Rickettsia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Rickettsia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Rickettsia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Rickettsia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Rickettsia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

In this article on our site we are going to explain what rickettsia in dogs is, an intracellular parasite that will cause a series of of symptoms, which we will list, and which can also affect humans, being considered a zoonotic agent, that is, capable of infecting animals and humans. We will also explain what the appropriate treatment is and, above all, prevention, since dogs acquire rickettsiae through tick bites, therefore, by maintaining an adequate deworming schedule we will be able to minimize the risk of bites and infestation. Keep reading and discover how to treat rickettsia in dogs

rickettsial diseases in dogs

Rickettsiae are a type of bacteria that parasitize cells in a variety of animals, including dogs and humans. Rickettsia in dogs is transmitted by vectors such as fleas and ticks and causes various diseases. In this article we will focus on those that can most frequently affect us, dogs and humans, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Mediterranean spotted spotted fever.

Rocky Mountain Fever

This disease is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, it is very important in humans, it is transmitted by ticks and it is common in different areas of the USA. More cases occur during spring and summer, as good weather favors tick activity. Dogs, but also rodents, are reservoirs of rickettsia.

What are the symptoms of Rickettsia rickettsii in dogs?

The affected dog will be listless, with fever, anorexia, cough, conjunctivitis, respiratory problems , vomiting, diarrhea, edema of the extremities and face, and pain in the muscles and joints. This rickettsia in dogs can also cause walking difficulties due to instability, behavioral changes and seizures. If the heart becomes inflamed, a condition known as myocarditis, its function may be altered, and the dog may die. In addition, there may be hemorrhages, with nose bleeds, bruising or the appearance of blood in urine and stool. This picture can also lead to the death of the dog.

How to treat Rickettsia rickettsii in dogs?

It is important that we take him to a veterinarian and that he be the one who, through examination and tests, arrives at the diagnosis. It can be treated with antibiotics for 2-3 weeks, in addition to other drugs to control symptoms depending on the dog's condition. It is essential to implement early treatment, hence the importance of establishing an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible and starting medication at the slightest suspicion, since mortality is high. Given the seriousness of the condition, it is important that we focus our efforts on prevention, deworming our dogs to keep them free from tick bites.

Rickettsia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment - Rocky Mountain Fever
Rickettsia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment - Rocky Mountain Fever

Mediterranean spotted fever in dogs

This disease is caused by Rickettsia conorii and is also transmitted by ticks. The dog acts as a reservoir and, from it, by feeding on its blood, ticks can become infected that at some point could bite humans, transmitting the disease to them. This fever is on the rise in areas such as France and Spain.

What are the symptoms of Rickettsia conorii in dogs?

In the dog this disease alone has no clinical relevanceIn humans you can see dark lesions where the tick has attached itself. It produces fever, headaches, muscle and joint aches , which can be confused with the flu, as well as skin rashes. In severe cases, kidney failure, coagulation and liver problems and even death occur. In other people, on the contrary, it is asymptomatic. If it develops in dogs, the clinical picture would be similar to that of humans.

How to treat Rickettsia conorii in dogs?

As it happens with the previous one, it must be the specialist who prescribes the treatment to combat this type of rickettsia in dogs, so it is essential to go as soon as possible. Likewise, as dogs usually have asymptomatic courses, to avoid their development we recommend visit the vet if ticks are found on the animal in order to carry out an exam detailed that allows us to know if you have suffered any type of contagion. We must bear in mind that ticks are carriers of multiple diseases, exposed in the following article: "Diseases transmitted by ticks".

Is rickettsia in dogs curable?

As we have exemplified, rickettsiae can cause serious illness in our dogs. The rickettsial diseases are curable but, if not treated or treated late, they can cause death. In addition, the cure always goes through the diagnosis and treatment of the veterinarian. As once the dog is sick, the prognosis is reserved, it is worth focusing on the preventive measures that we can adopt and that we will explain in the last section.

Prevention against rickettsia in dogs

Prevention measures will focus on tick control, for which the following measures stand out:

  • In agreement with our veterinarian, we must establish and comply with a deworming schedule appropriate to the characteristics of our dog and the parasites in his environment. For more information, see the article "How often to deworm a dog."
  • We must deworm all the animals that live together and disinfect the environment.
  • If we are going to travel with our dog, we must obtain information on parasites and diseases that may affect him at the destination in order to establish adequate protection measures.
  • If we walk through the countryside, especially during the warm months, we should examine our dog's body and immediately eliminate any parasites we find. Infected ticks take a few hours to transmit the parasite, so if we unhook them earlier, we will avoid contagion. Check out our article "Ticks on Dogs - How to Identify and Eliminate Them" to find out what to do.
  • We must not handle ticks without protection.
  • Any symptom such as those described is a reason for veterinary consultation even if we have not observed any ticks.
