Feeding a Belgian Malinois Shepherd - Diets and recommendations according to age

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Feeding a Belgian Malinois Shepherd - Diets and recommendations according to age
Feeding a Belgian Malinois Shepherd - Diets and recommendations according to age
Feeding a Belgian Shepherd Malinois
Feeding a Belgian Shepherd Malinois

The Belgian Shepherd Malinois is a large dog with an athletic and well-muscled body, that gives you stunning beauty. Of course, we must bear in mind that, like all dogs, the Belgian Malinois must receive adequate preventive medicine and adequate care to maintain its good he althand his balanced demeanor.

Did you know that the nutrition of a Belgian Malinois is one of the most determining aspects for its physical and mental he alth? Surely, you want provide the best diet to your beautiful furry to see him always he althy and well disposed. And that is why, in this new article on our site, we explain how to feed a Belgian Malinois puppy and adult

Characteristics of the Belgian Shepherd Malinois

Knowing our dog is essential to know what his is nutritional needsand the care he requires to be in optimal condition of he alth. The Belgian Malinois Shepherd stands out for its high energy, privileged intelligence, great sensitivity and excellent predisposition to work. Well trained, he performs herding, tracking and dog sports functions with great ease and remarkable dexterity.

The temperament of a Belgian Malinois is naturally balanced, alert, devoted and obedientHowever, we must be clear that the behavior of each dog depends fundamentally on the education, the environment and the care offered by their guardians. A Belgian Malinois must be properly socialized to learn to interact with people, with other animals, with their toys and the elements of their home. The training of the Belgian Malinois will also be essential to keep him physically and mentally stimulated, as well as teaching him to respect the rules of the home.

Belgian Malinois are in excellent he alth and hardly get sick when they receive proper preventive medicine. In addition, they have an enormous advantage in relation to other shepherd dogs. As its cognitive capacity was historically more valued than its physical appearance, the Malinois Belgian Shepherd was not exposed to a process of aesthetic/genetic standardization as intense as the Bernese Mountain Dog or the German Shepherd. Therefore, it presents low genetic predisposition to most degenerative diseases. However, being a large dog with rapid growth, the Belgian Malinois can develop hip and elbow dysplasia.

Feeding a Belgian Malinois Shepherd - Characteristics of the Belgian Malinois Shepherd
Feeding a Belgian Malinois Shepherd - Characteristics of the Belgian Malinois Shepherd

Belgian Shepherd Malinois puppy feeding

It is important to highlight the importance of respecting the weaning age when adopting a puppy. A dog that is separated from its parent before the appropriate time usually shows learning and socialization difficulties, as well as a weaker immune system. From birth to 2 or 3 months of life, the ideal food for a puppy is mother's milk Therefore, if for any reason you adopted a weaned puppy prematurely, you will need to offer him formula to nourish him until he can begin to try moist and solid foods.

Between his 6th or 7th week of life, a puppy would naturally begin to share food with his mother, stimulated by his own curiosity. And from 2 months, he can already try new foods and be introduced to the diet that he will maintain during his childhood, always slowly and gradually. At this time, you should choose to offer your puppy a natural dietor base his diet on an industrialized feed. It is very important that you have the guidance of a veterinarian you trust, to clarify the pros and cons of each option.

If you opt for the second option, you should choose a food of excellent quality for puppies (generally commercially labeled as " Puppy " or " Junior"), preferably from the Premium line (high range), as the basis of their diet. Its composition must be highly energetic and contain the appropriate proportions of the 5 essential nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. To help you decide, we recommend knowing the 15 best dog food on the market.

As it is a large and muscular dog, it is important that its infant nutrition includes an extra dose of calcium. Therefore, do not forget to consult your trusted veterinarian to incorporate supplements into their diet and guarantee complete nutrition for your little one. In addition, it will be a good idea to complement your puppy's diet with homemade recipes that provide flavour, texture and moisture, but remember to never mix the feed with fresh or cooked food, as they require different digestion times.

Feeding a Belgian Malinois Shepherd - Feeding the Belgian Malinois Shepherd puppy
Feeding a Belgian Malinois Shepherd - Feeding the Belgian Malinois Shepherd puppy

How many times should a Belgian Malinois puppy eat? And how often?

As important as guaranteeing the excellent quality of your puppy's food, it is to respect the amounts that are suitable for optimal physical and mental development. You will see that the feeds come on their packaging with an indication of the dose according to the age, size and weight of each puppy, but the ideal is to consult your veterinarian to confirm the appropriate dose for your Belgian Malinois during each stage of its growth.

Typically the feeding distribution and proper amount of food for a puppy will be:

  • 2 - 3 months: 150 to 200 gr. per day, distributed in 4 daily servings. Ideally, these portions are offered in the form of porridge, softening the commercial feed with warm water before offering it to the puppy.
  • 4 - 5 months: from 250 to 300gr. per day, in 3 daily portions. At this time, the puppy will be able to chew the food well, not needing to warm it up or soften it.
  • 6 - 8 months: 300 or 400 gr. per day, divided into 2 or 3 daily servings.
  • 8 - 12 months: from 400 to 500 gr. per day, in 2 or 3 daily intakes.

If, on the other hand, you decide to bet on homemade diets, the ideal is to consult a veterinarian about the food to offer, the quantities and the use of supplements. The specialist will calculate, based on your development and particular needs, the doses of food and their composition to avoid nutritional deficiencies

Feeding an adult Belgian Malinois

From its 12 months of life, the Belgian Shepherd Malinois will already be considered an adult dog, and the time will come to change its food for puppies for a food also from the Premium line for dogs " Adult " of large size. It is essential to consult your veterinarian before choosing a new feed and making any changes to your dog's diet. You can find Belgian Malinois feed and their opinions on the Internet, but ideally you should guarantee that it is a quality product by assessing the composition of the feed and consulting a professional.

Like any active dog with well-developed muscles, the Belgian Malinois must receive a diet rich in high-quality protein and carbohydrates that are easily assimilated. It is recommended that the minimum protein index of the feed should not be less than 25%, since carbohydrates must be present in moderate doses so as not to intoxicate the animal's body. These 2 nutrients are the energy base of every dog's body, and will allow your Malini Belgian Shepherd to gain muscle mass more easily, maintain an active metabolism, and improve its physical resistance. Good fats, such as omega 3 and 6, will be essential, in moderate proportions, to strengthen your cardiovascular system and stimulate your cognitive capacity. Already the fibers, vitamins and minerals, should complement your diet, favoring your digestion, strengthening your immune system, your bones and your joints.

We recommend that you also consult with your trusted veterinarian about the possibility of offering supplements and vitamins that help strengthen the joints of your Belgian Shepherd Malinois, to prevent the onset of symptoms of hip dysplasia, and improve his performance as a sports dog (provided you choose to start him in a dog sport, of course).

Feeding a Belgian Malinois Shepherd - Feeding an adult Belgian Malinois Shepherd
Feeding a Belgian Malinois Shepherd - Feeding an adult Belgian Malinois Shepherd

Feeding an elderly Belgian Malinois

When your Belgian Malinois reaches his 7 years of age, he will have reached his senior years. Then, you should change your "Adult" feed for a " Senior " with Premium quality. Elderly dogs require special attention to their diet to avoid becoming overweight and to take into account the natural loss of muscle mass they experience. For this reason, their feed must contain a caloric index lower than that of adults and be easily digestible. You should also look at vitamins for elderly dogs, which will help keep their immune system stable.

Is the BARF diet recommended for the Belgian Shepherd?

Fortunately, more and more guardians choose to offer their dogs homemade and natural food. The BARF or ACBA (Raw Biologically Appropriate Food) diet is based on the balanced consumption of raw bones with meat and muscle (60%), lean and raw meat (25%) and moderate portions of vegetables, fruits, eggs and organ meats (15%). It is very important to remember that the bones should never be cooked, to avoid the danger of splintering and injuring the dog's digestive tract.

This type of diet offers numerous benefits for your best friend's he alth, improving digestion, facilitating oral hygiene, and strengthening your immune system. In addition to providing freshness, flavor and texture to your food and eliminating the consumption of artificial preservatives. Any dog, whether mixed-breed or of a defined breed, can enjoy the benefits of the BARF diet.

Logically, their guardians should adjust the daily amount of food according to the age, weight and size of their furry one, following the recommendations of the veterinarian, to avoid the possible appearance of nutritional deficiencies again.

It is also important to highlight that the transition from a traditional diet (based on dry feed) to the BARF diet must be carried out slowly and gradually so as not to damage the dog's digestive tract. And if you decide to offer a natural diet to your Belgian Malinois, be sure to check out our BARF diet examples for dogs.

Key advice for the good nutrition of a Belgian Malinois

Here are some general tips to ensure a good Belgian Shepherd diet:

  • If you choose to offer a dry diet based on high-quality feed, remember to choose a product with a good concentration ofanimal protein Many feeds contain a large percentage of vegetable protein, such as soy, rice or corn flour. Although these foods are not prohibited for dogs, their excessive consumption intoxicates the dog's body, hinders its digestion and favors the formation of gases.
  • If you choose to offer a BARF diet to your best friend, it's important to bet on fresh organic food. It is also essential to pay close attention to food preservation, to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and pathogens in your furry's food. If you prepare meals for 2 or 3 days, remember to keep them in the fridge in airtight containers.
  • Every dog should be fed in a calm environment, where he feels safe to enjoy his food. The impact of stress is highly negative on the digestive process and on the immune system of our dogs. As our mothers and grandmothers used to teach us with good reason, me altime is sacred.
  • A dog must learn to respect his eating times, preferably when he is still a puppy. This is a fundamental part of his education that prevents unwanted behaviors, such as the dog jumping on the table, barking or crying while we are eating, or trying to steal food from the kitchen counter, for example. Therefore, avoid offering him food while you eat or reinforcing that he comes up to the table in a "funny" way. Remember that if you teach a puppy well, you won't have to correct the behavior of an adult dog.
  • Remember that the physical activity and mental stimulation of your Belgian Malinois are as important as his optimal nutrition. If exposed to a sedentary lifestyle, your dog may present behavioral problems or symptoms associated with stress and boredom. In addition, daily exercises help maintain good management of his weight, preventing obesity and its he alth complications.
  • If your Belgian Malinois has acute diarrhea or simply won't eat, go to the vet.
