BELGIAN SHEPHERD MALINOIS - Characteristics, colors and care

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BELGIAN SHEPHERD MALINOIS - Characteristics, colors and care
BELGIAN SHEPHERD MALINOIS - Characteristics, colors and care
Belgian Malinois
Belgian Malinois

The Belgian Shepherd Malinois is the dog that has given Belgian Shepherds the label "formula one of the dogs". Because of their psychological characteristics and their physical abilities. It has also shown its superiority over the other Belgian Shepherd varieties. He is an exceptionally intelligent dog that amazes in measure.

In this tab of our site we will detail with you various aspects to take into account if you want to adopt a Belgian Malinois. To give an example, this dog needs to perform physical exercise on a daily basis, and precisely this factor makes it not a suitable dog for any type of family, it requires an active and stimulating person by its side to guarantee its happiness.

Next, we will detail with you the characteristics and character of the Belgian Malinois, keep reading:

History of the Belgian Shepherd Malinois

The Belgian Shepherd Malinois is named after the City of MechelenIt was not until 1908 that this variety was given a name, although it had existed long before. His selection was specifically based on the search for a utility dog that would be suitable for training.

While the Malinois is not the most popular Belgian Shepherd with the general public, he is the most popular with sports fans. His great ability for these sports has led him to position himself at the top of international competitions in recent years. Although each variety of Belgian Shepherd has a particular history, the history of the Malinois is part of the history of the entire breed.

Characteristics of the Belgian Shepherd Malinois

The Belgian Malinois is a light but strong dog, of medium size and great agility. His body length is equal to his height at the withers, so his build is square.

On an elongated, thin and rectilinear head, the Malinois has small, triangular, pointed ears erect. The dark, oblique eyes are somewhat almond-shaped. The stop of the Malinois is moderate. The width of the muzzle is reduced from the base to the nose, but it does not end in a point. The Malinois scissor bite is tremendously powerful, as any extra who has worked with these dogs can attest.

Being a Belgian Shepherd, the Malinois should have a tail long enough to reach to the hock or a bit longer. At rest, the tail should hang down and its end should curve backwards, but not quite hooking. The forelimbs are straight and, seen from the front, are parallel. The hind limbs are powerful but without giving the appearance of being heavy. His angulation is normal.

Belgian Shepherd Malinois Colors

The Malinois is the only Belgian Shepherd with short hair. This fur is more abundant on the neck and tail. On the neck, the abundant fur draws a collar that gives the Malinois an elegant and rustic air at the same time. The abundant hair gives the tail a spike shape, but does not form a tuft. The Belgian Malinois is carbonated red (some hairs with black ends) and his mask should be black

Belgian Shepherd Malinois puppies

Belgian Malinois females usually have on average about 5 puppies, and can have up to 8. Belgian Malinois puppies are just as active as adults, but their exercise should be a little more moderate, increasing as they grow. Here are some guidelines on recommended exercise for Belgian Malinois puppies:

  • Less than 6 months: during his first months of life, it will be enough for you to spend 20 minutes a day playing with him, for example, to fetch the ball.
  • Less than a year: after 6 months, it is recommended to take long walks with it of up to approximately 800 meters, plus about 45 minutes of games.
  • From the year: Once your dog is one year old, he will need to run and lead a much more active daily life.

Belgian Shepherd Malinois character

The Malinois may well be the most active and tireless of all the Belgian Shepherds. He is a very intelligent dog with a courage that is difficult to overcome. His abundant mental qualities make him a very easy dog to educate and train. In addition, he responds wonderfully to all techniques that include positive reinforcement as a base. We are talking about a dog that is tremendously faithful and kindwith his relatives. Properly educated and socialized, it can relate to all kinds of people and pets.

Care for a Belgian Malinois

Although the Belgian Malinois can adapt to living in an apartment, it would be ideal to offer him a spacious home so that he could enjoy exercising. This dog wastes energy so it is essential to give him plenty of exercise and long walks every day. The practice of dog sports can help channel the excessive energy of these dogs. While dog training is necessary for any dog, it is even more so for a Malinois.

The Malinois loses hair constantly and sheds more in two annual moulting seasons. However, maintaining its short coat does not require as much effort as other Belgian Shepherd varieties. Regular brushing and bathing when needed is usually sufficient.

Education of a Belgian Malinois

It is recommended that the education and training of the Malinois Belgian Shepherd be guided by a connoisseur of the breed since it is a of the most surprising dogs that we can find. The great mental qualities encourage us to start with the education of the puppy in a complete way, treating socialization and mental stimulation at the level that this dog deserves.

Basic dog obedience will be quickly mastered by the Malinois. It is then that we must begin to interact with him using intelligence games and outdoor activities. Good physical stimulation will prevent the Malinois from starting to develop behavioral problems such as stress. This point must be taken into account before adopting one.

He alth of a Belgian Malinois

Unlike other herding dogs, physical appearance has played a definite role in the he alth of the Belgian Malinois. His great mental qualities have subtracted prominence from his physique, so his reproduction has focused on lines of work, not on aesthetic qualities. Because of this is in better he alth Hereditary diseases are not frequent in this breed.

With good care, bi-annual visits to the vet and correct adherence to the vaccination schedule for dogs, we will enjoy a he althy and happy dog for a long time. His longevity is around 12.

Belgian Malinois Shepherd dog adoption

If after reading all the information about this precious animal you are thinking of adopting one, congratulations! It is one of the most affectionate and loyal dog breeds you can find. If you don't know where to adopt a Belgian Malinois, we recommend asking at a protector or animal association in your area. In addition, you can check if there is an organization dedicated to the rescue and adoption of this particular breed in your area.

Photos of Malinois Belgian Shepherd
