At What Age Are Male Dogs FERTILIZED? - Complete Guide

At What Age Are Male Dogs FERTILIZED? - Complete Guide
At What Age Are Male Dogs FERTILIZED? - Complete Guide
At what age are male dogs fertile?
At what age are male dogs fertile?

In this article on our site we are going to explain at what age male dogs are fertile It is important that, as caregivers, we have knowledge about their reproductive cycle because it is what will help us avoid the birth of unwanted litters. Although this control has always fallen on female dogs, which are the most frequently sterilized, if we live with a male dog it is also our responsibility to prevent mounting and wandering.

Fertility not only brings with it the ability to reproduce, it also develops certain behaviors in the dog such as marking. For this reason, it's important to know when a male dog can breed or at what age do dogs start to mount Read on to find out!

Oestrus in male dogs

Caregivers will have no doubts when their bitch is in heat, since this period in females manifests itself with clear symptoms, such as vaginal spotting or an increase in the size of the vulva. In contrast, when a male dog is fertile is not going to be so clear. And this is so because males do not actually have a heat period, since they will react when they detect the proximity of a female dog in heat. Thus, there is no approximate date to establish the first heat in male dogs.

At that moment we will be able to notice our dog desperate for the female's heat. Some specimens cry, moan, try to escape, fight with other males, raise their legs and mark with urine. This behavior, depending on external factors, can occur at any time once sexual maturity has been reached.

Unlike females, there are no pills for male dogs in heat that can stop this stressful situation for the animal. To avoid this anxiety, prevent behavior problems that can end with consequences as serious as injuries or run over, in addition to controlling canine overpopulation, castration or sterilization is recommended as part of responsible ownership. These interventions have beneficial effects on the he alth of dogs, so we recommend consulting with the veterinarian the best time to do it, as well as what type of surgery is most appropriate.

At what age are male dogs fertile? - Heat in male dogs
At what age are male dogs fertile? - Heat in male dogs

When can a male dog breed?

Behavior before a female dog in heat like the ones we have described take place when the animal reaches sexual maturity Before we can see that some mount to their siblings or to objects, but they are behaviors that, at an early age, are separated from sexual stimulation. Therefore, at what age dogs begin to mount may be before the arrival of sexual maturity. On the contrary, starting to raise his leg to urinate is a sign that will help us control at what age male dogs are fertile. Lifting the paw facilitates marking, which serves the dog as a form of communication with its congeners and is related to sexual maturity.

This maturity is linked to sperm production and does not occur at the same age in all dogs, as there are variations depending on the breed. The presentation interval usually ranges between 6 and 12 months, the average being 9. Smaller breeds mature earlier and larger breeds later.

Dogs reach sexual maturity before they finish growing. That is why the age to cross a male dog can be delayed until 12 or even 24 months, but we must be aware that, when sperm production begins, the dog will already be fertile and we must take extreme precautions. These must be maintained throughout their lives, since, if we ask ourselves up to what age a dog can ride, we must know that its fertility can extend until its death and is only diminished by some serious illness, although, with age, the fertility decreases. sperm production. Once again, we insist on the importance of castration.

When can a dog get a bitch pregnant?

Now that we know at what age male dogs are fertile, we must understand that for them it is strictly a reproductive issue. This means that a dog will only be interested in copulating when he detects the presence of a female dog in heat For the same reason, the bitch will only allow mating on the days when she is fertile, which are a few in each heat period, which she will experience a couple of times a year. Only on those days of fertility can fertilization occur.

How many times can a male dog ride?

There is no minimum or maximum number of mounts, so everything will depend on each dog and whether or not he lives with female dogs in heat. Thus, a male dog living with a female dog in heat can mount her several times a day.

It is important to point out that copulation in these animals presents certain differences with respect to that of other species. For fertilization to take place, the dogs must remain attached for a few minutes, a situation that usually makes the female quite uncomfortable. For this reason, sterilizing her even if she lives with a sterile male is equally important, since it will prevent mating from happening, in addition to all the symptoms of heat.

At what age are male dogs fertile? - When can a dog get a bitch pregnant?
At what age are male dogs fertile? - When can a dog get a bitch pregnant?

How do you know if a male dog is fertile?

We can tell at what age male dogs are fertile but, in practice, fertility is not confirmed until there is fertilization or a semen examinationSome dogs may suffer from diseases that cause sterility or anatomical malformations that prevent mounting. Chromosomal abnormalities, underdeveloped or retained testicles, infections in the genital tract such as brucellosis, hypothyroidism or fever are responsible for infertility in male dogs. Also some tumors cause impotence. In any case, breeding should not be carried out in homes or illegal establishments.

The importance of spaying or neutering

As we have pointed out throughout the entire article, controlling the dog population allows to avoid an increase in abandonment To do this, it is It is necessary to spay or neuter dogs, both male and female. However, these surgeries not only have a positive impact on the dropout rate, but also allow to prevent certain he alth problems related to the reproductive system, such as cancer of breast or testicles, psychological pregnancies, etc. Also, if surgery is performed at an early age, it is possible to prevent the appearance of marking. In case of doing it in adult specimens, we must know that in males this type of behavior is usually reduced by 40% of cases. This means that the remaining 60% can maintain marking behavior and even attempt to mount female dogs in heat. In this way, if, for example, after neutering or spaying the dog that is already an adult, your bitch is in heat and your dog is crazy, it is important to emphasize that this is something normal. For this reason, we recommend spaying both.

Now, which is better, spay or neuter? In general, castration is usually the technique of choice, however, everything will depend on each case and the professional who will carry out the surgery. In the following video we talk about the differences between both techniques.
