Longest Living Dog Breeds - TOP 10

Longest Living Dog Breeds - TOP 10
Longest Living Dog Breeds - TOP 10
Longest Living Dog Breeds - Top 10
Longest Living Dog Breeds - Top 10

Who we are or were once dog tutors, we know how it is to wish that our best friends could accompany us all our lives. Therefore, it is normal that, before adopting a dog, many people wonder which are the breeds with the longest life expectancy and the least likely to suffer from diseases.

If you are considering adding a new member to the family, you may be interested in knowing which are the oldest dogs. Thinking about it, on our site we present a ranking of the 10 dog breeds with the greatest longevity. !Do not miss!

Life expectancy and longevity of dogs

In general, the life expectancy of dogs can vary between 8 and 20 years, taking into account that small dogs they tend to live longer than the plus size. But to try to calculate how many years a dog lives, it is necessary to consider different factors that can influence its longevity, such as:

  • Race.
  • Genetic heritage.
  • Preventive medicine.
  • Nutrition.
  • Environmental factors.
  • Sterilization.
  • Gender.
  • Physical activity.
  • Mental stimulation.
  • Oral care.
  • Among others.

As we have seen, the longevity of a dog is not determined only by factors inherent to its breed and heredity, but it also depends -and to a great extent- on the care provided by its guardians. A dog that lives in a positive environment, receives complete and balanced nutrition, performs physical activity, has a well-stimulated mind, has adequate preventive medicine and with the affection of its family, is more likely to enjoy a privileged longevity than a dog. dog living in unfavorable conditions.

Then, it is our responsibility as guardians to generate the conditions that favor the longevity of our best friends.

Top 10 longest-living dog breeds

Now that we know that the longevity of dogs depends on many internal and external factors of their organism, we have selected the 10 breeds of dogs that stand out for having a privileged life expectancy in relation to the average dog. With proper care and in a positive environment, all the furry ones mentioned in our ranking can live at least 12 or 13 years, and some even have the possibility of exceed 18 years of age. Let's see:

10. Lagotto romagnolo

We begin our ranking of the oldest dogs with the Lagotto Romagnolo which, as its name suggests, is an Italian dog breed. This medium-sized, woolly-coated Italian Water Dog originates from the Romagna region, where they were historically trained as waterfowl retrievers. However, later they have begun to perform with excellence in the detection of truffles, a function that it fulfills today.

In addition to its beauty and versatility when learning, the Lagotto Romagnolo also has a privileged life expectancy, since usually lives between 14 and 17 yearsThey are strong and resistant dogs that, when they receive the appropriate preventive medicine and live in a positive environment, rarely get sick and show great enthusiasm in their daily lives. However, they can develop some common diseases in dogs, such as hip dysplasia.

Longest-lived dog breeds - Top 10 - 10. Lagotto romagnolo
Longest-lived dog breeds - Top 10 - 10. Lagotto romagnolo

9. Boykin Spaniel

The boykin spaniel is a beautiful and little-known member of the extended family of spaniel dogs. This dog breed of American origin was developed at the beginning of the 20th century in South Carolina, and is today considered the most representative dog in this state. Initially, he was trained to help hunt ducks, turkeys, and other waterfowl that abounded mainly in the Wateree River basin, thus revealing himself to be an excellent swimmer

Due to its remarkable adaptive capacity, its energetic character and its good he alth, the boykin spaniel has also gained space as a companion animal in its place of origin and can be an excellent companion for people of all ages and cultures. Another "advantage" of these beautiful furry ones is that they can live for many years with their guardians, since their estimated life expectancy is 14 to 16 years

Oldest Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 9. Boykin Spaniel
Oldest Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 9. Boykin Spaniel

8. jack russell terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a brave dog with a strong personality that, despite its small size, hardly goes unnoticed. Interestingly, it is often considered a breed of shared origins, since it was created in the United Kingdom by Reverend John Russell, but has finished developing on Australian soil.

In addition to its temperamental, hyperactive and bold character, the Jack Russell Terrier is also characterized by a privileged life expectancy, being one of the longest-living dogs. Small and intrepid, these furry can live up to 16 years in favorable conditions. Likewise, they can suffer from some common diseases in dogs and are predisposed to developing the following conditions:

  • Terrier ataxia and myelopathy
  • Patella dislocation
  • Lens dislocation
  • Deafness
Oldest Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 8. Jack Russell Terrier
Oldest Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 8. Jack Russell Terrier

7. Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is the smallest member of the Spitz family and also stands out as one of the longest-living dogs in the world. Their life expectancy is calculated between 12 and 15 years, but Pomeranian dogs can live longer when their caregivers provide them with a complete and balanced diet, the right physical and mental stimulation and essential care to preserve your he alth.

It is worth noting that these furry ones are sensitive to cold and can be easily affected by sudden changes in weather conditions. To enjoy a privileged longevity, they will need to be protected from low temperatures and have adequate preventive medicine to combat the following common ailments in Pomeranian dogsa:

  • Eye problems (mainly in older dogs)
  • Canine hydrocephalus
  • Patellar luxation
  • Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
  • Sinus node dysfunction
  • Entropion
Longest-Living Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 7. Pomeranian
Longest-Living Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 7. Pomeranian

6. Toy poodle

The toy poodle, also known as the toy or mini poodle, is one of the longest-living dogs and also one of the most popular miniature breeds in the world. They usually live approximately 15 years, but many individuals reach 17 or 18 years when they receive adequate preventive medicine, balanced nutrition and the affection of their families.

These adorable little furry ones have a low genetic predisposition to most common inherited diseases in dogs and tend to maintain optimal he alth. However, they can develop the following conditions:

  • Patella dislocation
  • Deafness
  • Diabetes
  • Eye problems such as glaucoma
  • Epilepsy
Longest-Living Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 6. Toy Poodle
Longest-Living Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 6. Toy Poodle

5. Dachshund or dachshund

The dachshund, also known as the standard dachshund or sausage dog, is one of the most popular and long-lived German dog breeds in the world. These playful, fearless and somewhat barking furry can live between 13 and 17 years, as long as they receive proper care to promote their he alth and well-being.

Despite their remarkable life expectancy, sausages can sustain spinal cord injuries and damage to intervertebral discs quite often. frequency. Other common diseases in the dachshund dog are:

  • Patellar luxation
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
Longest-lived dog breeds - Top 10 - 5. Dachshund or dachshund
Longest-lived dog breeds - Top 10 - 5. Dachshund or dachshund

4. Rat terrier

The rat terrier is an American dog little known outside of its native land, which is also among the longest-living breeds. In fact, it is not a breed recognized by the FCI, although it is recognized by organizations such as the American Kennel Club. Initially, it was trained as a hunting dog on farms in the United States, mainly to chase and detect rodents, avoiding damage to agricultural production and the proliferation of some diseases that rats transmit to humans and other animals.

Despite its small size, the rat terrier is a very muscular and energetic dog that requires a high dose of physical activity to maintain a balanced behavior. It also highlights excellent he alth, with a very low predisposition to developing hereditary diseases, and its life expectancy is usually estimated between 15 and 16 years, being able to live up to 18 years with proper care.

Longest living dog breeds - Top 10 - 4. Rat terrier
Longest living dog breeds - Top 10 - 4. Rat terrier

3. Border collie

The border collie is considered the most intelligent dog in the world and also stands out for enjoying excellent he alth and physical resistance. Their life expectancy is estimated between 14 and 17 years, although they reveal some susceptibility to developing hip dysplasia, epilepsy and collie eye anomaly.

This dog breed is very special and shows incredible versatility, being able to perform with excellence in basic and advanced training, in dog sports and as a therapy dog. However, their training requires perseverance, dedication and knowledge of canine education, which is why the border collie is not recommended for novice tutors.

Longest-living dog breeds - Top 10 - 3. Border collie
Longest-living dog breeds - Top 10 - 3. Border collie

two. Shiba Inu

The shiba inu occupies a privileged position in our ranking of the longest-lived dogs, although its life expectancy arouses some controversy among specialists. According to some experts, their average life expectancy is 15 years, but others say that the shiba inu can easily reach 18 years or even more, as long as they get the proper care you need to lead a he althy and happy life.

In addition, these furry dogs have a low genetic predisposition to develop hereditary or degenerative diseases, which is why the shiba inu is also considered one of the he althiest dogs in the world. Currently, the only conditions that have a certain prevalence in this dog breed from Japan are hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism.

Longest-lived dog breeds - Top 10 - 2. Shiba inu
Longest-lived dog breeds - Top 10 - 2. Shiba inu

1. Chihuahua

In addition to being the smallest dog in the world, the charming and courageous chihuahua is also the longest-lived breed of dogTheir life expectancy is estimated at between 15 and 18 years, but some individuals manage to live up to 20 years with their caregivers. However, they are very sensitive to cold and sudden climate changes, so they adapt better to hot or temperate climates, and often benefit from the use of coats for dogs during the winter.

It is also equally important to mention that there are some common illnesses in chihuahua dogs that should receive primary attention in order not to affect their he alth. They are as follows:

  • Cleft palate
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Dislocation
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Disc herniation
  • Hemophilia A
  • Heart problems
Longest-Living Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 1. Chihuahua
Longest-Living Dog Breeds - Top 10 - 1. Chihuahua

Do mongrel dogs live longer than purebred dogs?

Even today, it is common to hear a popular belief that says that mestizo dogs live longer and are he althier than purebred dogs. Not having been subjected to the intense selective crossbreeding that allowed the standardization of canine breeds, mestizo dogs have high genetic diversity and low inbreeding. For this reason, they have less predisposition to developing hereditary and degenerative diseases that severely affect most dog breeds.

Consequently, they can get sick less frequently and live longer than purebred dogs, as long as they receive proper care.
