Can GUINEA PIGS EAT TOMATOES? - Benefits and offer them

Can GUINEA PIGS EAT TOMATOES? - Benefits and offer them
Can GUINEA PIGS EAT TOMATOES? - Benefits and offer them
Can guinea pigs eat tomato?
Can guinea pigs eat tomato?

The tomato is one of the key vegetables in the Mediterranean diet. It is an ingredient that not only enriches our recipes, but also provides numerous benefits for our he alth. For this reason, guinea pig keepers often wonder if their pets can consume this food. If this is your case and you are wondering if guinea pigs can eat tomatoes,join us in the next article on our site, in which we will explain everything you need to know about tomato in the diet of guinea pigs.

Is tomato good for guinea pigs?

Before clarifying whether tomatoes are good for guinea pigs, we must make an important note about their diet. Guinea pigs are herbivorous animals whose diet should consist of three fundamental components:

  • Hay (70%).
  • Fresh food (20%).
  • I think (10%).

Within fresh food, the vast majority (75%) should be leafy vegetables (such as spinach, Swiss chard, arugula, lamb's lettuce, escarole, watercress, cabbage, collard greens, etc.). The remaining 25% must be made up of other vegetables and fruits. Within this minority percentage of fresh food, are tomatoes, since it is a food suitable for guinea pigs

Tomato has numerous nutritional properties and, moreover, does not contain any compound that is toxic to the guinea pig's body. That is why it is on the list of foods suitable for these rodents.

However, there are a series of considerations that must be taken into account so that their contribution does not entail any damage to the he alth of the guinea pigs. For this reason, we recommend that you read the following sections to find out how you can safely include this vegetable in the diet of guinea pigs.

Benefits of tomatoes for guinea pigs

Including tomato in the diet of guinea pigs can provide important he alth benefits, due to its nutritional properties:

  • They provide a moderate amount of fiber: an essential nutrient for maintaining the digestive he alth of guinea pigs.
  • Contain a significant amount of vitamin C: an essential micronutrient for guinea pigs. As in people, the guinea pig's body is not capable of synthesizing vitamin C by itself, so they must consume this vitamin through food to avoid deficiencies (scurvy). The tomato allows you to provide this vitamin naturally, without having to resort to food supplements. We tell you more about Vitamin C for guinea pigs - Importance, dosage and food in this other post.
  • They stand out for their vitamin A content: a fundamental micronutrient for the proper functioning of vision and the immune system.
  • They contain lycopenes: compounds with great antioxidant power that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Dose of tomato for guinea pigs

As we have already mentioned, tomato is a suitable vegetable for guinea pigs. However, it is not on the list of vegetables that guinea pigs should consume daily. At most, we can offer tomato twice a week. In terms of quantity, a cherry tomato or the equivalent size of a normal tomato will be more than enough for a guinea pig.

It is important to remember that guinea pigs must consume a daily portion of fresh food, which must be made up of about 5 different vegetables, although all of them in small quantities. A couple of times a week, this serving of vegetables can include a small portion of tomato.

Can guinea pigs eat tomato? - Dose of tomato for guinea pigs
Can guinea pigs eat tomato? - Dose of tomato for guinea pigs

How to give tomato to my guinea pig?

When offering this vegetable to your guinea pig, you must take into account the following recommendations:

  • The only part of the tomato plant that guinea pigs can eat is the fruit, that is, the tomato: in the leaves or branches should never be offered, as they contain solanine, a substance toxic to guinea pigs.
  • The tomato must only be provided fresh (uncooked): it must be at room temperature.
  • It is important that the tomato you offer is ripe: but not ripe.
  • You must wash it to remove any traces of contaminants or pesticides: then, you must dry it well before offering it.
  • Next, you must cut it into small pieces: that are manageable for the size of your guinea pig.
  • Finally, it is important that you remove the seeds: since they contain an inverted calcium/phosphorus ratio that contributes to the development of stones in the urinary system.

Tomato side effects for guinea pigs

Although the tomato is a suitable vegetable for guinea pigs, when it is not supplied properly it can produce some negative effects on their he alth:

  • The leaves and stems contain solanine, a toxic substance that causes: loss of appetite, depression, weakness,hypersalivation , digestive discomfort, mydriasis and bradypnea.
  • The seeds have an inverted calcium-phosphorus ratio (0.4:1): which predisposes to the development of urinary stones.
  • An excessive intake of this vegetable can cause gastrointestinal disorders such as: diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, etc.

Tomato contraindications for guinea pigs

In addition, there are certain situations in which administration can be counterproductive. The contraindications of tomato for guinea pigs are only not to offer it to those animals with food allergies or intolerances.

Some guinea pigs may not tolerate this food well. Whenever tomato is introduced into the diet of guinea pigs, it should be offered for 2-3 days in a row in small quantities and, if any negative effect on your he alth, it should be removed from the diet.
