The Earth is full of an infinity of amazing species, each one with its own peculiarities and characteristics that make them unique and special, both physically and in terms of their skills and abilities.
Africa is a vast continent, full of plant and animal varieties that only exist on its land, from small insects to the imposing and beautiful elephant. If you want to know what the exotic animals of Africa are,keep reading this AnimalWised article.
1. Lion
The Panthera leo lives in the savannah and not in the jungle, as is commonly claimed. It is one of the largest felines on the entire planet, unmistakable thanks to its lush mane. Its existence dates back to the Pleistocene, despite the fact that today it has almost disappeared from Africa, its natural habitat, it lives only in small areas and some nature reserves.
The lion lives in packs and is a carnivore, feeding on the prey it hunts. Today it is considered an endangered species, due to the destruction of its habitat and illegal hunting.

two. Hippo
Another imposing mammal from Africa, the Hippopotamus amphibius can weigh up to 3 tons, something truly impressive. Surely you have seen images of this animal, whether in photos, in movies or even in animations, in which it is always portrayed in the water. However, it is actually a semi-aquatic mammal that feeds on plants it finds on dry land.

3. Hyena
Popularly known for a sound it emits similar to that of laughter, the Hyaenidea is a mammal that feeds on meat, whose appearance somewhat resembles dogs but also felines. It is an animal with a scavenging nature that lives mainly in Africa and Europe, eternal rival of larger felines such as the lion and the leopard.

4. Warthog
The Phacochoerus is a type of wild boar native to the African continent, especially the Sahara region, where it is able to withstand very dry climates. He is characterized by a series of warts that grow in different parts of his head. An adult can weigh up to 100 kilograms,even though it only feeds on roots and tubers.
As a fun fact, did you know that Pumbaa, from the movie The Lion King, is a warthog?

5. Elephant
The Loxodonta africana is considered the largest land animal that exists, a title it holds thanks to its 6 tons of weight. In the African savannah it can reach 50 years of age eating only plants and tree leaves. There is no predator that dares to challenge the huge elephant; however, man has taken it upon himself to target it for extermination, as a result of the illegal trade that sells this animal's large ivory tusks.
Discover all the curiosities about the elephant in our article.

6. Hoopoe
This bird is a little one among the other giants featured in this list. The Upupa epops has migratory habits, so it is not only found in Africa. Less than 50 centimeters, it is distinguished by a plume that it bears on its head, adorned with the colors of the rest of its plumage, which range from old pink to brown, with black and white areas.

7. Cobra
There are several species of cobra in Africa, but the most famous of them is the king cobra, Ophiophaqus hannah. It is an extremely dangerous reptile, which reaches almost 2 meters and is capable of raising its body to look even more intimidating against possible threats and prey alike. Its poison is lethal, since it directly attacks the nervous system, causing paralysis.

8. Ring-tailed lemur
The Lemur catta is a species of small-sized primate native to the island of Madagascar, which is currently in danger of extinction. They get their name from a Roman word that relates them to supernatural spirits.
Not only is the external appearance of the lemur peculiar, but also the the sounds it makes and the phosphorescence of its pupils are features highlights of its morphology. They are herbivores and their thumbs are opposable, allowing them to grasp objects.

9. Desert Locust
Schistocerca gregaria must have been the species that fell on Egypt as one of the seven plagues Even today it is considered a potential danger both in Africa and Asia, due to their ability to reproduce, as the swarms of locusts are capable of "attacking" and destroying entire fields of crops.

10. Goliath Frog
The Conraua goliath is the largest frog in the world, weighing up to 3 kilograms. Their ability to reproduce is also amazing, as a single frog is capable of laying a maximum of 10,000 eggs. However, the destruction of the ecosystems it inhabits, in Guinea and Cameroon, means that this species is in danger of extinction.

eleven. Ostrich
Another giant from Africa, the Struthio camelus is the largest bird on the planet With its almost 200 kilos of weight, the The ostrich is not fit to fly but it is a great runner, reaching up to 70 kilometers per hour. In addition, it faces possible attackers using only its legs, which are amazingly strong.