How to know the age of a turtle? - VERY EASY

How to know the age of a turtle? - VERY EASY
How to know the age of a turtle? - VERY EASY
How to know the age of a turtle?
How to know the age of a turtle?

The turtle is perhaps one of the oldest reptiles in the world It is characterized by its slow movements and its enormous shell, which serves to protect the internal organs. Originally, turtles were land animals, but with evolution they managed to adapt to the seabed to be aquatic.

The age of turtles has always generated controversy, since they are very long-lived, which complicates the task of knowing the age of each specimen. That is why from our site we have prepared this article, in which we will teach you how to know the age of a turtle

Characteristics of tortoises

The tortoise is one of the calmest and quietest animals that can be kept as a pet. They are characterized by having a long and wide neck that they can stretch and contract with great ease and agility. Thanks to this and the shell, they are able to hide when they feel threatened. Also, tortoises can regulate their body temperature depending on the outside environment. In this sense, when cold temperatures occur, they hide underground and considerably reduce their activity.

Land turtles don't have teeth, their mouth is made up of a kind of beak with very strong jaws that they use to process their food, consisting of plants and insects. Calcium is one of the most important nutrients in their diet, as it strengthens the shell, so it is very important to supply it when keeping them as a pet.

Characteristics of sea turtles

Sea turtles encompass several species of different sizes, shapes and colors. Like the terrestrial ones, they have a large shell, they do not have visible teeth or ears, but covered by skin, with which they are capable of hearing low frequencies. Its body is aerodynamic, which allows it to move with great agility in the sea. Plus, they have an excellent view underwater.

Sea turtles' diet consists of algae, molluscs, crustaceans, fish and corals, which provide them with the necessary energy to unwrap and strengthen their shell. Despite being solitary animals, they have few predators.

Sea turtles spend most of their lives in the water, so it is very difficult to know how old they are, although it is estimated that they can live more than 100 years However, there are several ways to know the age of sea and land turtles, which we explain below.

How to know the age of a turtle?

If you adopted a turtle from birth, it will be very easy to know its age. However, this only happens in some cases. If you volunteer at a wildlife protection center and find a turtle or several specimens living in the center, it is likely that they are not sure of the age of each one.

If you identify with any of these cases or are simply curious about how to calculate the age of a turtle, here are several ways.

Shell Lines

The first method is to count the lines or circles that surround the scutes that make up the shell. These lines appear in periods in which the animal has had a good or bad diet, so it is not an exact technique, but it can be used to make approximations.

This method is based on the fact that on the shell of turtles there are thick and thin lines The thin lines represent periods of poor feeding, which occur mostly in autumn and winter, in cases in which the animal is in freedom or in the wild. On the other hand, the thick lines represent stages of good nutrition, which occur during warm seasons.

With this method, the idea is to count all the lines and then divide them by two, which would give the approximate age of the animal. If you intend to use this method, it is more effective for land turtles, as their shell is sharper than sea turtles.

Observe its size

This method is also used to estimate the age of the turtle, although it is not an exact way of knowing it. The procedure consists of knowing the size of the turtle, and for this you must measure from the tip of the tail to the tip of its head

Next, research in different scientific articles where the sizes reached by different species of turtles are defined. Thanks to this, you will be able to make a comparison between the measurements of the reptile in front of you and the details provided by the article.

With this method, however, it is necessary to take into account that the tortoises that are in captivity grow more than those that are kept in captivity. found in nature.

How to know the age of a turtle? - How to know the age of a turtle?
How to know the age of a turtle? - How to know the age of a turtle?

How many years does a turtle live?

Now that you know how the age of these animals is calculated, you need to know how many years turtles live on average depending on their habitat.

How long does a terrapin live?

Determining the life expectancy of sea turtles can be complicated, since you must take into account that they live in freedom. However, scientists usually place their longevity at 100 years, although there are species, such as the tortoises of the Galapagos Islands, which are suspected of having lived up to 150 years.

Despite this life expectancy that far exceeds that of humans, several species of sea turtles face extinction. The reasons are varied, but the most important are the pollution of the oceans and bays where it buries its eggs, and indiscriminate hunting for the consumption of its meat.

How many years does a gopher tortoise live?

The difference in the life expectancy of a land turtle and a sea turtle is very large, since terrestrial specimens, depending on the species, usually reach a maximum of about 60 years. Did you imagine that your turtle could live so long? It will be with you for a long time!

Some species, such as the box turtle, reach 100 years. Of course, this will depend on what you feed, in the case of free-roaming tortoises, and the diet and other care you receive, in the case of tortoises living in homes or in wildlife refuges.

How many years does a pet tortoise live?

Freshwater turtles are called domestic turtles. The life expectancy of this variety is considerably lower than that of other turtles, as they only live between 15 and 20 years. As in the case of land turtles, their longevity will depend on the care the turtle receives. Think that it will not be exposed to predators, so everything will depend on its diet and the general care it receives.
