Tigers (Panthera tigris) are native to Asia and for several years have occupied less than 10% of their historical distribution range, which is why they have been included in the red list of the International Union for the Nature Conservancy as endangered. These beautiful and striking animals belong to the Felidae family and the Panthera genus, which, along with lions, are the felids o largest felines today
Their characteristic size, in addition to other particular features, makes them some large predators within the forests where they usually live. In this article on our site, we want to present you with information regarding how tigers hunt, so we invite you to continue reading to learn more about their strategies ways to capture their prey.
Characteristics of the tiger as a predator
Tigers are currently found in the tropical forests of Asia, although previously it was also possible to find them in dry and cold ecosystems. As we mentioned, they share the largest sizes and weights of the group with the lions, however, this trait varies between each of the existing types of tigers. On the other hand, a male tiger can weigh more than 250 kilos and measure from head to tail over 3 meters, while females, which They are usually smaller, weighing less than 200 kilos, with a size of just over 2.5 meters in length.
The typical coloration of the tiger is orange, in combination with white areas, especially in the ventral part of the animal, in addition, they have stripes that go from dark brown to black. The stripe pattern is unique to each individual and females have fewer than males. There are some variations in colors, but they have nothing to do with the characteristics of a subspecies, but are due to changes at the genetic level regarding coloration.
These animals have extremely strong teeth and claws The teeth can measure up to nine centimeters depending on the species and add up to thirty in total, while the claws are retractable and reach a length of about ten centimeters and, when necessary, they sharpen them on the trunks of the trees. In addition, tigers have excellent vision and even at night they can see quite accurately. The sense of hearing, for its part, is also quite acute in these cats.
They are extremely territorial and solitary, so they do not live in packs. Generally, the territories of the males do not overlap, as this would generate confrontations, while the females can establish theirs near their mothers. They too eventually enter a male's territory, but without causing a duel.
What animals do tigers hunt?
Tigers are animals that have a exclusively carnivorous diet and in their natural habitat they feed especially on live prey, which they hunt with Lots of strength and agility. These felids have a preference for hoofed animals that are within their range expansion, however, they can spread their diet widely, especially if hungry. It is estimated that they need to kill 50 to 60 animals per year to keep them in good condition.
Depending on the size of the prey, the tiger's feeding can last several days, usually beginning by devouring the viscera and internal parts of the animal, from where it obtains an important contribution of fats, vitamins and fiber. Subsequently, it usually consumes what corresponds to bones and cartilage, from which it will also obtain proteins and minerals. After having fed properly, they generally begin a fasting period Among the various animals that a tiger can eat, we find:
- Deer of various species
- Gaur or Indian bison
- Wild Hogs
- Birds
- Fishes
- Rodents
- Amphibians
- Snakes
- Crocodiles
- Monkeys
- Boars
- Tapires
- Buffalos
- Moose
- Hyenas
- Wolves
- Bears
- Young Elephants
- Young Rhinos
- Livestock
For more information, you can consult this other article on What do tigers eat?

How do tigers hunt their prey?
Nature has endowed these felids with bodily and behavioral strategies that make them ferocious and effective hunters Tigers can hunt small prey such as a 20-kilogram deer, but they won't hesitate to attack a large gaur or bison if they get the chance. Let's see how they do it.
Tiger Hunting Strategies
When hunting, they first identify their prey, which they do ste althily and camouflaged, usually in the vegetation. They stay behind the potential victim or in a lateral position until they decide to go after her. A tiger when setting out to hunt can quickly reach 80 or 90 km/h, in addition to making jumps from about 9 meters
Once they are close to the animal, they launch themselves with their hind legs in a great jump, support their heavy and muscular body on the prey, push it and end up knocking it down. Once they have caught it, in the case of small or medium-sized animals they cut the spinal cord behind the head, but if on the contrary it is larger, they choose to slaughter it right in the throat with their powerful jaws. In all cases, tigers bring a quick death to their victims
Once it has killed its prey, it moves it to a place where it can safely eat it and, if necessary, hide the remainsto continue devouring it later. When eating, it uses its sharp claws and large teeth, thus tearing the food.
How do tigers hunt in the water?
Tigers are excellent swimmers, so they are able to attack prey in the water. However, reports indicate that in very deep waters they can be killed by large crocodiles, while in areas near the shore or on land they practically never lose a showdown.
Do tigers hunt in packs?
Tigers are solitary animals, so they neither live nor hunt in packs Because they hunt alone, when they want to hunt species large as elephants or rhinoceroses, they look for young specimens, sick or that have been left far from the herd, since, otherwise, due to their enormous size, they would be very difficult prey for tigers to shoot down.
When do tigers hunt?
Like other cats, such as lions, lions often hunt at night and can eat up to 25 kg in a single night.

Tiger Conservation Status
With human population growth, the habitats of tigers and people have overlapped, resulting in fatal accidentsof these felines towards people, generating a massive hunt for them for fear of their possible attacks.
On the other hand, the unfortunate increase in demand for their skin, bones, teeth and claws has also led to the illegal trade push for the killing of the species, ultimately placing the tiger at endangeredAs with the rest of the animals at risk, the future of these felines depends, on the one hand, on government actions and the execution of appropriate policies for their protection, in addition to the massification of educational programs that encourage respect and appreciation for animal diversity.