Bearded Collie dog: characteristics and photos

Bearded Collie dog: characteristics and photos
Bearded Collie dog: characteristics and photos
Bearded Collie
Bearded Collie

El bearded collie, bearded collie or simplybeardie , is an old sheepdog from Great Britain with a sweet and good-natured appearance. If you are thinking of adopting this dog, it will be very convenient to first review its characteristics and the care it needs, especially those related to company and physical exercise.

It is very important to understand that before adopting a bearded collie all these aspects must be assessed to avoid abandonment and that is that the beardie is not an appropriate dog for any familyYou need by your side people committed to your lifestyle and needs to be happy.

Keep reading and discover below everything you need to know about the bearded collie or the bearded collie in this breed file of our place:

Origin of the bearded collie

Being a very old breed, the history of the bearded collie is somewhat uncertain. It is believed to be descended from Polish Plains Sheepdogs brought to the British Isles by Polish traders. It is also possible that the komondor is another ancestor of the bearded collies. These dogs would have crossed with local dogs, herders of flocks, thus originating the new breed.

Regardless of the origin of the breed, the truth is that the bearded collie was used for centuries to guide and care for herds in Great Britain. Even today these dogs are still used as assistants to shepherds, although logically their responsibilities are less than in the past.

During the 1940s, G. Olive Wilson began breeding Bearded Collies from a single pair, hers, her dogs Bailey and Jeannie. That was a critical point in the history of the breed, as those dogs and their offspring became the main founders of the bearded collie as we know it today. Today, the Bearded Collie is a highly prized pet and show dog, although it is not as popular as other herding dogs.

Bearded Collie Characteristics

This sheepdog's body is longer than it is tall, covered with a beautiful long coat, and has a level and deep chest. Although a slender animal, this collie is strong and agile, excellent for performing tasks that require physical exertion.

The beardie's head is well proportioned to the rest of the body, has a rather square morphology and has a powerful muzzle. It gives the dog an intelligent and curious expression The nose is large, square and black, although in blue and brown dogs it is usually the color of the coat. The eyes are large and soft and affectionate expression. The color of the eyes is usually the same as the color of the coat. The ears are medium and hang on the sides of the head. The Bearded Collie's tail is long and set low. The dog never carries it on his back, not even during the race.

This dog's coat is double coated. The undercoat is soft, woolly and tight. The outer layer is smooth, strong, hard and shaggy. It can be slightly wavy, but it does not form curls or woolliness. The outer coat is longer on the cheeks, lower lip and lower jaw, forming a typical beard that gives the breed its name. Coat color can be gray (slate and all shades), auburn, black, blue, brown, and sand, with or without white markings.

The height at the withers of males ranges from 53 to 56 centimeters. That of females ranges from 51 to 53 centimeters. The ideal weight is not indicated in the breed standard, but these dogs usually weigh between 16 and 25 kilograms.

Bearded Collie Character

The Bearded Collie is a dog that adapts wonderfully to a proactive life full of stimuli that can motivate him mentally and physically. They are very active dogs and full of energy, perfect for people who want to share adventurous and tireless habits with their dog. It is essential that the family that is going to adopt him is clear about these requirements. The bearded collie is not a dog for sedentary families

They are generally very sociable dogs if they are trained correctly. They can get along wonderfully with other dogs, cats, various pets, and children. If we decide to adopt this dog, we will have guaranteed joy and fun for the little ones, as they will love playing with him and spending time with him.

On the other hand, the Bearded is a somewhat independent dog in his day-to-day life, but don't let this fool us: it is actually a very sensitive dog that needs constant affection, attention and affection. They do not usually take well to being left alone for too long, they require a family that they can lean on practically all day.

Well mannered we could say that the bearded collie is a good-natured dog, with an affable character and with very few eccentricities. You will enjoy having a family by your side that meets your needs and provides you with the love you deserve. If we fulfill all this, we will have at our side a wonderful life partner.

Bearded Collie Care

Caring for the Bearded Collie's coat requires time and dedication. It is necessary to brush and comb very regularly beardies, at least three times a week to prevent matting. As a positive point in terms of coat care, we can highlight that the beardie is a dog that barely loses hair We will bathe him when he is really dirty even if we had to determine a frequency in the bathroom of this breed would be around a month or two months.

These dogs adapt to all types of environments, including urban areas. Inside a flat or apartment, the beardie can feel very comfortable if his needs are met appropriately. They are dogs that need a lot of exercise and walking them once a day is not enough. To channel their energies it is necessary to give them three long daily walks

Despite their life as herding dogs, Bearded Collies are not outdoor dogs. They need a family and a home where they can spend time with their loved ones. Due to their great emotional needs, this point must be taken into account.

In addition, it is important to provide them with intense playtime three to four times a week and, preferably, encourage them to practice some dog sports. herding or grazing is the ideal sport for these dogs, but they can also greatly enjoy practicing agility in many other activities.

Bearded Collie Education

The bearded collie's education will begin by carrying out its socialization process correctly. As we have explained before, they are sociable dogs by nature, but this aspect must be worked on since they are puppies and even in their adult life. It is essential to avoid fears, bad reactions or inappropriate behavior. We will teach the dog to relate to all kinds of people (including children), other dogs, other animals, the environment and all kinds of objects and stimuli. It is very important to pay attention to socialization in order for him to be an emotionally stable adult dog.

Furthermore, Bearded Collies are highly intelligent dogs that can excel in almost any speci alty of dog training. We will always use positive reinforcement to work with the basic training commands and even in advanced training.

These dogs do not usually present behavior problems frequently, but it is necessary to provide them with a lot of exercise and company so that they do not feel anxious or boredWhen they are isolated in a garden or patio, they often develop destructive behaviors and, in some cases, separation anxiety.

However, there is an innate behavior in these dogs that can be very annoying. Because Bearded Collies' herding instincts are so strong, some Collies tend to "lead" children and other pets. This behavior has a strong genetic basis, so when it occurs, it cannot be eliminated, but it is possible to channel it into activities such as herding (herding sport) or planned games.

Bearded Collie He alth

Although in general this breed is quite he althy, it has a certain predisposition to some hereditary diseases that we will detail below. These diseases do not occur in the bearded collie as frequently as in other dog breeds, but it is good to know that they can occur, to understand that it is necessary to visit the veterinarian with some regularity, every 6 months is the recommended frequency:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Epilepsy
  • Colon diseases
  • Pemphigus
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Waterfalls
  • von Willebrand disease

On the other hand, we must not forget the infectious diseases that can be transmitted between dogs. Correctly following the vaccination schedule will be essential to protect our dog from all of them. Finally we remember the importance of following internal deworming every 3 months and external deworming monthly. If you follow our advice you will enjoy a happy and he althy bearded collie between 14 and 16 years old.

Photos of bearded collie or bearded collie
