When do dogs change their teeth? - Age, symptoms and tips

When do dogs change their teeth? - Age, symptoms and tips
When do dogs change their teeth? - Age, symptoms and tips
When do dogs change their teeth?
When do dogs change their teeth?

Do dogs shed their teeth? Just like people, dogs go through changes in their teeth. After a few weeks of life, milk teeth come out, which, a few months later, have to fall out to make way for adult teeth. Now, how can we identify this process? At what age do dogs lose their teeth?

In this article on our site we will talk about canine teeth. When do puppies get their teeth, when do dogs change their teeth, how many pieces does the definitive denture consist of or what problems or discomforts can we detect over time? throughout this process. Keep reading to find out everything!

At what age do puppies start teething?

After reading the introduction, we know that dogs shed teeth. Now, when do dogs get their teeth? Before focusing on explaining when dogs change their teeth, we have to know that, with few exceptions, all puppies will be born without any teeth

Thus, the first teeth break through the gum between 2-3 weeks of age Specifically, the incisors are the first to appear. Then, over the course of several weeks, the canines and premolars erupt. To have a reference, the last premolar dates its appearance to approximately eight weeks.

But keep in mind that these dates may vary. For example, it is normal for milk teeth in large breed dogs to appear earlier than in smaller size dogs. Puppy teeth are known by other names. Thus, in addition to milk teeth, they are called first, deciduous or deciduous, since they have an expiration date, as it is necessary to shed teeth in dogs.

For more details on this process, don't miss this other article on When Do Dogs Teeth? Also, keep reading to find out the order in which dogs change their teeth.

When do dogs change their teeth? - At what age do puppies start to get their teeth?
When do dogs change their teeth? - At what age do puppies start to get their teeth?

How many teeth do dogs have?

In general, puppies have teeth made up of 28 teeth, which are incisors, canines and premolars. Puppies do not have molars. In the next section we explain when dogs change their teeth.

From that moment on, they have 42 permanent teeth:

  • 22 on the lower jaw
  • 20 on top

Specifically, in each jaw there are 6 incisors, 2 canines and 8 premolars. Regarding the molars, there are 6 in the lower jaw and 4 in the upper jaw.

In some breeds the number of permanent teeth may vary For example, in brachycephalic breeds, such as the bulldog, the last molars may be missing due to the reduced size of the jaw. There are also genetic alterations that reduce the number of teeth in some breeds. An example is the Doberman. They are only aesthetic problems and have no repercussions on the animal's he alth.

On the other hand, there are breeds in which the opposite happens, appearing more teeth. If they cause problems by crowding with the others, they should be removed. Dogs in which these extra teeth have been detected are spaniels or hounds.

Since we already know how many teeth dogs have, and the variations that can occur, next we will be able to find out when dogs shed their teeth.

When do dogs change their teeth? - How many teeth do dogs have?
When do dogs change their teeth? - How many teeth do dogs have?

When do dogs change their teeth?

We can say that the duration of the deciduous teeth of puppies is between 3-7 months. As always, there are no exact dates and individual variations. Generally speaking, if you're wondering At what age do puppies' teeth fall out, you should know that they don't all fall out at once, but rather they are falling and replacing over several weeks.

Thus, the change of teeth in dogs is a process, just as it happens in human babies and children. This process in puppies begins approximately at three months of life. In addition to when dogs change their teeth, we can also talk about how they do it.

Now that we know at what age dogs shed their teeth, let's focus more on the order in which they shed.

Puppy Teeth Drop Order

If the first teeth to erupt were the incisors, these are also the first to fall out, towards the3 months of life, and they are replaced by the so-called definitive incisors, since they are the ones the dog will have for the rest of its life.

Definitive canines, premolars and molars appear between 4-7 months of age. This information allows us to establish that a puppy must have its permanent teeth at 7-8 monthsand, knowing the order in which the teeth fall and erupt, it is It is possible to determine with relative accuracy his age. In adults, it would be necessary to resort to the wear of the incisors, but it is not as reliable as in puppies, since it is subject to numerous individual variables.

In general, the process of changing teeth in dogs happens without any problem. But, in some cases, it is possible to observe a retention of milk teeth or, in other words, a double denture in puppies, since what we see is a double row of teeth.

This happens when the permanent teeth come out without the baby teeth having disappeared. It is a more common problem in small breeds. It is not only an aesthetic alteration, since the permanent teeth are in a bad position, which causes an incorrect bite. It is a disorder that should be assessed by the veterinarian.

How to relieve toothache in dogs?

The change of milk teeth in dogs and the emergence of the permanent ones is a physiological process that does not usually cause any change in our puppy's routine. In other words, will go unnoticed, except if we find some teeth, they usually swallow them, or some small blood stain on an object that has been chewed.

If we keep in mind when dogs change their teeth, we will see that it coincides with a very active exploration stage of the puppy. As he uses his mouth to interact with his environment, it is a phase in which he bites everything, so we should not think that whenever he bites something it is a consequence of changing teeth, but it is convenient that we offer him toys suitable for their teeth and jaws to reduce their interest in chewing on shoes or furniture.

What to do when a dog loses a tooth?

In any case, it is a good idea to take into account some measures to know what to do when a dog loses a tooth:

  • Check your puppy's mouth regularly for any problems: whether it's periodontal disease or a hard knock that has caused the loss of a tooth and we confuse it with the change of teeth in dogs.
  • Take care of his diet and offer him products that help keep his teeth he althy.
  • Give him food in several feedings a day: depending on his age and don't let him have 24-hour access.
  • Get him used to dental hygiene with toothpaste and a specific brush for dogs: it doesn't matter if the milk teeth are going to fall out. What interests us is to create the habit so that the dog accepts dental cleaning for the rest of his life. To do this, don't miss this article on our site about the Different ways to clean a dog's teeth.
  • Put at your disposal chewing toys made for dogs: there are all kinds of models for sale, such as rubber balls, kongs or chewable. It is good to have a provision to go saving and taking out so that the puppy always finds something new. Check them periodically and remove those that have deteriorated.

Now that you know at what age dogs change their teeth and what to do to promote this process, if you suspect that something is wrong or your adult dog is losing its teeth, don't hesitate to go to the vet.
