiler is a dog that needs to work its muscles on a daily basis and for this we must offer it suitable walks and exercise. Even if you live in a house with a garden, it is highly recommended that you walk at least twice a day with a total time of 60 minutes. If we can extend the walks, the better, he will enjoy it.

If we can also let our rottweiler dog exercise actively in a fenced pipi-can, take him to an agility circuit or go to swim will be perfect to enjoy a much happier and more active dog. His exercise needs make him an athletic dog by nature. Failure to meet these needs will make your dog obese and stressed.

Caring for a rottweiler dog - Walks and exercise
Caring for a rottweiler dog - Walks and exercise

Enrichment and Stimulation

The rottweiler dog is very intelligent, capable of learning a variety of tricks and obedience commands. Due to his high intellectual level, it will be essential to play with him and practice different activities that stimulate him mentally and make him feel useful

Practicing searching outside, visiting new places with him and using intelligence games for dogs will be ideal options for good enrichment and for our Rottweiler to be mentally stimulated. All this predisposes him to be a happier and calmer dog.

Caring for a rottweiler dog - Enrichment and stimulation
Caring for a rottweiler dog - Enrichment and stimulation

He alth

To ensure that our Rottweiler dog is he althy we must go to the veterinarian every 6 months for a routine check-up. This procedure is very important because if you suffer from a disease we can detect it early and treat it with a better prognosis.

On the other hand, it will be very important to follow exactly the vaccination schedule set by the specialist. Remember that there are deadly diseases that can only be prevented with the administration of the relevant vaccines.

It will also be essential to deworm our dog regularly. our site advises you to administer a pipette for external use once a month to prevent the appearance of fleas and ticks as well as a tablet internal dewormer once every three months that helps your intestinal system stay he althy. Of course, dogs that regularly travel through wooded areas should use higher quality products (or more frequently in the case of internal dewormers) since they are more exposed to suffering an infestation.

Finally, we highly recommend prompt castration of the rottweiler dog. In females it reduces the appearance of certain diseases and in the case of males it reduces their dominant tendency.

Caring for a rottweiler dog - He alth
Caring for a rottweiler dog - He alth

Using the muzzle and leash

The rottweiler dog is considered a potentially dangerous breed, for this reason the law requires him to always travel with a muzzle and leash outside the home.

our site advises you to get a "basket" type muzzle resistant and safe since, unlike other types, this allows the dog drink water, pant (thus removing heat) and receive treats or treats if necessary.

So that our rottweiler dog does not feel uncomfortable, you should teach him to use the muzzle at an early age, that is, from puppyhood. However, if it has not been possible for you, you can teach him once he is an adult with this simple step-by-step: get a dog used to the muzzle.

Caring for a rottweiler dog - Use of the muzzle and leash
Caring for a rottweiler dog - Use of the muzzle and leash

Education and training

On our site you will find an extensive article in which we talk about training the rottweiler dog. It is very important that you pay attention to all the points to achieve an obedient, stable and well-mannered dog.

We will start by talking to you about the basics of its education: the socialization of the rottweiler puppy and we will also review other basic aspects of education and training. Everything you need to know about this wonderful breed here on our site.
