Names of famous parrots

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Names of famous parrots
Names of famous parrots
Famous Parrot Names
Famous Parrot Names

Animals are often more famous than their owners. Everyone knows the names of the most famous dogs in history, but… Do you know the names of the most legendary and well-known parrots? Surely the answer is "no" Well don't worry. In this article we will reveal the names of famous parrots that, for one reason or another, went down in history and remained in the memory of thousands of people. Ready to review the history of parrots?

Alex the Talking Parrot

Parrots talk, but what's not normal is that they do it the way I did Alex It was a parrot African who surprised locals and strangers alike because was able to identify and understand up to 150 words, distinguishing colors, shapes and being able to differentiate objects of all kinds. an isolated case? Was her intelligence of him superior? According to different studies carried out by scientists, this parrot of the psychologist Irene Peppenberg had the best possible training. That was the reason why she was able to have such communicative ability. She died at the age of 30 and her last words have a profound meaning, if we think that she understood what she was saying. The conversation, brief but remembered forever, went like this:

  • Alex: You're good. I love you.
  • Irene: I love you too.
  • Alex: I'll see you tomorrow.
  • Irene: Yes, I'll see you tomorrow.

The next day Alex died, exactly in 2007, although he will always remain in Irene's memory

Famous Parrot Names - Alex the Talking Parrot
Famous Parrot Names - Alex the Talking Parrot

Sarah the Facebook Parrot

How many parrots do you know that have a Facebook account? Probably none. Well, Sarah, a parrot that lives in the National Parrot Sanctuary (United Kingdom), had an account with many followers until very recently. From the organization, which is in charge of sheltering abandoned parrots and advising parrot owners in the United Kingdom, they decided to open an account for her because the beauty of Sarah (a blue and yellow macaw) was such that she deserved to be seen all over Facebook. For a few years his account was very active, he uploaded hundreds of photos and his followers were always attentive to his updates. However, it seems that Facebook closed the account recently as we have been unable to find it.

Famous Parrot Names - Sarah the Facebook Parrot
Famous Parrot Names - Sarah the Facebook Parrot

Snowball the Dancing Parrot

If Sarah was the queen of parrots on Facebook, Snowball is the king of parrots on YouTube. This cockatoo became known on the famous video social network thanks to the fact that he was an excellent dancer.

According to different studies it has been shown that cockatoos have a great capacity for rhythm and are skilled enough to follow the music with their movements. With this video, it is fully demonstrated.

Names of other famous parrots

We could be talking about famous parrots all day and leave many out. In order not to leave anyone out of this article, here we leave you the names of 7 more parrots that rose to fame:

  • Einstein: one of the most famous parrots on television. Capable of reproducing the sound of laser swords, as you can see here.
  • Paulie: protagonist of one of the few movies about parrots that exists and that is about a parrot, Paulie, who spoke Spanish from smoothly and seamlessly.
  • Fred: Another TV parrot that appeared in an old ABC series called Tony Baretta. He is probably one of the richest parrots on the planet, as the series was such a success.
  • Gerald: protagonist of a novel by the well-known Michael Crichton called Next. He was an African parrot who helped the book's protagonist, a monkey, do his math homework.
  • Fawkes: Albus Dumbledore's parrot, the famous headmaster of Hogwarts (Harry Potter school).
  • Poll: parrot of American President Andrew Jackson, who was able to speak Spanish and English.
  • Charlie: Parrot of the famous Winston Churchill. It was said that he knew all the existing insults towards Hitler and the Nazis.

Do you know names of famous parrots that we have not included in this article? Comment with the name and history of each one and we will add them delighted.
