The tiger (Panthera tigris) is native to Asia and is considered the largest feline in the world, and can weigh up to 465 kg weight, in the case of the Siberian tiger. In the year 19 BC, it arrived in Europe in order to serve as a domestic animal and participate in Roman fights. However, the only subspecies that have managed to survive extinction are found in the Asian continent Due to poaching of these animals and the disappearance of their natural habitat, the number of tigers has been dramatically reduced. Therefore, there are more specimens of these animals in captivity than in the wild
In some Asian regions, tiger meat is consumed, since there are beliefs that it has the ability to treat some diseases and strengthen the functioning of some organs, such as the stomach or spleen. The tiger is a carnivorous animal capable of feeding on a wide variety of animals, so if you are interested in knowing what do tigers eat, don't hesitate to read this article on our place.
Tiger digestive system
Like any carnivorous animal, its digestive system is shorter than that of herbivorous animals, since meat is easier to digest. break down than plant matter.
Its mouth has big and strong teeth where its amazing fangs and meat teeth stand out. Thanks to its rough tongue, it can more easily tear meat from the bones of its prey. In addition, they have the ability to open wide, which allows them to carry out hunting. After the food is ingested, it passes through the esophagus to the stomach and intestines, where it is completely digested. They have a large stomach but incapable of digesting vegetable carbohydrates, so if they consume vegetable matter, it can cause digestive problems.
Tiger feeding
When they are born they only breastfeed and spend approximately two months drinking milk from their mothers After this period of time has elapsed, they begin to eat the meat of the prey that their mothers get them, since they have not yet learned to hunt. Once they grow up, they begin to perfect the hunting technique, which consists of ste althily approaching the prey and running to catch it when it is closest to it, as we explained in this other article on How do tigers hunt? ? In most cases, it knocks her down with her paws while strangling her by biting around her neck.
Among your favorite foods highlights:
- Deer.
- Buffalos.
- Bears.
- Beef.
- Boars.
- Elephant calves.
- Gaures.
- Foxes.
- Lynxes.
Like other wild cats, such as lions, they tend to hunt at night, consuming between 15 and 20 kg of meat approx. However, in the cases of larger tigers, they can ingest up to 50 kg Some humans are not ruled out in their diet. After eating food, they usually spend time on their personal hygiene by licking their legs. If they are unable to hunt, since it is not an easy task, they may starve to death.
To drink they go to rivers or other aquatic environments where they love to spend their time. These animals love water very much and take advantage of any time to play and bathe in it.
Do you know how many types of tigers there are? Find out in this article on Types of tigers!

Man-eating tigers
As we have already mentioned, the tiger's diet may include some humans This is mainly due to theloss of its natural habitat and its usual animal prey, which makes the tiger have to move to areas inhabited by man where it becomes la only prey that can hunt the feline.
For this reason, it is estimated that in India around 40 people die a year, although in previous years this figure was higher, reaching 1,046 dead, since there were a greater number of tigers. Currently, in some regions where the tiger lives with man, the latter has chosen to wear a mask drawn on the back of the head to scare away tigers, since these cats usually attack from behind.
If you want to know more about why tigers are in danger of extinction, we encourage you to read The Endangered Bengal Tiger - Causes and Solution.
Fun facts about tiger feeding
Once you know what tigers eat, it is also interesting to know some facts about their diet:
- They can cover around 30 kilometers in just one night in search of prey.
- Some pr those manage to kill the tiger when he tries to capture them. Others simply manage to drive it away.
- It is estimated that the tiger only succeeds in capturing its prey 1/20 hunting attempts, therefore, it is not a task easy and they don't always manage to feed.
- To track prey, they use several senses, including smell. Since on the palate they have the vomeronasal olfactory organ, they only have to open their mouths and stick out their tongues to perceive the prey.
- A 250kg tiger can drag a 1,000kg gaur.
- The subspecies Panthera tigris altaica (Siberian tiger) is the world's largest land carnivore.