Bearded Dragon Feeding

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Bearded Dragon Feeding
Bearded Dragon Feeding
Bearded Dragon Feeding
Bearded Dragon Feeding

The bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) is a type of pogona, a genus of reptiles especially popular with reptile lovers. As well as being perfect for beginners, pogonas do not overgrow and are not threatened in the wild.

If you have decided to adopt a bearded dragon it is very important that you know the care and needs it requires so that your specimen is he althy and beautiful, for this reason we have prepared an article on our site for you to know thoroughly the bearded dragon feedingPogonas require a balanced and he althy diet that provides them with the special nutrients that they require, in this way, your specimen will live longer and you will be able to enjoy it much longer.

What does the bearded dragon eat?

Like the majority of animals that belong to the order of the "Squamous", pogonas are omnivorous animals that have wonderfully adapted to the available resources of their natural habitat. They can eat practically anything, from vegetables to small insects, something that has allowed them greater survival and adaptation.

It is important to point out that pogonas require a very varied diet, since if we base their diet solely on products of plant origin, for For example, we could predispose them to suffer nutritional deficiencies, thus causing the appearance of certain diseases and he alth problems.

Extruded feed for pogonas

In the market we will find extruded feed specific for bearded dragon nutrition, a convenient and complete solution for feeding our pogona. We must consult with the specialist to find out if the product we want to acquire is nutritionally complete, otherwise we could create nutritional deficiencies in our reptile. To avoid this, we should complete your diet with the foods that we will show you in the following sections on fruit and vegetables or live food.

The composition of the food for pogonas that we can find in the market is usually based on legumes, cereals, fish, worms, vegetables, minerals and fruits among others. Review it thoroughly to make sure that it is a suitable, varied and complete product.

Finally, highlight that each specimen is unique and that its previous feeding (prior to arrival at your home) can determine whether or not it accepts this type of feeding. It usually happens with those specimens that have been fed with live prey and that do not understand the feed as a food, but as one more element of their environment.

Bearded dragon feeding - Extruded feed for pogonas
Bearded dragon feeding - Extruded feed for pogonas

Fruits and vegetables for pogonas

Fruits and vegetables must never be lacking in the bearded dragon's diet, and depriving them of them will directly affect their he alth. In general, we can say that pogonas accept all kinds of fruit and vegetables, so we recommend that you offer them different types and investigate which ones they prefer.

Fruit and vegetables for a bearded dragon

Below we show you a complete list of fruits and vegetables that we can offer to our pogona, take note and offer them on a rotating basis to find out which ones they like and thus favor a varied diet:

  • Apricot
  • Alfafa
  • Celery
  • Cooked rice
  • Chard
  • Watercress
  • Sweet potato
  • Broccoli
  • Borage
  • Dandelion
  • Jewish
  • Lentils
  • Soy
  • Zucchini
  • Pumpkin
  • Thistle
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Endive
  • Endive
  • Asparagus
  • Green peas
  • Kiwi
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Figs
  • Mandarin
  • Mango
  • Corn
  • Apple
  • Cantaloupe
  • Mulberry leaves
  • Papaya
  • Cucumber
  • Pepper
  • Banana
  • Leek
  • Radish
  • Beetroot
  • Cabbage
  • Arugula
  • Tomatoes
  • Grapes
  • Carrot

Among foods to avoid we highlight cheese, onion, garlic, eggplant, avocado, cherries and the seeds of some fruits, such as apples and pears. And do not hesitate to expand all this information in our article about fruits and vegetables for pogonas.

Bearded Dragon Food - Fruits and Vegetables for Pogonas
Bearded Dragon Food - Fruits and Vegetables for Pogonas

Live Food: Bearded Dragon Insects

In addition to fruit, vegetables and extruded feed, the bearded dragon requires rations of live food, ie insects, as they form part of its diet in the wild. On a daily basis we can offer you some insect, such as crickets, darkworms, cockroaches, locusts, ants and termites Some owners even start a colony of crickets to feed to their pogonas and lower the cost of their food.

Occasionally we can supplement your diet with mealworms, honey worms and snails We recommend you get them from specialized stores, never take them from their natural habitat, since in addition to harming the ecosystem you could encourage your pogona to ingest pesticides and parasites To finish, highlight that in no case is it recommended to offer them wasps, flies, bees, beetles, ladybugs or fireflies.

Supplements for pogonas

In certain periods it may be advisable to supplement the diet of our pogona, for example during the breeding season or if it is overcoming some illness. The calcium and vitamins will ensure that you receive all the nutrients you require, even those that are difficult to assimilate. Pogona supplements may also be indicated for young and developing individuals

You can sprinkle the supplements on top of live prey, fruit and vegetables or the extruded feed itself.
