Types of foxes - Names and pictures

Types of foxes - Names and pictures
Types of foxes - Names and pictures
Fox Types - Names and Photos
Fox Types - Names and Photos

All foxes belong to the family Canidae, so they are closely related to other canids, such as dogs, jackals, or wolves. Depending on where they live on the planet, their morphology and appearance change, as well as their behavior, although in general they have similar characteristics.

Do you want to know what types of foxes exist, where they live and how they behave? Continue reading this article on our site, you will discover fascinating curiosities.

Characteristics of foxes

Foxes are quite intelligent animals. They have a morphology that allows them to be good hunters, fast and efficient, moreover, in times of famine they do not hesitate to take advantage of the bodies of dead animals they find, even you've seen them eat human waste, so they are opportunistic animals They can hunt prey larger than themselves, but their preferred food is rodents. They can also eat wild fruits or insects. They are of nightly habits, so they become active at nightfall.

Physically, all types of foxes are similar to dogs, but they have behavioral characteristics that differentiate them from them. For example, foxes don't bark and dogs do. On the other hand, they are solitary animals, unlike dogs or other canids that live in packs.

The biggest threat to foxes is humans, who hunt them for their fur, entertainment, or supposedly to control the population.

How many kinds of foxes are there?

How many kinds of foxes are there in the world? The truth is that over the course of history more than 20 different kinds of foxes have been discovered, although some of them are now extinct. Thus, according to data provided by The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species[1], there are currently around 13 species, some of them still unknown. However, below we will talk about the 6 most prominent and researched types of foxes.

Common fox or red fox (Vulpes vulpes)

The red fox or common fox is the most popular of the fox species. It receives this name from its reddish-orange fur which, on occasion, can appear brown. The fur industry has been the reason the red fox has been hunted and hunted for many, many years.

They have a nearly global distribution We can find them throughout the northern hemisphere, in mountains, plains, forests, beaches and even deserts or areas frost. In the southern hemisphere we can also see specimens, but not as many as in the north. In the 19th century, they were introduced to Australia and continue to thrive there today, being a problem for the local fauna.

They are solitary animals, which only come together during the breeding season that takes place during the winter months. Parenting is carried out by both parents, the male being in charge of bringing food to the female.

This type of fox in captivity can reach 15 years, however, In the wild it only lives 2 or 3 years.

Types of foxes - Names and photographs - Common fox or red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Types of foxes - Names and photographs - Common fox or red fox (Vulpes vulpes)

Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus)

The arctic fox is known for its spectacular winter fur, which is pristine white. As a curious fact about this type of fox, we can say that the color of its coat turns brown during the warm months, when the snow melts and the earth emerges.

They are distributed throughout the North Pole, from Canada to Siberia, being one of the few animals that survive such low temperatures. Its body is prepared to maintain body heat, thanks to its thick skin and very thick hair that covers even the pads of its paws.

Because there are few animals where this fox lives, it makes the most of any resource. He is able to hunt the animals that live under the snow without even seeing them. Their most common prey are lemmings, but they can also eat seals or fish.

The breeding season lasts practically the whole year, except for the months of July and August. These animals are also solitary, but once a pair mates for the first time they will always do so every season, until one of them dies, constituting one of the animals most faithful to their mate.

Types of foxes - Names and photos - Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus)
Types of foxes - Names and photos - Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus)

Swift Fox (Vulpes velox)

The swift fox may slightly remind us of the red fox, as its fur is also orange, but in a browner shade. In addition, it has some black and yellow spots, its body is lighter and it is small in size, similar to a cat.

Distributed throughout North America, both the United States and Canada. It is an animal of the desert and plains, where it develops very well. The breeding season includes the winter months and part of the spring. It is the females that defend a territory and the males visit these territories only during the mating season; once the pups are independent the male will leave.

Life expectancy in the wild is somewhat longer than that of other foxes, being approximately 6 years.

Types of foxes - Names and photos - Swift fox (Vulpes velox)
Types of foxes - Names and photos - Swift fox (Vulpes velox)

Desert Fox (Vulpes zerda)

The desert fox, also known as fennec fox, has a very distinctive face, with very small eyes andexaggeratedly large ears This anatomy is a consequence of the place where it lives, the deserts. Large ears allow for greater internal heat release and body cooling to maintain optimal body temperature. It is a very light beige or cream color, which helps it blend well into its environment.

It is distributed throughout North Africa, inhabiting the Sahara desert, we can also find them in Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Like the rest of the types of foxes that exist, it has nocturnal habits, it feeds on rodents, insects and birds. It can drink, but it doesn't need to, since it gets all the water it needs from its prey.

It reproduces during the months of March and April, and the parental care of the young is carried out by both the female and the male.

Types of foxes - Names and photos - Desert fox (Vulpes zerda)
Types of foxes - Names and photos - Desert fox (Vulpes zerda)

Grey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)

Despite their name, these foxes are not gray, their fur alternates black and white hairs that give the appearance of gray. In addition, behind their ears we can see a reddish tone. It is one of the largest fox species.

They are distributed throughout almost the entire American continent, from Canada to Venezuela. One of the most striking characteristics of this species of fox is that it can climb trees thanks to its strong and sharp claws. Likewise, it can swim These two qualities give the gray fox great hunting ability. In this way, it usually pursues its prey for long distances, driving them towards the water, where it will be easier to hunt them.

The breeding season is centered around the warmer months of the year. When two gray foxes mate they will mate for life.

Types of foxes - Names and photos - Gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
Types of foxes - Names and photos - Gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)

Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis)

The kit fox looks a bit different than the other fox types. It has a very thin and slender body, reddish-gray in color, with a black tip of the tail and large ears. It is the smallest species of fox.

Distributed in arid prairie areas of the southwestern United States and Mexico. A curiosity about this fox is that it is an animal both nocturnal and diurnal, so it has a greater variety of prey than other species of fox that only feed at night.

Their breeding season is centered around the months of October and November. In this species, the breeding pair may mate for several years in a row or change each season. The female will take care of and feed the cubs, while the male is in charge of getting the food.
