Cat Characteristics - Feeding, Reproduction, Breeds, Origin

Cat Characteristics - Feeding, Reproduction, Breeds, Origin
Cat Characteristics - Feeding, Reproduction, Breeds, Origin
Cat Characteristics
Cat Characteristics

With a reputation for being independent and not very attached to their caregivers, the truth is that cats are excellent companions for any home. They can be as affectionate as dogs, but they will present considerable differences, not only physical ones. It is essential that we know the character, behavior and needs, that is, all the characteristics of the cat, before adopting one.

To guarantee a happy coexistence, in this article on our site we go over all the details and explain what cats are like.

Origin and evolution of the cat

There are many qualities of cats. Intelligent, elegant or agile are just some of the adjectives we can use to refer to this feline that has adapted to coexistence with humans and to live both inside their homes and in cities, forming what are called colonies. Cats approached people about 10,000 years ago, attracted by the abundance of rodents that roamed human settlements, who realized the value of the cat to control these pests. But, in addition, in civilizations such as the Egyptian cats were sacred animals, gods and so respectable as to be buried with honors.

Over the years, the relationship between cats and humans has experienced different ups and downs, but felines have always managed to adapt to each situation in order to survive. Nowadays, they are part of the favorite pets although, unfortunately, there are still many people who decide to abandon them to their fate.

Regarding the origin of the cat as a species, there are several theories that exist around it, so how and where it arose is still being debated. Mammals, carnivores and with seasonal heat, then we delve into the characteristics of cats.

Cat Taxonomy

We begin this review of the cat's characteristics with its taxonomy, which is the scientific classification that places this species within the animal kingdom according to its most outstanding parameters. Is the next:

  • Animalia Kingdom.
  • Subkingdom: Eumetazoa.
  • Subphylum: Vertebrata.
  • Class: Mammalia.
  • Subclass: Theria.
  • Infraclass: Placentalia.
  • Order: Carnivora.
  • Suborder: Felifornia.
  • Family: Felidae.
  • Subfamily: Felinae.
  • Gender: Happy
  • Species: Felis silvestris.
  • Subspecies: Felis silvestris catus.

What are cats like?

As for the physical characteristics of the cat, this is a quadrupedal mammal, with a tail , although the Manx cat lacks it, retractable claws and hair that covers its entire body. It has about 230 bones that allow great flexibility and elasticity. Their whiskers stand out, which are modified hairs with a sensitive function.

Its coloration is highly variable and can be monocolor, bicolor or tricolor and have different brindle patterns and lengths. Although there are variations between specimens and larger or smaller breeds, we can establish an average weight of between 3 and 5 kg.

In addition, cats are viviparous animals, which means that they give birth to their young live in litters of about 4-5 kittens They will be fed with their mother's milk during their first weeks of life. It also highlights its sense of sight, hearing and smell, which facilitates its life as a predatory animal. Your body temperature is between 38-39 ºC.

Characteristics of the cat - What are cats like?
Characteristics of the cat - What are cats like?

Where do cats live?

Cats are distributed worldwideCurrently, we can speak of a domestic cat habitat, which would be that corresponding to the specimens that live cared for by humans in their homes, and other cats, considered wild, that are found in natural environments without contact with people. In addition, around human settlements there are stray cats that seek life without anyone being directly responsible for them. In those conditions cats just survive.

The importance of environmental enrichment

We must take into account the cat's characteristics so that coexistence in our home is successful. For this, it is necessary to have essential utensils such as a litter box with a shovel, a scratching post, a feeder, a drinker and food adapted to the nutritional needs of the cat according to its life stage. In addition, it is convenient to provide him with entertainment, for which we will find multiple toys for sale, and an environment where he can climb, hide, rest, etc.

You will find all the details in this article: "Environmental enrichment for cats".

Feeding cats

Cats are animals strict carnivores. Their diet in the natural environment was based on hunting rodents, birds and lizards and it is not uncommon for them to occasionally eat plants, supposedly to supplement their diet.

Currently, we can choose between several options, such as homemade food, feed, wet or dehydrated food, but always according to the vital stage in which the cat is so as not to fall into nutritional deficiencies.

Contrary to popular belief, where the image of the cat is attached to a dish of milk, adult cats do not need to consume this food. In fact, with age they lose the essential enzyme to digest milk, which means that milk can be indigestible for them. Find out the whole truth about this myth in this article: "Can cats drink milk?".

Characteristics of the cat - Feeding cats
Characteristics of the cat - Feeding cats

Cat behavior and personality

If we ask ourselves what cats are like, we cannot ignore their personality and customs. Among the characteristics of the cat, its character stands out, although we will find tremendous variations depending on the specimen and the experiences it has had throughout its life. We can highlight their rich communication, which includes body language and sounds such as meows, snorts and purrs. The pheromones it emits and detects are another very important form of communication.

Cats stand out for their cleanliness and, barring illness, they will spend hours self-groomingMuch of the remaining time is spent sleeping. In addition to cleaning, it is a must for them to sharpen their nails If we do not provide them with adequate places, such as a scratching post, it is likely that our furniture or curtains will end up torn. Continuing with hygiene, they will evacuate in the sandbox from an early age.

Cats, except the female cat and her litters, have solitary habits Although they can live in colonies or collectives, it is also true that it is a situation that can be stressful for them, which they will manifest with inadequate elimination, fights, decreased appetite, etc. They are lovers of routines, so any change must be made after an adaptation period. Unlike dogs, they do not require the learning of basic commands, although it is advisable to establish rules of coexistence and dedicate playtime and attention to them.

Cat Characteristics - Behavior and Personality of Cats
Cat Characteristics - Behavior and Personality of Cats

Cat reproduction

How do cats reproduce? Male cats can reproduce as long as they detect the proximity of a female cat in heat. They are seasonal polyestrous, which means that, during the months with the highest incidence of sunlight, they will experience continuous jealousy. This means that one of the characteristics of cats is their ability to produce up to three litters a year. Gestation lasts about nine weeks After birth, kittens must spend at least eight weeks with their mother and siblings.

Cats reach sexual maturity early, approximately 6-8 months. Early sterilization of males and females is recommended as part of responsible ownership to avoid problems of coexistence, he alth and uncontrolled reproduction.

Cat breeds: classification

There are currently standardized and registered more than 100 cat breeds The oldest breeds had short hair and are the descendants of the cats that the Romans spread throughout Europe. The first long-haired cat was the Angora, from Turkey. Next was the very famous Persian, from Asia Minor. From the Far East came the Siamese, while the Russian Blue spread from Russia and the Abyssinian from Ethiopia.

The characteristics of the cat, fundamentally, will not vary from one breed to another, but we can find certain features that are more typical of one or the other. It is convenient that we inform ourselves before adopting. According to the International Feline Federation, cat breeds are grouped into four categories, which are as follows:

  • Category I: Persians and exotics such as ragdoll.
  • Category II: medium-long hair such as Norwegian Forest, Siberian or Angora.
  • Category III: short hair such as Bengali, Carthusian, European or Manx.
  • Category IV: Siamese and Orientals such as the Abyssinian, the Sphinx, the Devon Rex, the Russian Blue or the Balinese.
Characteristics of the cat - Breeds of cats: classification
Characteristics of the cat - Breeds of cats: classification

Life expectancy of cats

If we decide to adopt one and ask ourselves how long does a cat live, although there will be variations depending on the quality of life received, we can enjoy it for a few 12-15 years Of course, there are also cats that exceed this figure and can live up to 20 years. Everything will depend on the quality of life you have had and the care received. To offer you everything you need, do not miss this guide with the basic care of a cat: "Complete guide to care for an adult cat".

Curiosities about cats

One of the most curious characteristics of the male cat is his penis with spicules This conformation is due to the fact that, at the end of the copulation, the cat needs to receive a stimulus for ovulation to occur. The spicules of the penis, going against the grain, achieve it.

Another curiosity about its anatomy is the tortoiseshell or tricolor layer, which can only occur in females, since the so-called red color is It is associated with the X chromosome. In addition, cats went from being revered animals, punishing anyone who dared to harm them, to being associated with pagan celebrations, so that they ended up being associated with the devil and witchcraft. Thus, in numerous places black cats were associated with bad luck.

On the other hand, the cats' resistance has spread the belief that they have nine lives. Seven is a number that is considered good luck, and it is that cats always land on their feetAlthough this statement is not entirely true, it is another curiosity of cats how they manage to straighten their body to fall well when they fall from heights.

Finally, the love of cats and their current popularity have led some cats to become mayors of their cities. An example is the famous Stubbs, alderman in a small town in Alaska, who died a couple of years ago. More curiosities in this article: "Curiosities of cats that you probably did not know".
