Rabbit REX MINI - Characteristics, character and care (with photos)

Rabbit REX MINI - Characteristics, character and care (with photos)
Rabbit REX MINI - Characteristics, character and care (with photos)
Rex rabbit mini
Rex rabbit mini

The mini rex rabbit is a miniature version of the rex rabbit, sharing many characteristics with the latter, but also many differences, one of which, obviously, is its smaller size. These small lagomorphs emerged relatively recently and they did so by enchanting many in all parts of the world. Do you want to meet this adorable little guy? We present the characteristics, character and care of the mini rex rabbit.

Origin of the mini rex rabbit

They are the result of a recessive genetic mutation that affects the so-called “r” gene. This mutation, benign for his he alth, affects the characteristics of his fur, which is very soft and the same length throughout the entire body surface.

Its precursor, the rex rabbit, emerged in the 1920s, but a few years later breeders decided to undertake a selective breeding program, pursuing a decrease in the size of these rabbits.

The first rex minis were unattractive, not turning out as expected, it was not until the 80's when a breeder obtained, in Texas, the first litter of what we now call mini rex rabbit. The breed became wildly popular in the US, where it was recognized in 1988.

Characteristics of the mini rex rabbit

Mini rex rabbits, as their name suggests, are mini or toy rabbits, weighing never more than 2 kilograms, being the most normal that their weight is between 1 and 2 kilos The life expectancy of the breed is about 7 years approximately.

The body of the mini rex is rounded, with quite developed muscles, and strong and powerful legs. The head is proportional in size to the body, with eyes whose color varies, harmonizing with the coat, and thick, short, upright ears.

The particular fur of the mini rex is velvety, due to the genetic mutation of the recessive gene “r”. This soft fur is the same length all over the rabbit's body. A large number and variety of coat colors and patterns are accepted, including: black, blue, beaver, chinchilla, chocolate, Himalayan, lilac, lynx, marten, opal, otter, red, sable, saberpoint, seal, tortoise, red-eyed white, blue-eyed white, broken, tricolor and pattern.

Mini Rex Rabbit Character

Like the medium-sized version of the rex, mini rex rabbits are very loving, having acharacter docile and friendly They love to receive cuddles and attention, seeking attention from their owners, following them around the house and sitting on their laps very often.

These rabbits are intelligent and curious, we can try to teach them tricks and skills or prepare games for them to exercise their minds. However, they are very calm and with little exercise we will prevent them from being restless.

Rex mini rabbit care

Rex minis do not need too much dedication, their fur does not have to be brushed, unless it has knots, tangles or tangles that we have to remove, as it is a brittle hair that does not withstand brushing well. To bathe them, we recommend using a damp cloth or towel, making sure they are completely dry.

Although they are small in size, the mini rex will need to have a cage with sufficient dimensions to be able to move freely. This cage must always be clean, disinfecting it and changing the bedding frequently.

Our rabbit must always have a good amount of water and fresh, clean hay at its disposal, as both are vital for its he alth. In the same way we will provide our pet with a good feed, supplemented with vegetables and fruits, especially green leafy vegetables. To keep their nails and teeth at an adequate length we can provide them with logs or special toys that they can gnaw on. As for the nails, we can either go to a veterinarian to cut them or learn ourselves and do it at home when we see that they are too long.

Mini Rex Rabbit He alth

Rex rabbits do not have major diseases associated with their genetics, although they do have some weaknesses, such as their sensitive legs. We mean that their paws do not have fur that is hard and dense enough to protect the skin, so if they are in contact with hard surfaces, such as the bars of a cage for example, for too long, wounds or sores may appear.

We must pay attention to possible alarming signs that show the existence of alterations, some of them could be sadness, lack of appetite or the appearance of anxious or aggressive behaviors.

Apart from that, we have to give them a quality diet, combining feed and vegetables, taking care of their nails, teeth, ears and mouth, going to the vet for regular check-ups and if applicable, give them their vaccinations. In this way, we can have a he althy and happy companion who will undoubtedly brighten our days.

Photos of Mini Rex Rabbit
