The best age to neuter a male cat

The best age to neuter a male cat
The best age to neuter a male cat
The best age to neuter a male cat
The best age to neuter a male cat

If you don't want to breed cats and want to adopt a male cat, It makes sense to spay him when the time comes prompt. In this way you will save yourself endless problems and your neutered cat will lead a peaceful and happy life. In addition, there are numerous advantages to neutering a cat.

The best age to sterilize a male cat will depend on the circumstances, since there is no specific and universal date.

If you continue reading our site we will expose some circumstances in which we will comment on what could be the best age to sterilize a male cat.

Under what circumstances should we neuter a male cat?

All possible reasons to neuter a male cat are summed up in one word: always Male cats while they are young are shown more affectionate than females, but when they reach adulthood and feel the call of nature, home life will begin to degenerate.

They will begin to mark your home with their urine and will escape at the slightest opportunity, not hesitating to jump into the void if they hear the call of a cat in heat. For this reason they also fight with other male cats. These escapes in the best of cases, get your cat to come back with fleas or other parasites.

Puppy Cat

Before it was advised to castrate male cats from 9 months of age. But currently the trend is to do it at 4 or 5 months. It will depend a lot if there is any unsterilized female at home.

The breed of your cat will also be crucial in deciding when to sterilize. Based on these premises, your veterinarian will advise you on the best moment for the intervention.

The best age to neuter a male cat - Puppy cat
The best age to neuter a male cat - Puppy cat

Adult cat

If you adopt an adult cat it will be convenient to intervene immediately. In this way you will avoid many problems for you and also for your newly adopted cat.

A cat that has just arrived at the home will be more likely to get lost if he escapes to look for a female cat in heat, since he will be unaware of the area

The best age to neuter a male cat - Adult cat
The best age to neuter a male cat - Adult cat

You want to adopt a female puppy

If you have an unneutered adult cat and wish to adopt a female puppy, you will need to Neuter the cat first.

An unneutered adult cat can be brutal with a young female, even if she is not in heat. She can do a lot of damage by trying to force her. Adult cats know how to adequately defend themselves against harassment, but young cats do not.

You want to adopt a male puppy

In the event that you have an unneutered male cat in your home and you want to adopt another male puppy, it will be convenient to neuter the adult sooner rather than later.

Regardless of the possible jealousy that he may feel for the newcomer, the fact that he is male will impel the adult to profusely mark his territory (your entire home), to leaveThe hierarchy is very clear to the newcomer.

The best age to sterilize a male cat - You want to adopt a male puppy
The best age to sterilize a male cat - You want to adopt a male puppy

Do you want to adopt another adult male

In this case it will be essential neutered both cats before bringing them together, unless you want to be on the news and change all the furniture, lamps and valuables from your shelves after a brutal war between the two cats.

Putting two unneutered adult cats together in a small space is an insane idea. On a farm it's plausible, but not on a flat.
