In this article on our site we will go over the hemoparasites in dogs that we may come across most frequently. Hemoparasites will infect the dog through contact with ticks, mosquitoes or fleas. They develop serious diseases, with non-specific symptoms that make diagnosis difficult and, in addition, several hemoparasites can occur at the same time.
Some of the hemoparasites that we will see next can be transmitted to human beings. For this reason, and due to the serious consequences that can develop in dogs, prevention is essential. So keep reading to discover the symptoms of blood parasites in dogs, the diseases they can develop and how to prevent them.
What are hemoparasites in dogs?
Hemoparasites are a series of obligatory parasitic organisms of blood cells They can be bacteria such as Rickettsia, nematodes such as filariae or protozoa like the Hepatozoon. These hemoparasites are transmitted to dogs through what are called vectors. These are insects, such as fleas, ticks or mosquitoes, that are infected by hemoparasites and, when in contact with the dog, transmit them to him.
Types of hemoparasites in dogs
In dogs highlight hemoparasites such as:
- Dirofilaria immitis
- Leishmania infantum
- Bartonella spp.
- Ehrlichia canis
- Hepatozoon canis
- Anaplasma platys
- Borrelia burgdorferi
- Rickettsia conorii
- Babesia canis
Hemoparasitic diseases in dogs are often named after the parasite that causes them. For example, we find filariosis or filariasis, bartonellosis, canine ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis or babesiosis. Although the parasite changes, these diseases have in common that they are of considerable severity, and can be fatal. In addition, some are zoonoses, that is, can be transmitted to humansAs these diseases depend on a vector, depending on the characteristics of the area in which we live, our dog will be more likely to contract one or the other, depending on the presence of ticks, mosquitoes or fleas.

Symptoms of hemoparasites in dogs
The clinical pictures derived from hemoparasitic infections are highly variable and non-specific, which means that they can occur in multiple diseases. This is another factor that complicates the diagnosis. To further complicate the picture, some of these diseases can appear at the same time There are also big differences in terms of incubation period. In addition, they may be acute or chronic. In general, we can suspect the presence of hemoparasites in dogs with symptoms such as the following:
- Fever.
- Weight loss.
- Anorexy.
- Weakness.
- Alopecia.
- Wounds.
- Nosebleeds.
- Blood in the urine.
- Bloody diarrhea.
- Vomiting.
- Polyarthritis.
- Increase in the amount of urine eliminated.
- Increased water intake.
- Ocular alterations.
- Neurological disorders.
- Anemia.
- Cough.
- Respiratory difficulties.
- Edemas.
- Dehydration.
- Rhinitis.
- Hepatitis.
- Lethargy.
- Jaundice or pale mucous membranes.
- Kidney failure.
- Swollen lymph nodes.
- Runny nose and eyes.
- Lameness.

Diagnosis of hemoparasites in dogs
For the diagnosis of hemoparasites in dogs, specialized laboratories are used. Depending on the type of blood parasite suspected, different samples will be collected. The parasite or antibodies against it can be seen in the blood. There are tests such as smears, cytology, culture, serology or PCR Even so, it is not always easy to identify them. For some of these hemoparasites, diagnostic kits are available that allow their presence in the dog's blood to be determined or not in just a few minutes and in the clinic itself. The problem is that the results are not always reliable. It is important to reach a diagnosis because the treatment depends on it.
How to cure hemoparasites in dogs: treatment
It is essential to treat, especially in those hemoparasites that also affect humans. Sick dogs are also given tests such as blood tests, which allow us to obtain information about their general condition and the functioning of their organs. Specific drugs for the hemoparasite in question are usually used, in addition to antibiotics and medication for the specific symptoms that the dog presents and according to the results of the tests. More severe cases require hospitalization, administration of fluids and intravenous medication. Treatments can be lengthy, and unfortunately, not all dogs survive. Hence the importance of prevention.
How to prevent hemoparasites in dogs
Given the seriousness of some of these diseases, their zoonotic potential and the difficulties in diagnosing and treating them, prevention pays off. When transmitted by parasites, prevention involves avoiding as much as possible that they have contact with the dog. To achieve this, we have numerous options for to deworm dogs, such as pipettes or collars that act against mosquitoes, fleas or ticks. The veterinarian will indicate the most suitable product according to the characteristics of our dog.
In addition, in diseases such as leishmaniasis, a vaccine has been developed that does not prevent infection but does control the spread of the parasite and reduce the risk of suffering symptoms. It can be useful in those specimens that reside in areas with a high percentage of infections. The first dose is inoculated at six months of age and has to be repeated annually.