In this article on our site we will deal with a subject that always arouses the concern of dog keepers, such as all aspects related to the reproduction of dogsAnd the fact is that the possibility that our dog or bitch crosses often becomes a problem.
Next, we are going to focus on answering the question of at what age can dogs mate, which will help us adopt the proper precautions to avoid the birth of unwanted litters.
At what age do dogs start to ride?
The first thing to know about the question of what age can dogs mate is that mounting does not always mean breeding and, when they are related, this will only take place on the fertile days. Thus, it is possible that, especially if we have the opportunity to observe a complete litter, we can see that, from a very early age, dogs try to mount each other others. This behavior has nothing to do with sexuality in puppies and are habitual play behaviors.

At what age is a dog fertile?
Therefore, the act of mounting, by itself, does not give us information about at what age dogs can procreate. The criterion that we must take into account is fertility, since it is from that moment on that the dog will be able to reproduce.
A dog is fertile when it reaches sexual maturity In the case of males, sperm will begin to be produced. The females will manifest what is known as estrus. There is no fixed age of maturity that works for all dogs and there are differences based on size. Thus, small dogs reach maturity earlier, while large ones will take longer. For a medium-sized dog we can establish an average of nine months of age. The oscillations are numbered between six and twelve months
Although we cannot set an age, we can say that there are signs that may indicate that sexual maturity is approaching. The male dogs will begin to lift their paws and in them and in the females we will begin to notice signs of heat.
The heat of dogs, indicative of sexual maturity
Dogs will only want to reproduce when they physically can and this is limited to a specific period that we call heat. If we want to know at what age dogs can have puppies, the fact that heat is present leaves no room for doubt. From its appearance, the animal will be fertile, so it will be able to reproduce.
A bitch in heat will present, as the most prominent signs, a swelling in the vulvaand a bloody vaginal discharge. But, in addition, we will notice changes in her behavior, she will urinate more times, she will be upset, she will show her vulva if a dog approaches her and she will attract them. Bitches experience this period of heat about twice a year.
For their part, males do not have a marked fertility period. As soon as they reach maturity they can mate whenever they detect the presence of a female dog in heat. In them, this stage is shown more with behavioral signs, that is, the dog is in heat and cries, is nervous, tries to run away after the bitch, etc. In addition, he could fight with other males to get closer to her. To learn more about this period in male dogs, we recommend consulting this article: "Oestrus in male dogs - Symptoms and duration".
At what age do dogs want to mate?
This question should actually be rephrased as what age male dogs can mate. And this is so because reproduction is due to a instinct of perpetuation of the species The dog does not seek to reproduce for pleasure and therefore it is a mistake to extrapolate human sexuality to the canine Dogs will try to mate from the beginning of their sexual maturity only when they detect a female dog in heat.
For their part, females only mate on their days of receptive heat. The average age at which mating is possible, therefore, corresponds to that mentioned for heat, that is, about nine months, being earlier in small breeds and later in larger ones.
At what age can dogs have children?
We have seen at what age dogs can mate and that figure will coincide with the age at which they can have offspring. Once mating occurs, it is very likely that there will be fertilization, with the consequent gestation. But just because a dog is old enough to have offspring does not mean that it is recommended that they have them so soon. In fact, professional breeders do not breed dogs before they have fully completed their physical development. The bitches not before the second or third heat The males around 18-24 months.
Knowing when a dog is fertile should make us think about the importance of controlling reproduction. Starting at such an early age, with two heats a year and litters of about five puppies, explains the dimension of the dog overpopulation problem. We cannot contribute to a situation that leads to abandonment, mistreatment and death. Responsible ownership involves the early sterilization of both males and females. This will also keep dogs away from a bitch in heat.

Is it necessary to cross a dog?
As we explained in the previous section, is not something that the dog needs to stay he althy or be happy. In this way, we must bear in mind that the myth that justifies that every bitch should have at least one litter in her life is totally false. In fact, promptly spaying or neutering dogs and bitches brings multiple he alth benefits, such as preventing the appearance of breast or testicular tumors, pyometra, mastitis, psychological pregnancy, etc.