How to know the age of a rabbit? - Find out the answer

How to know the age of a rabbit? - Find out the answer
How to know the age of a rabbit? - Find out the answer
How to know the age of a rabbit?
How to know the age of a rabbit?

Usually when adopting a rabbit it is rare that adopters are informed of the animal's date of birth. For this reason, it is common that when adding a new rabbit to the family, keepers wonder how old their pet is. Although there is no really precise method, there are a series of parameters that can be useful to estimate the age of these animals.

Are you wondering how to tell the age of a rabbit? If so, do not hesitate to read the following article on our site, in which we will mention the main methods that you can use to estimate the age of rabbits.

How long does a rabbit live?

The life expectancy of domestic rabbits ranges between 8 and 10 years, although you should know that there have been rabbits that have reached to exceed 15 years of life.

Estimating the age of rabbits accurately is a complicated task, however, with the clues that we will mention in this article you will be able to know if your rabbit is:

  • A rabbit: up to 6 months of age.
  • A young adult: 6 to 12 months of age.
  • An adult: From one year to 5 years of age.
  • A geriatric animal: more than 5 years of age.

Heel scan

Although it may seem strange, the condition of a rabbit's heels is one of the most accurate indicators of its age. For example:

  • In kits and young rabbits: they have smooth skin and thick, lush fur on their heels
  • In adult rabbits: Over time, the heels wear down. Therefore, in adult rabbits it is common to see less hair in this area.
  • In older rabbits: calluses or cracks may form on the skin of the heels.

You may be interested in learning about Rabbit care for more information on the subject.

How to know the age of a rabbit? - Heel scan
How to know the age of a rabbit? - Heel scan

Nail scan

Although it is somewhat less indicative than the heels, the condition of the nails also helps us to estimate the age of the rabbits.

  • Young rabbits: they have short, thin and, above all, pointed nails
  • Adult and geriatric rabbits: tend to have longer and more yellowish nails.

Teeth examination

In some animal species, such as horses or dogs, it is possible to estimate the age quite accurately based on the level of wear on their teeth. In the case of rabbits, this method is useless because they are animals with a continuous growth of teeth

However, there are some parameters related to the teeth of rabbits that can give us some information about their age.

  • In young rabbits: they usually have white, short and quite regular teeth.
  • In adult rabbits: Over time, teeth tend to turn more yellowish in color. In addition, when they do not have an adequate diet, it is common for dental alterations to appear, such as overgrowth of incisors, peaks, malocclusion, etc.

You may be interested in reading the following article on our site where we explain why my rabbit has very long teeth and what to do.

How to know the age of a rabbit? - Examination of the teeth
How to know the age of a rabbit? - Examination of the teeth

Skin and coat condition

Skin and hair can also provide relevant information about the age of rabbits. In this way we can see that:

  • In young and adult rabbits: They usually have supple skin and a shiny, abundant coat.
  • However, in older rabbits: they have tougher skin and coarser, duller fur. Also, it is common for older rabbits to groom themselves less frequently.
How to know the age of a rabbit? - Condition of the skin and hair
How to know the age of a rabbit? - Condition of the skin and hair


Today, there is a huge variety of rabbit breeds, from dwarf breeds to giant breeds. This fact must be taken into account when estimating the age of these animals based on their size. In this sense, it will be essential to know the size and weight that an adult specimen of the corresponding breed should have, in order to make an adequate estimate.

Rabbits are animals with very rapid growth Until they reach sexual maturity, around 6 months of age, their speed growth is very high. Thereafter, they continue to grow more slowly until about one year of age. From that moment, they reach their adult size and stop growing.

These growth parameters can be useful in estimating the age of rabbits. It will suffice to weigh the animal once a week on a precision scale (for example, a kitchen scale) to analyze its growth rate:

  • If weekly you notice a weight gainsignificant: means that your rabbit is still a young rabbit less than 6 months old
  • When you notice that the level of growth decreases noticeably: it means that your rabbit is between 6 and 12 months old, that is, it is of a young adult.
  • When you detect that your rabbit has reached the average weight of an adult specimen of its breed: means your pet has, at least, one year old.
How to know the age of a rabbit? - Size
How to know the age of a rabbit? - Size

Activity level

Although, in general, rabbits are curious and active animals, young rabbits are especially nervous, playful and mischievous However, with age their level of activity decreases, so it is common for older animals to spend a good part of the day at rest.

To finish, don't hesitate to consult the following post on our site about How long does a rabbit live?
