What to do if my dog barks to get my attention?

What to do if my dog barks to get my attention?
What to do if my dog barks to get my attention?
What to do if my dog barks to get my attention?
What to do if my dog barks to get my attention?

Excessive vocalization is one of the most complicated behavior problems to treat, however, if we adequately identify the causes that cause this behavior in our dog, we can learn to manage it, always following the concepts of operant conditioning and applying appropriate techniques that do not harm its well-being.

In this article on our site we will guide you so you know what to do if your dog barks to get your attention, however, if If you are not able to solve it yourself, we advise you to consult a specialist, such as a veterinarian specialized in ethology, a canine educator or a trainer with experience in behavior modification.

Why do the dogs bark?

Dogs are social animals that constantly communicate with other living beings and with the environment. Ethology, the science that studies the behavior of animals, has revealed in recent years details about canine body language, better known as "calming signals", but it has also been revealed that canids use a wide range of range of vocalizations in their social relationships, which can also have multiple meanings

We must know that the dog's barking is one more communication tool and that it is totally normal for him to do it to express his emotions, such as excitement, fear or anger, as well, can also be used to attract attention or as a stereotyped (compulsive) behavior to relieve stress.

Meaning of dog barking

Before we start working to solve the problems of excessive barking, we must learn to correctly interpret the different vocalizations. What does a dog barking mean? Here are the keys to find out:

  • Bark: Attention barks are usually mid-pitched and tend to be well spaced.
  • Howl: If the bark turns into a howl, it may indicate loneliness, isolation and fear.
  • Whine: Crying usually expresses a request for attention due to fear, pain, tiredness, stress or anxiety.
What to do if my dog barks to get my attention? - Why do the dogs bark?
What to do if my dog barks to get my attention? - Why do the dogs bark?

Why do dogs attract attention?

Dogs may try to get our attention for various reasons: begging for food or seeking attention, alert to the presence of people and unknown animals, play request… As guardians we must learn to recognize the needs and concerns of our dog, which will help us to determine the cause that is causing let the dog bark.

Remember that, in addition to barking, there are other signals that dogs use to attract attention.

How to train a dog not to bark?

To solve this behavior problem it can be very useful to visit a specialist in canine behavior, such as a veterinarian specialized in ethology, a canine educator or a trainer. These professional figures can help us find the cause and origin of the problem, in addition to offering us specific guidelines for the specific case.

Ideally, work through positive education using the following operant conditioning reinforcers and punishers:

  • Positive reinforcement: we will reward the dog with a reinforcement of high value for him (food, caresses, toys, congratulations…) when he has out a behavior that pleases us, such as asking for our attention without barking, with the aim of repeating it and learning it more easily. [1]
  • Negative punishment: we will withdraw a pleasant stimulus for the dog (our attention) when it carries out the behavior that we dislike, in this case the bark.

Therefore, to solve this vocalization problem, we must ignore our dog when he barksbut, at the same time, we must assist him when he asks for our attention in a calm and silent way. It will be very important that we are consistent and that the whole family works following the same guidelines, because only in this way will the dog associate the work correctly.

Once the dog understands that, through barking, he does not get any response from us, he will stop barking to get our attention and will opt for other behaviors, such as approaching silently. This whole procedure is known as " extinction curve".

It may happen that the dog begins to bark much more intensely when we begin to ignore him, however, if we are constant, the extinction will occur successfully, although it may take a little longer. Remember that each case is unique and particular. We must not forget either that, in order to maintain adequate behavior for the rest of the dog's life, we must continue reinforcing the dog whenever it appears calm and asks for attention from us. silent way.

What to do if my dog barks to get my attention? - How to train a dog not to bark?
What to do if my dog barks to get my attention? - How to train a dog not to bark?

Counterproductive methods

Unfortunately, it is common for guardians to scold or punish the dog for excessive barking, however, we must know that when we punish the dog for barking we are paying attention to him , which undoes all the work done with the use of positive reinforcement and negative punishment. In addition, we will have also caused fear, insecurity, confusion and even broken the bond with the dog

There are also people who are looking for an easy and quick solution with the use of the anti-bark collar, however, the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology (ESVCE) points out the following: [two]

  • It is not possible to determine the appropriate intensity for a particular dog, which can cause the appearance of fear, aggression, phobias and stress. All this also means that the dog does not learn.
  • The animal may get used to the pain and continue barking.
  • Because it is a machine, the timing can be incorrect, which causes negative results.
  • There is a risk of abuse when the animal is aggressive.
  • An increased heart rate, physical burns, and even skin necrosis may occur.
  • Other negative behaviors and behaviors such as stress, clicking or inhibition may appear.

In addition, no study has shown that the anti-bark collar is more effective than the use of positive reinforcement, therefore, we do not recommend the use of this tool.

What to do if a dog won't stop barking?

There are some particularly complex cases that will require the follow-up of a professional (preferably a veterinary specialist in ethology) to solve the problem definitively, because some pathologies or certain behavior problems prevent the dog from learning properly and at a normal rate. An example could be those dogs that present sensory deprivation syndrome.

In these cases, individualized behavior modification sessions, the application of specific guidelines and even the use of medication are often carried out, something that only prescribe a veterinarian. For all these reasons, if we are faced with a particularly complex case or with an individual who does not respond to the guidelines described above, we recommend consulting a specialist.
