How to know the age of a cat? - Check the following details

How to know the age of a cat? - Check the following details
How to know the age of a cat? - Check the following details
How to know the age of a cat?
How to know the age of a cat?

It is very common that those who adopt a cat in a shelter or directly from the street do not know the specific age that the new member of the family may have. Although it is not excessively important to know the exact age, it is It is important to know approximately what age range you are in, in order to plan your care or the diet you accurate.

Discover in this article on our site how to know the age of a small, adult or elderly cat, with details and instructions that will help you calculate it:

Getting to know the age of a small cat

A cat is considered a puppy from birth to one year old Small cats are especially fragile and vulnerable and should not be exposed abroad until the feline vaccination schedule is up to date, mainly to prevent the spread of any disease.

At this stage they will begin to socialize and will need very specific care to survive. Among them we can mention food, temperature or sphincter management. At the end of this stage is when we must begin to teach our cat to use the scratching post and the litter box.

  • Between one and ten days old: The cat cannot do anything by itself. He is not able to get up or fully open his eyes and depends solely on his mother or caregiver. At this time they are very fragile and usually show a very thick and short coat. We must provide the necessary care to make it move forward.
  • Between ten days and one month of age: From this moment on, the little feline is able to open his eyes and begins to show interest in the environment, progressively. Although they are not able to coordinate his movements well, little by little they will try to improve their balance. It is the moment in which socialization begins.
  • From the age of one month: The cat begins to develop and show typical behaviors of adulthood such as trying to hunt, active games, body hygiene… He will continue to show little coordination in his movements.
  • At one and a half months of age: This is a very revealing moment as the puppy cat's eyes acquire their final color, losing the characteristic blue of childhood.
  • Between two and three months of age: The cat usually weighs approximately between 800 grams and 1 kg. They are practically grown and actively experiment with the environment in which they live.
  • Between three and six months of age: After three months the cat begins to show its permanent teeth, that is, much whiter and brighter.
  • Between six months and one year of age: At this stage the cat still shows typical puppy behaviors, but the body of he begins to reach adult size
How to know the age of a cat? - Know the age of a small cat
How to know the age of a cat? - Know the age of a small cat

Calculate the age of an adult cat

Adult cats are those that are between one year and seven years of age At this stage the cat has already outgrown socialization process and begins at sexual maturity, which can lead to marking in male cats and the first heat of a female cat.

This is the perfect time to consider sterilization, something that we should consult with our trusted veterinarian. The adult cat, although it can continue to be playful, begins to have a more stable behavior.

  • From the first year of age: By observing the teeth we can observe a slight opacity of the teeth as well as the appearance of tartar It's the perfect time to start taking care of your teeth
  • Between the second and third year: It is usual that at this stage we observe even more tartar on the cat's teeth, however, sometimes it can be difficult to observe, especially if we have performed dental hygiene or if the previous owner carried it out.
  • Between fourth and seventh years: Teeth begin to wear down and tartar buildup is very evident, plus their gums begin to pigment.

Knowing the age of an elderly cat

Elderly cats tend to display a much more relaxed lifestyle. It is estimated that they reach this stage about seven or eight years old, but even beyond this age some may seem very young and be active, it will depend on each cat. Although yes, elderly cats spend more hours sleeping and resting and often begin to suffer from age-related diseases such as vision loss, kidney problems, muscle pain…

It is very important to be clear about the care of the elderly cat, since it will need a specific diet, a comfortable place to sleep and even pain in its extremities.

  • Between seven and ten years old: The cat begins to become lazy and it is common for the pigmentation of the nose or gums keep going. The first diseases of aging are also beginning to appear, but at first glance it still looks like a normal, he althy adult cat.
  • Between ten and fifteen years old: At this stage the accumulation of tartar on the cat's teeth is very evident. Regardless of the dental hygiene or the care that we have been able to offer you, your teeth show the passage of time. They begin to lose weight and lose muscle tone and the trace that the legañas have left over time can be observed.
  • Between fifteen and twenty years old: At this stage the old age of the cat is totally evident since in addition to all the he alth problems that may suffer, we can observe the appearance of gray hair in the coat. It is common for them to become thinner and their appearance slightly deteriorated, as well as to observe an exaggerated growth of the nails.
How to know the age of a cat? - Know the age of an elderly cat
How to know the age of a cat? - Know the age of an elderly cat

