Maneto Andalusian Hound - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

Maneto Andalusian Hound - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Maneto Andalusian Hound - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Andalusian Hound maneto
Andalusian Hound maneto

Small and cunning, the Andalusian Hound stands out for its vitality and strength, typical of a breed that has been specially bred for hunting rabbits in rough terrain, but can also be a companion of perfect floor. In many aspects, it resembles the medium-sized Andalusian Hound, although it has the obvious peculiarity of having remarkably short limbs in relation to the rest of its body, which does not prevent it from performing with incredible agility.

In this breed file on our site we review, among others, the characteristics of the Andalusian Hound maneto, its temperament and the recommended care if you have or are thinking of adopting this dog.

Origin of the Andalusian Hound Maneto

The Andalusian Hound, or simply Maneto, is a small dog native to the Andalusian provinces of Cádiz and Málaga Descend directly of the medium-sized Andalusian Hound, the main difference between one and the other being the length of the limbs, since the maneto suffers from achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism that affects the size of its legs. It is not known exactly when this mutation appeared, but data prior to the 20th century are not known, so the Maneto is a significantly more modern breed than its predecessor, the medium Andalusian Hound.

The characteristic morphostructure of the maneto dog became a very desirable trait for those who practiced hunting, since its robust body and short legs allowed it to move with agility through areas of difficult access where the vegetation was very dense and where other larger dogs could not pass. Thus, these little podencos began to be bred independently until, finally, the Royal Canine Society of Spain (RSCE) recognized them as a different breed from the Andalusian podenco and drew up its official standard.

Characteristics of the Andalusian Hound maneto

El maneto is a dog with a strong and robust constitution It has a longilinear (elongated) trunk, a prominent chest and someConsiderably short legs in relation to its body, which give it a height of between 30 and 36 centimeters at the withers. Despite its peculiar anatomy, the Maneto hound is a very agile and fast breed, essential qualities for small game hunting.

Like the different varieties of Andalusian Hound, the ears of the maneto are big, of medium insertion and have a triangular shape with a rounded tip. Its tail is long, curved and, when at rest, exceeds the height of the hock, almost touching the ground. As for their eyes, they are generally oval, medium in size and honey in color. It has a medium-length snout at the end of which is the nose, honey-colored or pink, which it uses to follow the trail of birds and rabbits thanks to itshighly developed sense of smell

The average weight of the adult maneto ranges between 8 and 11 kilos, so it is considered a small breed of dog.

Colors of the Andalusian Hound maneto

The coat of the coat is short and smooth, it is completely attached to its body and its length is the same on the trunk, head, tail and limbs, so it does not have fringes.

The colors accepted by the Royal Spanish Canine Society for this breed are cinnamon (from the lightest to the darkest shade) and the two-tone coat cinnamon/white No other coat color is recognized in the breed standard and, in fact, it is very rare to find Maneto Hounds with shades different from those named.

Character of the Andalusian Hound Maneto

With regard to its temperament, the Maneto stands out for being a dog of strong character, very brave and versatile It is also a breed with a certain tendency towards territoriality, so that, at times, you may feel distrust or insecurity in front of strangers, both dogs and humans, especially if you have not been properly socialized since puppyhood.

The Maneto hound is an independent dog but, at the same time, extremely faithful to its guardians and very intelligent It enjoys affection and human company and can adapt perfectly to urban life in a flat, as long as its daily needs for both physical and mental stimulation are met.

As it is a breed traditionally used for hunting, one of its most characteristic features is its vitality and physical resistance. Despite its short legs, the Maneto is a very tough and strong dog, capable of enduring long days tracking, chasing and hunting rabbits and birds in difficult terrain. As a consequence of this, it is not a suitable dog for very sedentary people or those who have little time to go for walks down the street or take walks in the countryside.

Care of the Maneto Andalusian Hound

The Maneto is a breed with a high energy requirement, so to preserve its he alth and vitality, it is essential to provide it with quality food, either with a high-end feed, with wet food or with a homemade diet or BARF. Sometimes, some type of supplementation is recommended to guarantee its bone he alth, always under veterinary recommendation. Finally, it is very important to keep good control over the amount of food you eat daily to avoid becoming overweight, a problem that can be especially dangerous in dogs with achondroplasia. We must also always leave fresh and clean water at your disposal.

Unless there is a dermatological problem, caring for your coat is quite simple. It is recommended brushing it once a week to remove dirt and dead hair, especially during shedding, and giving it a bath at least every two or three months using a specific shampoo for short-haired dogs and drying it well afterwards to prevent its skin from getting wet.

It is necessary to take him for a walk two or three times a day for exercise, even if you live in a house with land or a garden, and provide him with enough stimulationto avoid getting bored and developing behavior problems. We can do the latter, for example, by offering him daily interactive fillable toys, hiding food in the grass or on a carpet to encourage the use of his sense of smell. Do not miss the following article on Environmental enrichment in dogs to learn more ways to stimulate your dog.

Education of the Andalusian Hound maneto

As with other breeds, it is important not to separate the Maneto Hound from its mother and her siblings until they are at least two months old. Once integrated into his new family, we will begin his socialization process, exposing him little by little to different types of stimuli (people, other animals, vehicles, noises, etc.) to prevent you from developing fears or phobias in the future. At the same time, we can patiently begin to teach him some basic guidelines, such as to relieve himself in the right place, to inhibit bite when playing with us or walk on a leash without constantly pulling.

As it grows, the handle will improve its attention span and concentration and will easily learn simple or complex tricks and skills through reinforcement positive. Performing small training sessions frequently can be very beneficial, as it stimulates him on a mental level and strengthens our bond with him. For more details, do not miss the following article: "How to train a puppy?".

Another thing to keep in mind when training a podenco maneto is that they are dogs with a great hunting instinct, so it is easy for them to run after smaller animals such as rabbits or cats, which could complicate their coexistence with them if this aspect is not worked on. In addition, and for this same reason, if we intend to release the dog occasionally to walk in the field or in the park, it is essential to train very well the exercise of the callto avoid getting lost or suffering an accident following a trail.

He alth of the Andalusian Hound Maneto

The Andalusian Hound is a dog that, in general, is in very good he alth and has a long life expectancy, with the average between 13 and 15 yearsDue to their special morphology, we must pay special attention to preserving their bone and joint he alth, following the recommendations of the veterinarian.

Being a dog historically associated with hunting and country life, it runs the risk of contracting diseases transmitted by fleas, ticks or mosquitoes, as is the case withLeishmaniasis , an endemic parasitic pathology in Spain that is spread through the bite of a mosquito that abounds in warm and humid areas: the sandfly. It is essential to prevent these diseases by carrying out proper deworming, both internally and externally, and, in the case of Leishmaniasis, vaccinating our dog once a year.

Of course, it is essential to comply with the vaccination schedule prescribed by the veterinarian and carry out at least one complete annual check-up, especially in the case of senior dogs (over seven years of age) to be able to detect any condition early.

Where to adopt a Andalusian Hound?

The maneto is not a well-known dog at a national level, but it is in Andalusia, especially in the areas of Cádiz and Málaga, where this breed is highly valued. However, due to the fact that this dog is usually used on many occasions for hunting, it is also common that, once the season is over, some people decide to abandon it to its fate. From our site we support responsible adoption and we encourage you to get in touch with animal protectors and evaluate this option before buying, because, unfortunately, many handlers wait find a family in shelters and kennels, especially in the Costa del Sol area. We can also contact animal associations that are dedicated to collecting and looking for a forever home to dogs that have been used for hunting and subsequently abandoned, especially podencos and greyhounds, including the maneto.
