Why does my dog growl at me when he eats?

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Why does my dog growl at me when he eats?
Why does my dog growl at me when he eats?
Why does my dog growl at me when he eats?
Why does my dog growl at me when he eats?

Many dogs growl when food is involved, however, it is not a desirable behavior or one that we should underestimate. In fact, in most cases, the problems associated with this behavior are very serious and lead to aggressive behaviors

If you find yourself in a similar situation, it is important that you know what to do. In this article on our site we will tell you why your dog growls at you when he eats, explaining the cause that could have caused it, important details about the growl and some basic guidelines that you can follow to control the situation. However, remember that the priority when aggressiveness is involved is Go to a specialist Keep reading this article and find out what to do if your dog growls when he is eating:

The dog's growl, a fundamental part of its communication

Dogs are social animals This implies the development of a rich communication system to be able to understand each other and coexist. Growling is part of this communicative repertoire, just like barking, howling, whimpering or the many displays of body language.

The growl expresses displeasure, in its mildest version, and can become a real threat, a warning that, if it goes too far overlooked, it will trigger a mark, a bite and even an attack. Growling, the dog shows us his "limits", his teeth, since he emits the sound by raising his lips and exposing his teeth.

If we have the opportunity to observe how several dogs interact, when one of them growls, depending on her position in that social group, she will receive one response or another by the other dogs. Some may be submissive, lowering their heads and folding their ears, others even lie on the ground or show their belly and neck, which are their weak points. Conversely, others may also express their limits to you with a responsive growl.

However, what are the differences between these growls and those directed at us? Why does the dog growl at me while he eats? What is the correct way to act in this situation? Keep reading:

Why does my dog growl at me when he eats? - The dog's growl, a fundamental part of its communication
Why does my dog growl at me when he eats? - The dog's growl, a fundamental part of its communication

The Grunt and the Food

Food is a Basic resource Without food we die. For this reason, even when it is freely available nowadays, our dog feels the atavistic need to defend it This is the main reason why our dog can growl at us when he eats: You are trying to "protect the food".

Again, if we have the opportunity to observe the interaction of a group of dogs, the ones that, due to their position, eat first, will growl at any other that wants to approach and eat their food. And these will only be able to feed when the "growler" is over. Therefore, growling with food in between is a normal canine instinct Now, it is not a desirable behavior, especially if the warning ends in a bite.

Why are we surprised that our dog growls at us?

As we say, it is neither usual nor desirable for our dog to growl at us while he eats. We generally establish a relationship with them in which we are the "suppliers." A well-socialized dog is an animal with a stable character, which is very unlikely to be angry with us or with other humans or animals.

The keys to socialization begin with the mother and siblings, since she is the one who teaches her puppies the rules of coexistence and it is with the brothers that these lessons are put into practice. For this reason, it is crucial to never separate the family, at least not until the puppies are 8 weeks old. Even if there is no mother, which unfortunately happens when a litter is abandoned, the siblings must still stay together for a minimum of 8 weeks.

Thus, when we receive our puppy we must expose it to various stimuli, to continue with socialization: people, other dogs (making sure to keep a certain distance if our puppy has not yet completed its vaccination schedule), different animals, situations, vehicles, etc.

If multiple scenarios are familiar to you, you are more likely to act calmly in them. It is also positive to go to a " dog school" or, alternatively, to teach the basic commands at home ("together", "sit", "stay ", etc.). It is not about turning him into a robot, but educating him to be safe and stable in stressful situations.

Regardless of whether the puppy has been properly socialized and has learned to share with his siblings, it is essential that we socialize him with other experiences, such as bathing him, allowing himself to be handled thoroughly or experimenting with the hands when there are food in between.

All these activities are not exclusive to puppies. All dogs, regardless of their age or past socialization, can learn A dog never stops doing it, always looking to adapt. But what if socialization fails and he growls at us?

Why does my dog growl at me when he eats? - Why are we surprised that our dog growls precisely at us?
Why does my dog growl at me when he eats? - Why are we surprised that our dog growls precisely at us?

What to do when our dog growls at us while he is eating?

We never have to face a dog If it is warning us with a growl and we ignore it, it will go further and we will end up marked or bitten. When you get to that situation, it's easy to repeat it. Does this mean that we should allow our dog to growl at us? No, but distraction works better

If our dog is eating and growls when we approach, let's change the focus of attention. For example, ignoring the growl, let's grab his leash and get closer, with a cheerful "let's go for a walk!". It is rare that a dog is reluctant to accompany us. At that time we put the leash and congratulate him. In this way we have avoided a potentially dangerous behavior and, in addition, we have reinforced another that interests us (go to the call and put on the leash).

Using this distraction technique (known as "shadowing") is highly recommended and can be very useful in risky situations, for example when we find small children in the home and we must act, when it is a large dog or when aggressiveness is intense and without warning. However, the dog is not really working on resource protection and tolerance, a fairly serious aggressiveness problem.

It is very important to understand that guidelines vary from case to case and therefore it is best to see a specialist, either a trainer, a canine educator or an ethologist. However, below we are going to point out some characteristics that can help us predict and avoid the problem:

  • Resource protection, grunting while eating in the case at hand, is more common in older, fearful, stressed, impulsive dogs or, in general, in any if the number of dogs in the domicile. Attention to these cases.
  • If the food is unusual, the dog is more likely to defend it.
  • We must be attentive when there are other people at home, since the dog's attitude towards food can change in the presence of strangers, especially if they are children.

If the growl occurs, we can follow the following guidelines for handling and improving the relationship with our dog while we wait for the consultation with the professional:

  • Try to avoid triggering situations at all times.
  • Do not handle the food bowl or touch the dog while it is eating.
  • Do not eat at the same time as him, better to put the food before or after.
  • Feed it exclusively with feed and reserve other more appetizing foods for the work sessions with the specialist.
  • Don't fight, don't punish him if he growls. In our article on "What to do if my dog growls" we explain some negative consequences of punishment in this situation.
  • Practice "letting go" of objects.
  • Improve his well-being by allowing him to perform regular physical activity, adapted to his age and condition. A good walk focusing on them, without mobile. It's the best way to get to know each other and strengthen ties.
