The Mandarin Diamond is a very popular exotic bird due to its sweet appearance and easy care. Even so, not everything is as simple as putting seeds on it, the diet of the Mandarin diamond must be much more complete so that it presents a radiant plumage and a positive attitude.
In this article on our site we are going to review all aspects of feeding the mandarin diamond so that you know exactly what it requires for a long and happy life by your side, read on!
To start talking about the diet of the mandarin finch, it is essential to review the seeds that should be eaten:
- Birdseed
- Turkey
- Negrillo
- Flax
- White millet
- Japanese millet
- Red millet
- Oatmeal
- Hemp
- Paniset
- Knob
Seeds must be proportioned to provide the proper amount of protein, fiber, fat, etc. You will find in the already prepared food an assortment that you only have to empty into their feeders, yes, look for a quality food for them.

Fruit and vegetable
Fruit and vegetables are a very important aspect of the Mandarin diamond's diet, from these natural foods they extract essential vitamins as well as a form of extra hydration.
Not all Mandarin Diamonds have the same preferences about fruits and vegetables for the Mandarin Diamond, although they are generally very accepting of the following:
- arugula
- spinach
- endives
- endive
- canons
- basil
- cucumber
- chard
- cabbage
- cauliflower
- Lion teeth
- bean sprouts
- wheat sprouts
- orange
- apple
- pear
- Kiwi
- tangerines
- strawberry
We have not included lettuce because its high water content can cause diarrhea if it is a regular extra. Vary from vegetables and see which one your Mandarin Diamond likes best!

Especially during the breeding season we must pay attention to the calcium needs of our mandarin finch although calcium should always be within reach.
We can find it in many different formats, of better and worse quality, without a doubt the most recommended is the cuttlefish bone since they love it and it offers them everything they need.

A fun way to enrich the Mandarin Diamond's diet is to place branches in the cage. The best option and the one they like the most is the panizo branch although in pet stores you will find very varied options.
Picture of birdsleo

Finally and to finish enriching the Mandarin diamond's diet, it is essential to talk about vitamins. You can easily find different types of vitamins and in each type of product we find different functions.
Especially if our bird is down, growing or overcoming an illness, the administration of vitamins usually works wonders. You should c Consult the professional before administering them.