Fungi in guinea pigs - Symptoms and treatment

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Fungi in guinea pigs - Symptoms and treatment
Fungi in guinea pigs - Symptoms and treatment
Fungus in guinea pigs - Symptoms and treatment
Fungus in guinea pigs - Symptoms and treatment

Mycosis, also called dermatophytosis in guinea pigs or guinea pigs, and ringworm are two of the most common diseases in these small animals. The intense itching caused by these pathologies is very uncomfortable for the patient, as well as the main symptom that leads guardians to go to the veterinary clinic specializing in exotic animals. Both pathologies are caused by fungi, living beings that reproduce easily and cause skin lesions that can be more or less serious.

If your guinea pig has any of these diagnosed diseases or you suspect that it suffers from this problem, on our site we explain everything you need to know about fungal infection in guinea pigs, the most frequent types, symptoms and treatment.

Yeast symptoms in guinea pigs

This very common disease in guinea pigs is often confused with scabies, since they have some of the clinical signs in common. Therefore, it is very important that you consult a veterinarian for a correct diagnosis, since the treatment for a guinea pig with mycosis or other fungal infection is not the same as that used to treat an animal with mange.

The most common sites where fungus develops in guinea pigs are as follows:

  • Head
  • Paws
  • Back

In general, fungi causes characteristic lesions: circles on the hairless skin and sometimes swelling and scabbing. In the most severe cases, guinea pigs can develop rashes, pustules, and intense itching. In this way, if you see your guinea pig scratching excessively or scratching areas with less hair, check if it has any lesions on the skin, since it could be a fungal infection.

Once the injury has been identified, do not hesitate to go immediately to a veterinarian specialized in exotic animals, since, as we said, these signs can easily be confused with other pathologies and only the specialist will be able to confirm or deny the diagnosis.

Fungus in guinea pigs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of fungus in guinea pigs
Fungus in guinea pigs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of fungus in guinea pigs

Types of fungi in guinea pigs

There are two types of fungus that can affect guinea pigs:

  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes (the most common)
  • Microsporum canis

The main cause of a guinea pig becoming infected with these types of fungi is none other than contact with other infected guinea pigs. On the other hand, environments with poor hygiene or with an overpopulation of animals also favor the proliferation of fungi, making guinea pigs prone to the development of related diseases. In this sense, the most frequent pathologies caused by fungal infection in guinea pigs are ringworm and mycosis Both conditions present the symptoms mentioned in the previous section, and it will be the specialist who will determine which of them suffers and the treatment to follow.

Are fungi in guinea pigs transmitted to humans?

Both ringworm and mycosis have zoonotic potential, that is, can be transmitted to humansFungi are capable of surviving in the environment, so it is very important to properly clean the guinea pig's cage once it has healed. As we say, this process would not only prevent the animal from getting sick again, but also prevent any other member of the family from becoming infected.

Diagnosis of fungi in guinea pigs

Diagnosis can be made based on clinical signs, through ultraviolet light testing, cytology, and culture.

Generally, these microorganisms affect young animals, which have not yet fully developed the immune system, or in animals immunosuppressed by some disease. However, it is important to note some animals are asymptomatic (about 5-14% of guinea pigs have this problem), which means you will not be able to to observe the symptoms of fungal infection.

In he althy animals, fungal diseases in guinea pigs usually heal on their own, usually within 100 days of infection. For this reason it is so important to provide good nutrition to your guinea pig, since without proper nutrition it will not stay he althy and will not be able to fight the he alth problems it develops.

On the other hand, and although fungal pathologies are self-resolving in he althy animals, proper treatment is essential to speed up the healing process.

Fungus in guinea pigs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of fungus in guinea pigs
Fungus in guinea pigs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of fungus in guinea pigs

Treatment for fungi in guinea pigs

Upon diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe a antifungal treatment. The drugs of choice are: griseofulvin, itraconazole and fluconazole. In addition, they can take baths with antifungal shampoos and apply antifungal lotions topically.

To carry out a correct treatment for ringworm in guinea pigs or mycosis, it is essential to thoroughly disinfect the environment of the animal, since that, as we have already mentioned, fungi are transmissible between guinea pigs and humans. For this, it is necessary to do a deep cleaning of the cage and the environment in which the guinea pig is usually with agya and chlorine, for example. Thus, prepare a solution with a part of chlorine and 10 of water.
