Loving a dog and sharing everyday life with it is a source of pride and satisfaction. In fact, more and more people want to celebrate their friendship with canids, not only by organizing birthday parties for dogs, but also on special occasions, such as Dog Day. Are you also among them?
In this article on our site we will explain when is dog day in the various Spanish-speaking countries, but we will also show other important dates such as international dog day, street dog day or rescued dog day, among many others. Do not miss it!
Why is Dog Day celebrated?
There are many reasons to celebrate Dog Day. In Argentina, for example, they commemorate Chionino, a German shepherd police dog who died in the line of duty while defending his partner and tutor in a violent shootout. Five days later, the thieves were arrested thanks to the identity documents that Chionino took from them before he died.
In Peru the day of the dog is celebrated thanks to Ignacio Gac, who promoted this date in mid-July to raise awareness, since at this time of the year stray dogs are very cold. In Bolivia, San Roque is celebrated, patron saint of domestic animals, a saint who dedicated his life to caring for sick animals, after a dog saved his life.
So each state celebrates the love of dogs in one way or another, but the truth is that they all have stories special and full of affection towards man's best friend. Do you want to know when is dog day in your country? We'll explain it to you in the next section!
When is dog day? - All dates by country
- Dog Day in Spain: in Spain does not exist national dog day Other dates are celebrated, such as the day of the street dog or the day of the dog without a breed, but mainly the international dog day, which is July 21
- Dog's Day in Mexico: In Mexico, Dog Day began in 2012 and is celebrated onthird Sunday of July . On this date we try to raise awareness about the responsibilities involved in having a dog.
- Dog Day in Colombia: the 26th of August It is the day of the dog in Colombia. Like Mexico, it tries to raise awareness about abandonment, responsible ownership and the situation of homeless dogs.
- Dog's Day in Peru: in Peru the day of the dog is July 21and more and more associations, such as ASPRA (Peruvian Association for the Protection of Animals) seek to educate and raise awareness to prevent abandonment.
- Dog Day in Argentina: the day June 2is the national day of the dog in Argentina. The date commemorates the death of Chionino, the police dog that we talked about in the previous section. This holiday seeks to recognize the great value of the dog as man's best friend.
- Dog Day in Guatemala: in Guatemala does not exist national dog day In this country they celebrate this holiday coinciding with Dog Day in the United States, on August 26.
- Dog Day in Chile: in Chile does not exist Neither is National Dog Day. In this country it has been decided to celebrate this date on the international day of the dog, the day July 21.
- Dog's Day in Bolivia: in Bolivia the day of the dog is August 16, coinciding with the day of San Roque, the Saint of Dogs. It is generally celebrated by offering a good meal to the dog.
- Dog Day in Costa Rica: the day June 2ndis dog day in Costa Rica. Adoption, castration, responsible ownership are encouraged and the importance of veterinary visits is reminded.
- Dog's Day in Cuba: in Cuba the day of the dog coincides with the second Sunday of april. It is intended to promote adoption but, at the same time, fight against abandonment.
- Dog's Day in El Salvador: As in other countries, in El Salvador does not exist national dog day. Once again July 21 is celebrated, coinciding with International Dog Day.
- Dog Day in Honduras: in Honduras does not exist Neither is the day of the dog, once again this country chooses July 21, the date on which the international day of the dog is celebrated to celebrate the love of the dogs.
- Dog Day in Panama: once again we have to point out that does not existthe national day of the dog in Panama. In this country they have begun to celebrate the international day of the rescue dog, on April 26.
- Dog Day in the Dominican Republic: in the Dominican Republic does not existDog Day, however they do celebrate Stray Dog Day on July 27 to raise awareness of homeless dogs.
- Dog Day in Venezuela: in Venezuela every October 4ththe day of the animals is celebrated, where a march is held to promote the protection of fauna and domestic animals.
- Dog Day in the United States: we close the list by country with the United States, which celebrates Dog Day every26 of August . This initiative began in 2004 and more and more actions are being carried out.
Now you know the dates that each country uses to celebrate the love of humans towards dogs, however, there are other dates that we will show you below, keep reading!

International Dog Day
International Dog Day is a festivity that began in 2004 and seeks to thank the dog for all those qualities that make it in man's best friend: fidelity, love, friendship and patience among others. It is celebrated on July 21 and is a widely known date, since most countries that do not have a national dog day use it to pay tribute to the dogs.
Dog day without breed
Dog day without breed is another important date for all dog lovers, especially those who have adopted, rescued or what they want to do. It is celebrated on May 28 and seeks to honor all dogs, especially those that do not have a defined breed, remembering and pointing out their originality. It is also intended to point out that dogs without a breed are neither better nor worse than those of a defined breed.
Many pages, associations and entities make a manifesto of the day without race.

Adopted Dog Day
Adopted Dog Day is also known as World Rescue Dog DayThe main objective of this date is to encourage adoption in shelters and kennels, which are overflowing in most countries of the world, which is why euthanasia is carried out, even in he althy dogs or too youths. Held every September 23rd
Stray Dog Day
Another important date that we should include in this list is International Stray Dog Day, a date that he set in 2008 and which seeks to highlight the large number of homeless dogs that roam the streets around the world in search of food, shelter and affection. It is celebrated every July 27th thanks to Ignacio Gac, who chose this date to promote adoption in the coldest months of the year.
In parallel we also want to point out another date, the International Homeless Animal Day, created by the ISAR (International Society for Animal Right) in 1992. In this case, all domestic animals are included and the aim is to find a solution to the global problem of overpopulation of dogs and cats among many other animals. Held on third Saturday of August

Take the dog to the office day
On Take the dog to the office day or on Take the dog to work day is an initiative that began in 1996 in the United Kingdom and has become enormously popular around the world. The objective is to promote the adoption of animals in associations and the creation of rescue groups. Held every June 22 and is a great way to raise awareness among workers, while allowing them to interact with animals seeking a responsible home.
Working Dog Day
We couldn't finish this list without mentioning Working Dog Day, which includes: police dogs, rescue dogs, detector dogs of substances, therapy dogs… All of them perform a very important function in our society, which is not always known and, much less, recognized. Held every December 6th and is a great opportunity to value the adoption of a retiree.