Feeding the dog according to its age

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Feeding the dog according to its age
Feeding the dog according to its age
Feeding the dog according to its age
Feeding the dog according to its age

Dog feeding is different for each stage of these animals' lives. For this reason, dog food and other industrial foods are formulated according to the stage of life. This is because each stage has particular nutritional requirements. Therefore, for each stage of your dog's life there is a specific type of food.

Remember that the main body that proposes dog food regulatory policies, AAFCO, only recognizes two types of dog food: food for puppies and food for adult dogs. The other types of food according to the dog's life stages are a response from manufacturers to consumer demands.

Continue reading this article on our site and discover feeding the dog according to her age:

Feeding puppies until weaning

Newborn puppies feed exclusively on mother's milk, which provides not only adequate nutrition, but also the immunological defenses necessary. In this period they have a very high growth rate, so they need a food rich in protein, calcium and fat, and they also need to be fed frequently.

Between the sixth and eighth week of life, puppies also begin to eat soft food, in porridge form or baby food. puppies moistened with water. This process is known as "weaning", as they stop feeding from the mother's teat to start eating solid food.

On the other hand, abandoned dogs that cannot receive food directly from the mother must be fed by us, a particularly hard and complicated task for those who do not have experience. Find out more about how to feed newborn puppies.

Feeding the dog according to its age - Feeding puppies until weaning
Feeding the dog according to its age - Feeding puppies until weaning

Feeding puppies after weaning

After the eighth week, the average puppy is weaned and is fed solid food From now until the dog is As an adult, growth is very fast and physical activities are very intense and frequent, so the puppy needs a food rich in protein and fat

Of course, the specific nutrient requirements will depend on the particular conditions of each puppy, the environment in which he lives and the amount of activity he engages in. However, this stage is usually very dynamic for all puppies, as well as being the stage in which the dog increases its mass and volume. We must consult with our veterinarian the feeding of this stage. Remember that very specific breeds such as the American Bully need extra calcium to help strengthen their bones, which will bear a lot of weight in the future.

Up to 3 months you can feed him 4 times a day. Between 3 and 6 months, you can feed your puppy 3 times a day. From 6 months to adulthood, you can feed your puppy 2 times a day.

Keep in mind that different breeds of dogs mature at different ages, so there is no set age at which all dogs stop being puppies. In general, small and medium sized dogs are adults around one year of age, while large and giant sized dogs are adults around 18 months of age. Before changing the type of food for your dog, consult your veterinarian.

At this stage of life, your puppy will need to learn all about socialization and basic first commands. Discover how to educate a puppy step by step in our complete guide.

Feeding the dog according to its age - Feeding puppies after weaning
Feeding the dog according to its age - Feeding puppies after weaning

Feeding for adult dogs

This stage is known as the maintenance stage because dogs don't get any bigger, they just need to maintain their mass and volume. Adult dogs have a lower calorie requirement per kilogram than puppies. In other words, they do not need foods that are so rich in protein and fat, but instead require foods that are a little less energetic.

Of course, hunting dogs, working dogs, dogs involved in intense dog sports and all dogs engaged in intense or prolonged physical activity require food that provides them with more calories than pet dogs. In this case, you have to get a more caloric food so that your dog receives the necessary energy without having to eat much more.

Feeding bitches during pregnancy and lactation is a special case of feeding adult dogs that we will discuss below.

Dog food according to its age - Food for adult dogs
Dog food according to its age - Food for adult dogs

Feeding Senior Dogs

Senior or elderly dogs need diets appropriate to their lower levels of activity and that do not have excessive amounts of protein so as not to damage their kidneys. Formulas for these dogs are usually indicated with the word "Senior" in the name and usually (or should) have extra ingredients easily digestible Senior dogs are They will benefit from receiving nutritional supplements or vitamins for elderly dogs.

Please note that not all dogs are considered seniors or elderly at the same age. The age at which dogs are considered seniors usually varies depending on the size of the dog. A guide to thinking about the age at which a dog is elderly is as follows:

  • Small breeds: 12 years of age or older.
  • Medium breeds: 10 years of age or older.
  • Large breeds: 8-9 years of age or older.
  • Giant Breeds: Age 7 or older.

Of course, that guide is just a general reference and your dog may age sooner or later, depending on his genotype and the environment he lives in, so it's important that consult the vet to find out when you should change his diet from an adult dog to that of a senior dog. Do not forget that elderly dogs must burn what they consume. Check the different activities for elderly dogs that you can practice with him.

Feeding the dog according to its age - Feeding older dogs
Feeding the dog according to its age - Feeding older dogs

Feeding pregnant bitches

Dog pregnancy lasts approximately 9 weeks (between 58 and 63 days). During the first weeks, pregnant bitches do not need a caloric intake markedly higher than maintenance, since the puppies in gestation do not grow much. However, in the last two or three weeks of gestation, the bitch's energy requirements rise a lot and she needs a food with many more metabolizable calories andhigh percentage of protein

Ideally, the veterinarian should tell you at what point in the pregnancy you should change your dog's food and what specific food to give her, according to her assessment as a specialist. Find out more about the dog's pregnancy week by week.

Dog feeding according to its age - Feeding of pregnant bitches
Dog feeding according to its age - Feeding of pregnant bitches

Feeding bitches during lactation

At this stage the puppies are growing at an accelerated rate and are feeding on the mother's milk that the bitch must produce. Therefore, the energy demands of the bitch are much higher than those of the maintenance stage, and even those of gestation.

The highest demand for caloric intake lasts until the puppies are weaned, but the highest demand occurs between parturition and the following four weeks.

Although there are some brands of dog food that have formulas for lactating bitches, it is very important that your veterinarian indicates the food that the dog should receive and do the respective follow-up.
