Homemade mosquito repellent for dogs - More than 5 recipes

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Homemade mosquito repellent for dogs - More than 5 recipes
Homemade mosquito repellent for dogs - More than 5 recipes
Homemade Mosquito Repellent for Dogs
Homemade Mosquito Repellent for Dogs

We all know that the noise of mosquitoes flying over our heads is really annoying. However, the growth of the population of these insects brings with it a much more serious risk. Mosquitoes act as vectors for numerous pathogens that can cause severe disease in humans and also in dogs.

We are getting used to taking care of ourselves from mosquito bites, but, many times, we can forget to protect our best friends as well. Especially on hot days, it is essential to fight mosquitoes and prevent them from harming the he alth of our furry friends. Therefore, in this new article on our site, we explain why you should not use human repellent on your pets and we teach you how to make homemade mosquito repellent for dogs

Are human repellents bad for dogs?

Yes, yes and yes! The repellents that we apply to our skin to repel mosquitoes are very dangerous for our pets. Its formula contains a chemical compound known as DEET (N, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide). Ingestion, aspiration, or direct entry into the bloodstream of DEET can be toxic to our pets and to us as well. In fact, he alth organizations and repellent manufacturers themselves draw our attention to recommendations for use, such as not applying to wounds, cuts or irritating skin, not inhaling or not applying it directly to the face to avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes, precisely to avoid possible DEET poisoning.

However, unlike humans, dogs and cats usually lick their body, so the application of These repellents would almost certainly lead to the consumption of DEET orally and a possible poisoning picture. In addition, the inhalation of this substance can also cause irritation to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. And as you may have already noticed, repellents have an unpleasant odor for dogs, which usually causes a lot of discomfort and can cause allergic reactions

Therefore, we must not use human repellents on our pets or leave them within their reach. To protect your furry from mosquito bites, you can opt for the commercial repellents made especially for our best friends or make a homemade mosquito repellent for dogs. How? We'll tell you later, don't miss it!

Citrus-based anti-mosquito spray for dogs

citrus are one of the best natural repellents for mosquitoes and ectoparasites, such as fleas and ticks. However, these fruits are among the prohibited foods for dogs, since they can cause various gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, remember to watch your best friend to prevent him from licking himself after applying the repellent.

A very economical way to prepare this homemade repellent is to use the citrus peels, which we rarely consume and end up throwing in the trash. You can take advantage of the peels of lemons, oranges, limes and or grapefruit, and even dry them to use them later. In addition, you can spray this repellent at home, to prevent the entry of mosquitoes or repel them.

Step by step to make homemade mosquito repellent for dogs with citrus:

  1. To start the preparation, boil 1 liter of clean water.
  2. When the water is about to boil, add the citrus peels (approx. 1 cup).
  3. Lower the heat, cover and let the liquid concentrate its odors for 45 to 50 minutes.
  4. Then, we strain the preparation and wait for it to cool before transferring it to a sprayer.
  5. Clever! You already have an excellent homemade mosquito repellent for dogs.
  6. Now, just apply it carefully to your best friend's body, avoiding contact with the eyes and mouth, and making sure your furry friend doesn't lick it.
Homemade Mosquito Repellent for Dogs - Citrus-Based Anti-Mosquito Spray for Dogs
Homemade Mosquito Repellent for Dogs - Citrus-Based Anti-Mosquito Spray for Dogs

Chamomile: a natural and safe repellent for our dogs

chamomile is a fantastic herb that offers many benefits to our dogs and can be used safely for many purposes. In addition to being a natural painkiller with digestive properties, chamomile acts as a natural repellent for ticks and mosquitoes.

To prepare this natural repellent, we must make a well-concentrated infusion of chamomile. The ideal is always to prefer the natural herb, but you can use organic tea bags. When the infusion has cooled, you only need to apply it to your dog's skin, with the help of cotton, gauze or a clean cloth. Remember to gently fry the entire length of its body, taking special care with the region of the eyes, mouth, ears and genitals.

Apple vinegar to repel mosquitoes

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most used ingredients in natural treatments for dogs and cats. Preparing this natural repellent is very simple: just mix equal parts of water and vinegar, and then apply it to your dog's body with the help of a clean cotton pad or cloth. The acetic acid present in the vinegar formula will act as a natural mosquito repellant (and is also very efficient at fighting fleas and ticks). Again, we remember to avoid contact with the animal's eyes, as well as with wounds or irritated skin.

Homemade mosquito repellent for dogs - Apple cider vinegar to repel mosquitoes
Homemade mosquito repellent for dogs - Apple cider vinegar to repel mosquitoes

Infusions of mint or basil to repel mosquitoes

Mint and basil are tasty and very aromatic plants that are excellent natural repellents. The preparation and application technique is the same as for chamomile repellent: just make a concentrated infusion, let it cool and apply it carefully to your dog's skin. In addition, they say that it is always good to have fresh leaves of these herbs at home to prevent mosquitoes from entering.

Homemade mosquito repellent with citronella oil

citronella oil is a natural mosquito repellent. To apply it to your dog, you must dilute it in water or add it to chamomile infusion (approx. 5 drops per ½ liter). Then you can apply it to your dog's body using cotton or with the help of a sprayer. Remember to watch your dog to prevent him from licking himself after applying it, as the consumption of citronella can be toxic.

However, there are other natural oils that can be effective as mosquito repellants, such as castor, cedar, clove, lavender, rosemary, geranium, sage, eucalyptus, lemon, sandalwood, thyme, verbena and pine.

Homemade mosquito repellent for dogs - Homemade mosquito repellent with citronella oil
Homemade mosquito repellent for dogs - Homemade mosquito repellent with citronella oil

Moisturizing repellent with coconut oil and rosemary

Coconut oil is an excellent natural moisturizer for the skin of our dogs, in addition to acting as a mosquito repellent. We suggest combining these properties to obtain an excellent r homemade repellant with moisturizing properties. To enhance the repellent action of coconut oil, we recommend adding a few drops of coconut oil rosemary to your preparation (you can use thyme oil if you prefer). The proportion is 10 drops of natural rosemary oil for every 50mL of coconut oil Simply mix the oils well so that they merge and apply to the body of your dog with the help of a cotton. You will see that, in addition to protecting it from mosquitoes, you can make its hair look brighter and he althier.

How to avoid mosquito bites in dogs?

Mosquitoes bite dogs especially in summer and hotter times, however, it can happen at other times of the year. The key is to be alert for the appearance of these insects and, although it is not always possible to know how to repel mosquitoes from dogs if commercial products are not available, above mentioned remedies can be very effective and helpful in your absence.

It is essential to point out that if the dog shows sensitivity or allergy to certain foods or substances, the guardian mustconsult the veterinarian in advance the application of any of the aforementioned home remedies for mosquitoes in dogs. In addition, they can also be used as a fly repellent for dogs. Remember that flies in turn are susceptible to laying eggs in a dog's wounds, causing what is known as myiasis or worms, therefore, using these repellents will help you know how to do so that the flies do not bother my dog.

If after applying a natural repellent for dogs against mosquitoes the dog shows discomfort, skin irritation or any abnormal symptom, it is you should go immediately to a specialist.
