Bearded Dragon: characteristics, photos and videos

Bearded Dragon: characteristics, photos and videos
Bearded Dragon: characteristics, photos and videos
Bearded Dragon
Bearded Dragon

The best-known specimen of the pogona genus, the magnificent bearded dragon is also known as pogona vitticeps. It is an omnivorous and terrestrial animal, which enjoys the breeze in the trees. Its name comes from the prominent beard that swells at the time of mating or in defense of its territory.

Physical appearance

The bearded dragon is a lizard with a large triangular head surrounded by spiny scales. It has the ability to inflate these scales when it feels threatened and color them black. In addition, on the rest of the body, the bearded dragon also shows prickly scales.

In general, males measure 60 centimeters and weigh 450 grams, they are usually somewhat larger than females. In addition, sexual dimorphism allows us to easily differentiate them: males have femoral pores inside the bulges.

They can be many different colors including green, gray, brown, reddish or orange. You can modify the colors to regulate your temperature as well as to express your mood.


It comes from the Australian deserts and savannahs, specifically those found in the southwest, in the states of New South Wales and Victor. They are comfortable between the land and the dry forests.


The bearded dragon has captivated many people for its docility and good character that it offers when handling it. Reptile lovers consider it one of the best options when choosing a pet because, although it always depends on its character, the bearded dragon is the perfect specimen to enter the world of reptiles.

Unlike other reptiles, the bearded dragon is not included in the CITES convention, which means that its status in nature is not threatened, that is, we will not stop looking for an approved seller that certifies that this specimen does not come from poaching. Never forget to ask for it.


The bearded dragon adapts to all types of food as it is an omnivorous reptile that needs a variety between:

Animals: In this case we can think of crickets, honey worms, lobsters, flies, earthworms or snails

Fruit: Apple, banana, pear, watermelon… all are valid options for your pogona. Try to avoid those with excess phosphorus or oxalates

Vegetables: Offer lettuce, lamb's lettuce, arugula, mulberry or carrot

You should also know that pogonas drink from the dew of the field so you can spray it two or three times a week and leave a container with water during the moulting season.


We must be clear that pogonas are cold-blooded and that the temperature must always be between 30ºC and 36ºC throughout the day. At night we can have it between 20ºC and 23ºC. Meanwhile, the humidity will remain below 50% (remember that they come from a dry climate).

In general, Pogonas are essentially easy-to-care-for reptiles. However, it is good to keep in mind a series of guidelines so that we have a long and appreciated relationship with our friend.

  • They need a terrarium at least 1 meter long by 50 centimeters wide to keep a pair of pogonas.
  • We should let them exercise at least once a day on the floor of our home.
  • Offer a varied diet.
  • Respect your rest.
  • Always check the temperature and humidity.
  • Use a lamp that emits UVB ultraviolet light with a maximum value of 10.0.

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The most common problems with bearded dragons are parasites such as ticks or mites. Other diseases such as mouth rot or salmonella can also affect you.


The bearded dragon usually breeds in the cold months (from September to March) although in captivity they can do so throughout the year. In the spawning, 20 to 24 eggs appear that will incubate for approximately 60 or 80 days. A Pogona begins to be fertile at two years of age and they are quite prolific.

Bearded Dragon Pictures
