Majorero or bardino dog - Origin, characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

Majorero or bardino dog - Origin, characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Majorero or bardino dog - Origin, characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Majorero or bardino dog
Majorero or bardino dog

The majorero dog is the native dog breed of the island of Fuerteventura, in the Canary archipelago, where it is popularly known as the bardino dog. This is a breed that has been used for more than six centuries as a guard dog and herding dog. However, it was not until the end of the last century that the Royal Canine Society of Spain recognized it as a native canine breed.

Origin of the majorero or bardino dog

The majorero dog, popularly known as the bardino dog, is originally from the island of Fuerteventura Specifically, it was the Castilian conquerors who They brought the first brindle dogs to the island in the 15th century Since then, it became an essential dog for ranchers and peasants from Fuerteventura, who used it for work daily care of livestock and defense of farms. His ability to fight caused him to cross with the presa dogs that were used in combat in the Canary archipelago, giving rise to the current Presa Canario.

Although it has been a dog traditionally used in Fuerteventura as a sheepdog and guard dog, it was not until year 1979 that the first monographic exhibition was heldabout the majorero dog. As a clarification, it is worth mentioning that the monographic exhibitions are those intended for a specific breed, in which only purebred dogs are allowed to participate.

This monographic exhibition marked the beginning of the process for the recognition of this breed by the Royal Canine Society of Spain, however, it was not until 1994 when it was recognized definitively the majorero dog as native canine breed

The decline of the primary sector and the introduction of foreign dog breeds caused this breed to enter a deep decline, which brought it to the brink of extinctionHowever, thanks to the appearance of associations for the conservation of the Majorero dog, made up of breeders, caretakers and fans of the breed, the survival of this Canarian breed has been safeguarded.

Characteristics of the majorero or bardino dog

The majorero dog is a medium-large breed of dog. Males weigh between 30-45 kg and have a height at the withers of about 56 cm, while females weigh between 25-35 kg and have a height of about 54 cm.

It is a dog strong, compact, with a slightly ascending dorsal line towards the rump. It has a cheerful and lively gait and is capable of adapting its step and tread to the irregularity and roughness of the different volcanic terrains. He stands out for his particular way of sitting, to one side, with an attentive look at his surroundings, given his traditional role as watchman and guardian.

Below, we point out the main characteristics of the majorero dog breed standard.

  • It is characterized by having a wide, muscular and powerful neck and a relatively small head compared to the rest of the body, which it gives it a great grip strength and firmness in the prey or bite.
  • Your facial region has a slightly marked stop (naso-frontal depression). The eyes are more like small and range in color from amber to black. Both the edge of the eyelids and the lips have dark pigmentation.
  • The ears have a set-back and high. They are characterized by having a double fold, which prevents them from keeping them firmly erect.
  • The powerful and heavily muscled neck, ends in a broad and deep chest. The loin is also strongly muscled and the abdomen is not flaccid, but slightly tucked in.
  • The tail has a rather tall insertion and in resting state reaches the hock.
  • The limbs are strong and have a firm poise. Characteristically, the hindlimbs are slightly higher than the forelimbs.

Colors of the majorero dog

The coat of the majorero dog has a medium length, strong but soft and shiny. On the lower part of the tail and on the back of the thigh it has slightly longer hair than on the rest of the body.

The coat is always tabby, with shades that can vary between greenish, yellowish, beige, gray and black. The brindle stripes can be more or less obvious depending on the base color. They usually have a dark-colored mask and may have spots or white areas on the neck, chest, head or tip of the tail.

Character of the majorero or bardino dog

The majorero dog stands out for its loy alty and fidelitytowards its caregivers and, in general, towards all members of the family. However, he tends to distance himself from strangers, as he is particularly suspicious and distrustful in front of strangers.

The majorero is a very territorial dog, brave and tremendously defensive of what is entrusted to him. He is appreciated for his work as a shepherd dog, because he works well with cattle, without harming them. It is also highly valued as a guard and defense dog, given that without being fierce, it can act with courage and fierceness when the time comes.

Is the brindle dog dangerous?

No dog is born dangerous. Here comes into play the education he receives from his tutors and his lived experiences, so that a bardino dog educated with respect and through positive techniques, does not It has to be dangerous, much less aggressive. However, if it is not educated properly, it is important to bear in mind that, due to its characteristics, the Majorero dog has a strong bite and a great protective instinct.

Care for the Majorero or Bardino dog

With regard to the care of the bardino dog, it is important to take into account a series of considerations:

  • Nutrition: Just like any other breed, Majoreros need a balanced diet, according to their age and level of activity. It is important to take into account the level of physical exhaustion of the animal (it will depend on whether it is a shepherd dog, guard dog, companion dog…), in order to adapt its ration to its daily level of activity.
  • Exercise: Fuerteventurans, like other herding dogs, need a high level of physical exercise. They are dogs adapted to rural life, who enjoy running and playing freely in safe and spacious environments. They need open spaces for their leisure and recreation, therefore, it is not advisable to have them in flats or apartments.
  • Aseo: the coat of the Majorero dog is not difficult to maintain, although to keep it he althy and shiny it will be necessary to brush it once or twice per week, and bathe him once a month.
  • Environmental Enrichment: If you live in rural areas, you find in nature all the stimuli you need to stay he althy and happy. Now, if they live in flats or apartments, even if they enjoy long walks, it will be important to offer them adequate environmental enrichment and spend time playing with them. Thus, they will need a variety of toys, practice intelligence and sniffing games, etc.

Education of the majorero or bardino dog

As we have explained previously, Majoreros are dogs with a great instinct for defense and territoriality. Therefore, in this breed it is especially important to guarantee correct training and socialization from an early age, in order to avoid aggressive and undesirable behavior in later stages. Likewise, it is essential to opt for respectful education and training techniques with the animal, based on positive reinforcement and avoiding punishments and shouting. If you have adopted a puppy Majorero dog, in our article How to train a puppy we give all the keys.

If you think you do not have enough knowledge about training, we recommend that you contact a dog educator so that give you the proper guidelines. This will be the best way to achieve a suitable and pleasant coexistence for all the members of the family.

He alth of the majorero or bardino dog

Majoreros are very rustic and resistant dogs, which have a high tolerance for heat and even lack of water. However, this does not mean that you should not provide them with water or shaded areas, simply that they are animals that are especially resistant to adversity due to their origins.

Although it is not a breed that is particularly predisposed to suffering from any specific pathology, Bardinos are not exempt from suffering diseases Therefore, it is It is essential that you follow the vaccination and deworming schedule prescribed by your veterinarian and that you carry out regular veterinary monitoring to ensure that your physical and mental he alth is always maintained at an optimal level.

Offering all the care that the Majorero dog needs, the life expectancy of the breed is between 12 and 14 years.

Where to adopt a majorero or bardino dog?

As we have already mentioned, the Majorero dog is native to the island of Fuerteventura, where the largest census of this breed is found. Its presence in the rest of the Spanish territory is scarce, therefore, we recommend that if you want to include a majorero in the family, first look at animal protection associations located in the Canary Islands

Another option is to consult the associations in charge of the conservation of the majorero dog, given that one of their lines of work is the transfer of puppies to achieve the maintenance and survival of the breed.

However, we remind you that the most important thing when it comes to including a new member in the family is not that they meet any racial standard, but that you can welcome them into your home and adapt to your needs and lifestyle.
